Major Nelson Says It's Time To End The Hate

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Unless these brand new consoles are going to end this absurd cycle of complete creative bankruptcy that's plagued the mainstream gaming market for the better part of the last 6 years, then no, I'm not going to stop "hating" (that is, not buying a product for the purpose of self-inclusion in whatever happy circle-jerk MR. Nelson has imagined here. I have -some- standards.)

DarkhoIlow said:
It's a bit ironic that Microsoft main PR guy starts saying "we should all get along guys!" after everything that has happened since the X1 was announced up until now (way too many to list).

I'll just stick on the sidelines as usual as a PC gamer and see this war unfold and continue until consoles will no longer exist and laughing for trying so hard to make their console reach standards of 4-5 years ago.

*flame shield on*
I'll join you on those sidelines. *adds to flame shield phalanx*
After the duplicity of the Xbone reveal and some self reflection, I'm perfectly fine not owning another console ever again.

It's impossible for me to take MR Nelson seriously as any sort of "voice of reason" when not even a year ago his own company was eager to bury the consumer in shady market-control bullshit.


Feb 9, 2010
thewatergamer said:
Uhhhhh sorry nelson this is the world, and your console lost
The PS4 and Xbox One have been out for about 2 months.A bit early to be declaring a loser don't you think


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Until Microsoft stops hating on PC gamers, Larry Hyrb can go stuff it. Seriously, it's like Microsoft refuses to acknowledge we exist after Games for Windows Live failed.


New member
Nov 29, 2013
GundamSentinel said:
*ignores own cynicism*

Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy competition, in any market. Honestly, I would have been disappointed had the Xbox One crashed and burned, even though I wouldn't buy one in a million years. One company getting too large a share of the market wouldn't benefit the consumer in the long run.
"One company getting too large a share of the market wouldn't benefit the consumer in the long run." That's exactly what most PlayStation fans want to happen. And for that matter, this same thing happened with Valve. They OWN gaming on PCs.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Zhukov said:
Oh, I don't hate you mate.

I just don't intend to buy anything from you any time soon.
Pretty much this. I do hate what they wanted to do, though. And I'm not convinced they won't patch that back in at some point. A buddy of mine wants to wait at least a year for an Xbox One, for that very reason.

Also, Playstation has the games I am interested in and PS+ is worth it's weight in gold.

FalloutJack said:
Well, that's one rather interesting opinion, sir. Can I get Mike Nelson on the phone, see what he thinks?


*World blows up!*
When in doubt, MST3K has all the answers. And even when it doesn't, you still profit. Because MST3K!

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
GAunderrated said:
This oddly strikes similar to candidates during election where before election day they trash and mud sling their opponents but once elections are done they want everyone to stop the pre-election aggression they started.
I'm reminded of when John McCain found himself having to backtrack because suddenly you had people shouting "kill him!" about Barack Obama and insisting that he was a Muslim terrorist or whatever.

Granted, I'm not sure anyone in the Microsoft camp has actually called for the death of Jack Tretton or anything like that, but still, your comparison seems pretty dead on.

Simalacrum said:
Andy Chalk said:
and consumers have choice."
Well... he says that... it isn't much of a choice either way. Both consoles are almost identical to one another.
and the political comparisons don't stop there.

But anyway....

canadamus_prime said:
That's a lovely sentiment, but asking people to stop hating on the Internet is like asking a fish to stop swimming.
I think, like most political sentiments, this one is more a token consideration rather than any serious attempt. They court rabid fanboyism. Larry Hryb seems nicer than some, so maybe he somewhat means it, but he's still a corporate mouthpiece for a company that benefits from this fanboy rage, so I'm somewhat skeptical.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
I'm looking forward to a statement from Microsoft.
"We do not agree with Major Nelson's statements, we prefer it when idiot fanboys froth at the mouth and battle endlessly in internet forums, so we've crucified him in front of our corporate headquarters. Please do not give him any water, he knows what he did."


