MacBooks: How I became jelly


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
The normal Mac Books have a decent repair-ability score according to [a href=""]iFixit[/a]. The Retina ones are [a href=""]nigh unfixable[/a].

[a href=""]Mac OSX is incredibly insecure[/a].

[a href=""]OSX is 10 years behind Windows in terms of security[/a].

[a href=""]Macs get viruses[/a], [a href=""]and a lot of them[/a], [a href=""]you just don't see them because you've been convinced to not get AV software[/a].

[a href=""]I'd have said that at least their build quality are good, but this is in contention, right now.[/a]

[a href=""]The Steam library for Mac is still utter shite, even after 18 months.[/a]

[a href=""]Adobe Master Collection[/a] is available for both Mac and Windows, in equal measure and capability. I'm assuming you're even thinking of getting a Mac because you're in the creative business? Because there is no other reason to get one save for this. Even then, most software used in the creative industries are now cross platform, save for some stuff in the music industry. Why pay more for the same functionality?

I find the UI infuriating, nothing is in a logical place. It's in an "Apple" place. The only saving grace are the trackpad gestures.

In summary, you're paying a lot of money for a laptop that will primarily serve as a piece of bling. If that's your thing, then great. If you're wanting functionality that isn't unnecessarily killing your wallet, then laptops by other OEM's like Asus and Samsung are still the way to go (and they have nice design, too). If you're worried about bloatware, then just wipe the HDD and re-install Windows. It's not hard.

The fact that you're attributing a fast boot up time to "bloatware", and that a major selling point is a freaking light, are indicators that you're not particularly educated in the ways of the laptop. For the record, OSX's boot priorities are different to Windows', because they are two completely different OS' that operate in vastly different ways. OSX has the luxury of being able to focus on fast boot times, because it's not designed for potentially billions of hardware combinations that Windows is. So the developers have the time to really drill down and nail a quick boot sequence, alongside optimum file structure loading on log on. Windows must, and has been designed to, account for billions of hardware combinations, so excuse it if it doesn't load quite as quick because the developers have had to iron out compatibility issues instead of having the luxury of nailing down one tiny aspect of the OS design (but then again, a SSD solves all these problems). Windows is a far more advanced piece of software than OSX ever will be, for this reason alone, the fact it exists and works as it does is a damn miracle. Making an OS for, what, 20 (at most) different hardware combinations is easy when compared.

I understand that OEM's put a lot of their own shitty software on there, which is why I say to re-install Windows fresh. It's not hard, and perfectly legal.

Sorry, this came out as a bit of a rant, but I just don't want to see another person fall to Apple's marketing.

EDIT: I read the OP wrong, it doesn't have "a light", rather, "it's light". In response to that, you clearly haven't picked up one of the latest Ultrabooks, like the Asus Zenbook or the Samsung Series 9. You want light, you get them.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
It's a decent computer, and I've been able to do a decent amount of stuff with mine, but if you want a good gaming computer stay the fuck away. From an incomplete keyboard(gaming-wise) to the lack of games on the system, it just isn't very good for a gaming computer. It isn't too bad on some other fronts, but if you want to do anything more advanced than photo editing and internet browsing you have to buy very specialized software for it, and that shit's hella-expensive.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Griffolion said:
[a href=""]Adobe Master Collection[/a] is available for both Mac and Windows, in equal measure and capability. I'm assuming you're even thinking of getting a Mac because you're in the creative business? Because there is no other reason to get one save for this. Even then, most software used in the creative industries are now cross platform, save for some stuff in the music industry. Why pay more for the same functionality?
just out of interest what makes macs better for creative stuff?


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
Vault101 said:
Today? Nothing. That was my point. Put a Mac tower alongside a modern, equivalently priced, custom built Windows machine for the purpose of video rendering, and set off a render. The Windows machine will win, every single time. Better GPU utilisation, alongside the fact that the price will have allowed for far more advanced hardware, means that Mac's just aren't worth it anymore.

