LulzSec hacked by Team Posion


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
xeed said:
Yeh, who needs the FDA! Or the DoA! The feds shouldn't be regulating what goes into my body!
The FDA and DoA are law enforcement agencies...
Yes. But they are regulators who enforce the law. Almost all government agencies are a form of "law enforcement"
xeed said:
Shock and Awe said:
xeed said:
Atmos Duality said:
ultrachicken said:
I highly doubt this is legitimate.
Hmm. It is dubious, but at the same time hacker groups get into one-upsmanship contests quite frequently. Attacking a publicly "successful" group like Lulzsec and exposing them as script kiddies is just business as usual (only, more public).

xeed said:
I think you misunderstand what I mean when I say the CIA is against us. They aren't directly attacking Americans (unless they have legitimate reason to think they're a terrorist threat), but the operations they conduct I can say with 100% certainty include misinformation and false flags to keep Americans in check and to keep those in power above popular hatred.

I don't care if people lose jobs. That's good. The more the system collapses the more people will realize the system is absolute garbage.
A pragmatic black ops security agency hides its activity from the public?

And Pray-tell what system WOULD work? All human organizations are susceptible to corruption, and is in fact, expected. Even if we revolted and started a new government tomorrow, corruption would reform along with the new order established. It's human nature, and it cannot be prevented; only treated.
Which is why the only system that would work with the least amount of corruption and abuse is a lack of a system.

If you think that wouldn't work I'll direct you to open source projects, which often work brilliantly.

(Got to use this twice in a day!)

Seriously, comparing an anarchistic state covering an entire country to an open source project is as ridiculous as comparing apples to chickens. Its both silly, and kind of funny.
Why do you think it would be any different? It would operate under direct democracy on a regional scale (eg, the "blueprint" of society being completely open to individual contribution)
So we would be a set of city states who get to decide what we wish to contribute? Because that's what I'm reading here mate. And that sounds crazy. You are not just comparing apple to chickens, you are comparing handguns to antimater.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
CM156 said:
xeed said:
CM156 said:
xeed said:
Atmos Duality said:
ultrachicken said:
I highly doubt this is legitimate.
Hmm. It is dubious, but at the same time hacker groups get into one-upsmanship contests quite frequently. Attacking a publicly "successful" group like Lulzsec and exposing them as script kiddies is just business as usual (only, more public).

xeed said:
I think you misunderstand what I mean when I say the CIA is against us. They aren't directly attacking Americans (unless they have legitimate reason to think they're a terrorist threat), but the operations they conduct I can say with 100% certainty include misinformation and false flags to keep Americans in check and to keep those in power above popular hatred.

I don't care if people lose jobs. That's good. The more the system collapses the more people will realize the system is absolute garbage.
A pragmatic black ops security agency hides its activity from the public?

And Pray-tell what system WOULD work? All human organizations are susceptible to corruption, and is in fact, expected. Even if we revolted and started a new government tomorrow, corruption would reform along with the new order established. It's human nature, and it cannot be prevented; only treated.
Which is why the only system that would work with the least amount of corruption and abuse is a lack of a system.

If you think that wouldn't work I'll direct you to open source projects, which often work brilliantly.
Wait, are you saying that open source projects are something to base a system of government and economics around? Really?

OT: Again, eff these hackers. Take down LulzSec
No, not a system of "government", a system that operates WITHOUT a government that operates with direct democracy and regional cooperation. Law enforcement, military and intelligence agencies would be the only exceptions. Literally every other government agency is a pile of unneeded garbage.
Yeh, who needs the FDA! Or the DoA! The feds shouldn't be regulating what goes into my body!

Also, you say that military and intelligence agencies would be exempt. Didn't you say
What's wrong with you fucking idiots? Are you so butthurt by a few anons ddosing the escapist that you honestly think Lulzsec's targets don't have every bit of what they get coming to them?

Oh god, those poor companies losing millions (while still netting billions in profit)! That poor CIA, which keeps secrets for a REASON! The government is our best friend guys, the CIA would never plot against us!

You all need to have a serious reality check

I'm no fan of government, but we need it to exist. Unless you are an anarchist.
Also, anarchy is the purest form of tyranny. The few enjoy their so-called "freedom" while the rest huddle in corners in fear.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008

I believe this is an appropriate theme. It was inevitable, wasn't it? That all the dumbasses would get theirs? Oh yes, of course, and all those who follow...