New member
Oct 22, 2008
If he doesn't want us to hate him so much, then he and microsoft should stop breaking wil wheaton's first law.
Sep 24, 2008
But what if this isn't fanboyism?

What if this is just actual hate because of your products, your marketing, and your customer tactics? Over your treatment of your customers, people who bought your products, and then afterwards you say 'Ok, I know what you bought our product for... but we don't want to support that any more. And not only do we not want to support that, we don't want you to even access it any more even though we don't really have anything to do with it once you downloaded it?'

What if it's the choices that you continually make that makes me feel what you're selling I want nothing to do with, even if I was a loyal customer (even with 4 xbox 360's that all RRoD'ed) before? Hey, you guys! Remember when Xbox had so much faith in their product that they would take back any Xbox 360 that RRoD'ed? And do you remember how many friends you made when you stood online at Best Buy and at least three other people at the time held their own 360's in their hands? Grand times. But you remember how quickly it took for Microsoft to change that policy because they were honestly losing money hand over fist? And then they just decided it would be better if we all just bought new ones when they broke? Great Tactic! If you have a shitty product... say tough shit, buy a new one! I love it!

Hate is Earned, Microsoft. As a customer that doesn't have a lot of money, I will do what I can to make sure other people don't get burned by your practices.


New member
Aug 4, 2012
MetalDooley said:
thewatergamer said:
Uhhhhh sorry nelson this is the world, and your console lost
The PS4 and Xbox One have been out for about 2 months.A bit early to be declaring a loser don't you think
Sure but right now comparing the 2 PS4 has more sales, (even though I think the Wii-U did better than either)

don't really care about console wars, I just hate all the whining major nelson has done lately


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Does anyone realize what this thread sounds like? Because it sounds like someone's little brother saying "he started it" after getting in trouble for a fight.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Ah, console hate. i found an image recently that puts the console war in perspective.

Besides, its not like either option is desirable right now. Yes, they should make peace, unite thier forces and make an actually good console instead.

Arnoxthe1 said:
You know, I don't know why people even game anymore if they're just going to be cynical about everything.
Maybe it would shed it some light if you would think why are they cynical about everything. Perhaps let me suggest you that they are cynical about it since all the options are getting worse and worse?


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Strazdas said:
Arnoxthe1 said:
You know, I don't know why people even game anymore if they're just going to be cynical about everything.
Maybe it would shed it some light if you would think why are they cynical about everything. Perhaps let me suggest you that they are cynical about it since all the options are getting worse and worse?
That's what you've been told. The problem is, nobody can see past the bad games. They don't see The Last of Us or AC: Black Flag, or perhaps even Saint's Row 4. All they seem to see is Battlefield 4, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and SimCity. There's a bunch of really great new IP's in development for both the PS4 and One, but I never hear anyone talking about them. I just see people slinging mud at Microsoft because of a CONTROLLER of all things.

Speaking of which, I used to like Yahtzee back in the day. Still do sometimes. But nowadays, people will just accept all his blatant cynicism as word of God. I liked it a lot better when we all used to watch his shows for a funny, if sometimes true, opinion on a game...

So, you know what? If you want to be cynical, go ahead. I'm just telling you and everyone else that the constant habit of negativity will suck the enjoyment out of gaming for you. It almost did for me.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
But isn't Major Nelson th eone we are mainly hating on? Regardless of which console we like? He's not allowed a voice in this. He's just supposed to sit there and get pilloried.


Aug 3, 2008
Microsoft needs to work on improving their marketing before they start saying stuff like this. The poorly executed adverts they've released have just made me want to buy a PS4 even more instead because I feel like Microsoft have just put a bunch of 12 year olds in charge of advertising the Xbone.

I agree though, people should stop getting worked up about what console others play on and challenge that passion into something else.
It will never happen, people will always find something to whip out and argue over. ;;