I have some friends in the creative industries, they all have Macs. I made this point to them. Saying that the Adobe suite is now cross-platform, and can be used on Windows laptops available at half the price. They all said the same thing, and it went a little something like this:

"If I went into any client or colleague meeting, and brought out a Windows laptop instead of a Mac, I'd be laughed right out of the industry."

It's a social stigma thing, that's the only reason why many will remain with Mac's in the creative industry. The only industry where you do need to still have a Mac is the music industry. The reason being that Pro Tools, the industry standard in music production, is Mac exclusive. It's Mac exclusive because Mac OS have a decent set of native drivers for MIDI interfaces, which, for some reason, is still the industry standard interface even after like 25 years. Windows has some, but they are third party and very unstable.
Dec 14, 2009
If you ain't in a creative business, there's really no need to own a mac, and even then, Adobe Suite is now cross platform.

They appeal to the magpies of our society, who care more about how sleek and shiny the thing is, rather than how much they're being ripped off over a brand name.


New member
Nov 3, 2011
How did you become jelly? Did you change the atoms in your body? I really do want a response to this


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Griffolion said:
Saying that the Adobe suite is now cross-platform, and can be used on Windows laptops available at half the price.
how long has this been the case?

[quote/][b/]"If I went into any client or colleague meeting, and brought out a Windows laptop instead of a Mac, I'd be laughed right out of the industry."[/b][/quote]
...that almost makes me want to cry

no seriously is everybody in the creative industries a fucking idiot???!!! ok...ok no obviously not but WHAT?? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK???? fuuuuuck


this is an injustice! this is fucking insane!! this is bullshit I...I....



I honestly dont get it, its not that just disturbs me its just that ones choice in laptop can mean so much, I mean fuck it were it me I wouldnt put up with that shit...I'd use my windows and tell people to stick it if they had a problem I'm mad :(


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
Vault101 said:
how long has this been the case?
A number of years now.

Vault101 said:
no seriously is everybody in the creative industries a fucking idiot???!!! ok...ok no obviously not but WHAT?? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK???? fuuuuuck


this is an injustice! this is fucking insane!! this is bullshit I...I....



I honestly dont get it, its not that just disturbs me its just that ones choice in laptop can mean so much, I mean fuck it were it me I wouldnt put up with that shit...I'd use my windows and tell people to stick it if they had a problem I'm mad :(
Indeed, this is why my original response in this thread sounded a lot like a rant.

I understand, there was a time when Macs were more conducive to this type of work. The time of Windows XP and all that. The lines were clear cut, Windows was enterprise and in the home, Mac was the creative business. But Windows 7 (and Vista, since 7 and Vista run off more or less the same kernel) blurred the lines, and enabled the creative business to come to both platforms. Adobe saw this, and developed for Windows a while ago. Same with many other creative applications.

It's just one of those things. Macs became so ingrained in the creative industry, that they are seeing continued use despite the cross-platform paradigm that's come in in the last few years. People still get them out of instinct and "that's what I need to do" to make it in the industry. It's like the mark you have to bear for being part of it, have a Mac.

And of course the only other type of people who want Macs are those under the delusions of "they are easier to use", "they don't get viruses", and "they look nice".


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Chrono212 said:

However, it is not mine. It belongs to someone else and my housemate is setting it up for them. They've very kindly let me mess around with it until they can give it back.[/QUOTE]
Firstly, what does Jelly mean?

You've gone wobbly?

Re: Macs. Buy a £400 intel laptop and buy £120 SSD, clone the OS across to the SSD. Congratulations, you now have a faster laptop than that Mac for half the price.​


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I love my shiny shiny mac. I love macs because they are so easy to use. I am somewhat of a technophobe and not very good with computers, but at the same time I work in research so I cannot avoid them.

I would probably like a PC if I was more competent though.

Also, I think that a mac is better for work, and a PC for play.

I say save up your pennies and get one. Macs supposedly last a long time (2 years and still going strong, no problems) so the high cost can balance out over the years that it is used.


Fluttershy has a mean K:DR
May 19, 2009
fix-the-spade said:
Chrono212 said:

However, it is not mine. It belongs to someone else and my housemate is setting it up for them. They've very kindly let me mess around with it until they can give it back.[/QUOTE]
Firstly, what does Jelly mean?