New member
Jan 31, 2011
xeed said:
Also corporations are driven 100% by profit, and money is evil; therefore corporations are evil.
well, you missed the most important part. the proverb goes : "for the LOVE of money is the ROOT of all kinds of evil" (emphasis added). point being that profit in and of itself isn't evil.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
Yes. But they are regulators who enforce the law. Almost all government agencies are a form of "law enforcement"
And tell me, if society was fully privatized, you don't believe functions necessary to our health like that would be carried out by someone?

And by law enforcement I mean enforcement of laws that are necessary to protecting our rights to property, life (which includes get this HEALTH!!!), and the pursuit of happiness. Absolutely everything else is excess.

So we would be a set of city states who get to decide what we wish to contribute? Because that's what I'm reading here mate. And that sounds crazy. You are not just comparing apple to chickens, you are comparing handguns to antimater.
How is that crazy? If some bad decision is made society will not collapse. The mistake will be seen, told and rectified.

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
xeed said:
Mob rule is only bad if it can wield its power on a large, military scale. There would be experimentation, and the societal functions that work best would be adopted by most.
No they wouldn't, the ones that are most popular would be adopted. If that was how we did it, women wouldn't be allowed to vote, gays couldn't get married anywhere, we would still have segregation, ect. The best way a government can function for the good of everyone is if it is a republican model with a constitution of some sort to keep some things from changing easily.

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
Prepare for trouble
Make it double!
To protect the consumer from infestation
To unite the internet in our devastation
To denounce the evils of boat and lulz
To extend our reach far above!
Team poison is here to attack so, Lulzsec prepared to get hack.

I'm done for the day


New member
Jun 23, 2011
aashell13 said:
xeed said:
Also corporations are driven 100% by profit, and money is evil; therefore corporations are evil.
well, you missed the most important part. the proverb goes : "for the LOVE of money is the ROOT of all kinds of evil" (emphasis added). point being that profit in and of itself isn't evil.
I contend that the very fact that we still have people starving and dying of thirst is proof that profit, or a system that holds profit as the most important thing to society, is evil.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I hope Anonymous and a few other hacking groups get involved, then we can have an all out hack war IN SPACE, while I sit in the background and play this song, just to make it all more epic:
Cthulhu Saves the World has such awesome music...
And it's not just because my childhood is taking over and I'm envisioning these two new hackers as a slightly less campy Team Rocket that makes this epic.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Hackers have been hacked. Oh jeez. Someone call Xzibit.
All seriousness, though, it's about time someone did something... if someone did actually do something and this isn't just a rumor.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2009
J4RD said:
Finally. I hope Anon joins in on this. Moral of this story: just because you can, doesn't mean it's funny.

I beg to differ, and so does Mr. Kelso.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
Shock and Awe said:
xeed said:
Mob rule is only bad if it can wield its power on a large, military scale. There would be experimentation, and the societal functions that work best would be adopted by most.
No they wouldn't, the ones that are most popular would be adopted. If that was how we did it, women wouldn't be allowed to vote, gays couldn't get married anywhere, we would still have segregation, ect. The best way a government can function for the good of everyone is if it is a republican model with a constitution of some sort to keep some things from changing easily.
If that was how we did it with an uneducated populace, that's what would happen.

In modern times people are far less gullible than ever before. We have an open information source (the internet). That's all you need for direct democracy to work.

By the way, women voting and gays marrying and lack of segregation would be constitutional.

I'm not saying we throw out the baseline law of the land, which is what protects our right to life, property, and pursuit of happiness.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
How about all of the hackers just go and hack each other and leave the rest of us alone? Seriously, reading their statement is like watching hipsters fight over who is wearing the more ironic t-shirt. It's so maddeningly stupid. The hilarious part is that some of these people act like what they do matters in any significant way.

Sure, occasionally these groups do something relevant like taking down PSN. But the rest of the time all it amounts to is taking down a website's homepage for a day, something which no one remembers even a month later.

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
Oh great...a hack war...

I hope they keep hacking each other instead of hacking the rest of the Internet as proof of who "is better".

Viking Incognito

Master Headsplitter
Nov 8, 2009

FINALLY! Those assholes had it coming to them, and I was getting sick of their bullshit "We are like the joker but on the internet! We are so cool!" persona because they were more like a kid on the playground who somehow got his hands on a large stick and was smacking the other kids with it. Plus, I am picturing these two other guys as like Daft Punk if they were hackers. Essentially techno Batmans.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2009
Dr. wonderful said:
Prepare for trouble
Make it double!
To protect the consumer from infestation
To unite the internet in our devastation
To denounce the evils of boat and lulz
To extend our reach far above!
Team poison is here to attack so, Lulzsec prepared to get hack.

I'm done for the day
You win the internets, sir. I have officially nostalgia'd all over my screen.