You've gone wobbly?

Re: Macs. Buy a £400 intel laptop and buy £120 SSD, clone the OS across to the SSD. Congratulations, you now have a faster laptop than that Mac for half the price.[/quote]Because [s]gelous[/s] [s]gelouse[/s] [s]jellose[/s] jealousy is such a stupidly difficult word to spell. Hence, jelly.

Also, modifying laptops? aintnobodygottimefodat.jpg​


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Vault101 said:
Griffolion said:
Saying that the Adobe suite is now cross-platform, and can be used on Windows laptops available at half the price.
how long has this been the case?
Adobe products have been cross platform for at least 15 years.

[quote/][b/]"If I went into any client or colleague meeting, and brought out a Windows laptop instead of a Mac, I'd be laughed right out of the industry."[/b]
...that almost makes me want to cry

no seriously is everybody in the creative industries a fucking idiot???!!! ok...ok no obviously not but WHAT??[/quote]

It all goes back to the late 80s/early 90s when Apple computers were really the 'only' choice for creative industries to use (fuck them, Amiga 4 Life!) unless they wanted to invest major funds into graphics workstations. With that in place, it was only 'logical' that Apples were what people we taught to use if they wanted to get into those industries... Of course, once that started it began a cycle; the industry used Apple so people learned on Apple so the industry continued using Apple so people continued learning on Apple ad nauseum, until it became axiomatic that Apple was the only choice for the creative industries (excluding 3D work. Apple never really got a toe in on that). With their heads firmly planted in their arses, all these people ignored the massive leaps made hardware and software for x86 based systems (windows machines) in the early and mid 90s that made them functionally equal to Apple's offerings and at a much lower price point.

So now it's a matter of Industry Inertia more than anything else that keeps Macs are 'the computer for creative industries'.

edit: actually, Macs used to have one massive advantage for professionals working in visual media - Mac monitors used to be much, much easier to calibrate to match standard printing inks.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Vault101 said:
no seriously is everybody in the creative industries a fucking idiot???!!! ok...ok no obviously not but WHAT?? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK???? fuuuuuck
Relax dude. The only people I've met in 'the creative industries' who still use Macs are graphic designers and hipsters pretending to be artists.

If you're working 3-D, be it industrial, modelling or animation, you're using a PC. A lot of software now doesn't even come in Mac compatible versions. Not to mention that Apple hardware is useless, they're still selling two generation old Xeons and HD57xx graphics cards as the fastest computers in the world.

All the video editors I know use PCs, massive and cheap RAM availability killed off their love of Macs years ago.

Photo editing? Still some hold outs, but I've not used a Mac since University.

Graphic designers like them because clients like them, that and the streamlined interface fits well with their streamlined thought process...


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
Chrono212 said:
To the contrary, plenty of people have time for that. And, it's also a very good practice to do as it can add value to your laptop for an extended period of time. Hence why the repair-ability and upgrade-ability of a laptop are such big factors in people's buying decisions. The person you quoted made a good point.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Chrono212 said:
I don't have time.
£500 please! :D
No, it's mine!

I'm going to play on a bitchin' weekend away, and you can't stop me because you're Jelly!

(insert maniacal laughter)


Fluttershy has a mean K:DR
May 19, 2009
Griffolion said:
Chrono212 said:
To the contrary, plenty of people have time for that. And, it's also a very good practice to do as it can add value to your laptop for an extended period of time. Hence why the repair-ability and upgrade-ability of a laptop are such big factors in people's buying decisions. The person you quoted made a good point.
I've had 4 laptops/netbooks in the last 12 years, none of which I've had the time, patience or skill to modify in any way.
Had it gone wrong I would have been in serious trouble.


New member
Nov 12, 2010
I own both.

As a graphic designer, OSX wins by a landslide.

As a gamer, PC wins.

If money isn't a thing, and you're using it for general use, get a macbook. It's better than any non-gaming laptop that I've ever encountered.