Major Nelson Says It's Time To End The Hate


Resident Furry Pimp
May 8, 2011
Am I the only one who finds this ass-backwards coming from a Microsoft Rep?

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate MS, but with their track record, enjoying competition is not exactly in their skillset.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Arnoxthe1 said:
Strazdas said:
Arnoxthe1 said:
You know, I don't know why people even game anymore if they're just going to be cynical about everything.
Maybe it would shed it some light if you would think why are they cynical about everything. Perhaps let me suggest you that they are cynical about it since all the options are getting worse and worse?
That's what you've been told. The problem is, nobody can see past the bad games. They don't see The Last of Us or AC: Black Flag, or perhaps even Saint's Row 4. All they seem to see is Battlefield 4, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and SimCity. There's a bunch of really great new IP's in development for both the PS4 and One, but I never hear anyone talking about them. I just see people slinging mud at Microsoft because of a CONTROLLER of all things.

So, you know what? If you want to be cynical, go ahead. I'm just telling you and everyone else that the constant habit of negativity will suck the enjoyment out of gaming for you. It almost did for me.
I wasnt talking about games, but about systems. Nintendo went on a weird phase and i havent bothered with it since the Wii. i dont want your milking of same franchises and gimmicks.
Meanwhile PS4 and Xbox One have all turned into the bad parts of PC gaming without any of the good parts to it. They are essentially a PC built in 2008 with an OS that allows MS or Sony control your gaming. Your better off with a PC gaming than anything else these days, and even then you keep getting forced into DRM. now it became very hard to find a game that doesnt force you to use DRM like Steam, U(dont)play or Origin. Gaming, as a whole, is getting worse and worse, and that has nothing to do with actual games.
So yes, i will be cynical, because i still remmeber back when you could put in the disc install the game and play it.

Maybe thats why i stick to MMOs a lot nowadays, at least these games dont force you to use anything else but their own mechanics.

Oh and i watch yatzee for the funnies, not to hate a game. however to be honest when he talks about games i played i cant contradict him, because like it or not he is correct most of the time.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Always funny and pathetic when the loser goes "why can't we be friends?" after getting their ass soundly and very deservedly kicked.

We feel sorry for people with Xbones.
What we hate is Microsoft for being colossal douchebags.
I still feel sorry for the people who owned a 360 and endured the everlasting BS of the RROD debacle, and getting nickle and dimed for all manner of things that should be free.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg where Microsoft is concerned.

They can go to hell.
War is on, and the hate shall flow until they EARN a cessation, not "until they ask nicely".


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Hey, there wasn't nearly as much 'hate' towards the Xbone before it's anti-consumer bullshit features were announced.

Jasper van Heycop said:
Valve has some competition, though its just as shit as they are. There's the terrible Origin and the even worse U(dont)play
How is Valve/Steam shit? I agree that Origin and Uplay are atrocious, but Steam's good. I can't think of anything other than the trading cards, the nature of the service being that you don't have the games independant of it afterwards and some aspects of Greenlight that I don't like.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Steam is great. I'd waaaaay rather have it than not.

Uplay isn't nearly as bad as Origin.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Strazdas said:
I wasnt talking about games, but about systems. Nintendo went on a weird phase and i havent bothered with it since the Wii. i dont want your milking of same franchises and gimmicks.
Meanwhile PS4 and Xbox One have all turned into the bad parts of PC gaming without any of the good parts to it. They are essentially a PC built in 2008 with an OS that allows MS or Sony control your gaming. Your better off with a PC gaming than anything else these days, and even then you keep getting forced into DRM. now it became very hard to find a game that doesnt force you to use DRM like Steam, U(dont)play or Origin. Gaming, as a whole, is getting worse and worse, and that has nothing to do with actual games.
Dude, the problems you're describing have been with console gaming ever since its inception. Actually, it was worse back then of course. All you could do was play specific games with a specific controller and that was IT. No modding, no music functionality, no nothing. Just games on a small cartridge that the publishers and the system makers agreed to. The ONLY thing that gaming was good for over the PC was couch co-op/vs., but even that advantage quickly started to lose some of its luster as PC's began to have internet access.

So no, console gaming hasn't been getting bad. In fact, it's getting better than it was every day. But maybe you want to go back to terrible graphics, stripped down gameplay, and absolutely no side features whatsoever. I don't know. You tell me.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Arnoxthe1 said:
Dude, the problems you're describing have been with console gaming ever since its inception. Actually, it was worse back then of course. All you could do was play specific games with a specific controller and that was IT. No modding, no music functionality, no nothing. Just games on a small cartridge that the publishers and the system makers agreed to. The ONLY thing that gaming was good for over the PC was couch co-op/vs., but even that advantage quickly started to lose some of its luster as PC's began to have internet access.

So no, console gaming hasn't been getting bad. In fact, it's getting better than it was every day. But maybe you want to go back to terrible graphics, stripped down gameplay, and absolutely no side features whatsoever. I don't know. You tell me.
Yes, but back then consoles had console benefits. like plugging it in and playing. working instantly. no BSOD, installs, patches, ect. Modern consoles got all the downsides of PC gaming, but no upsides of PC gaming. Meanwhile they got no upsides of console gaming either anymore.
And that will become blatantly obviuos once cell phones catch up. the new Tegra cpus are more pwoerful than the last gen consoles, and considering Xbox One has even SLOWER processor than Xbox 360, it wont take long.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Strazdas said:
Arnoxthe1 said:
Dude, the problems you're describing have been with console gaming ever since its inception. Actually, it was worse back then of course. All you could do was play specific games with a specific controller and that was IT. No modding, no music functionality, no nothing. Just games on a small cartridge that the publishers and the system makers agreed to. The ONLY thing that gaming was good for over the PC was couch co-op/vs., but even that advantage quickly started to lose some of its luster as PC's began to have internet access.

So no, console gaming hasn't been getting bad. In fact, it's getting better than it was every day. But maybe you want to go back to terrible graphics, stripped down gameplay, and absolutely no side features whatsoever. I don't know. You tell me.
Yes, but back then consoles had console benefits. like plugging it in and playing. working instantly. no BSOD, installs, patches, ect. Modern consoles got all the downsides of PC gaming, but no upsides of PC gaming. Meanwhile they got no upsides of console gaming either anymore.
And that will become blatantly obviuos once cell phones catch up. the new Tegra cpus are more pwoerful than the last gen consoles, and considering Xbox One has even SLOWER processor than Xbox 360, it wont take long.
While console gaming this gen has less plug-in and play, that is traded off for a more optimal experience. And while consoles back then may have been more stable, they were also much more simple in every way. But that's the thing. You're trading off system flexibility for a simpler, more stable package. Think about this. Remember when the 360 first came out? Now think about all the improvements and additions they made to it now. In the past gen, you couldn't do that at all without shipping an entirely new system. As to game installs, console gaming has finally hit a point where games are just too big to be run right off of the media you buy it on. Just like a PC. This is a logical progression. However, the industry is always changing and perhaps in time, even these hindrances will become a thing of the past.

There's a tradeoff to everything. Consoles used to be much more accessible, sure. But they were also restrained by the very things that made them good. At the end of the day, it's just different systems with different purposes.

As to cell phones competing with actual console and PC gaming, LOL is what I have to say to that. No matter how powerful cell phones get, they will always be restrained by portability. Specifically controls and screen size. Think about it. Let's say that they released the new Halo on cell phones. Are you and your friends really gonna gather around a small little screen to share some miniscule controls just so you can play splitscreen? No. Don't be ridiculous. And we're not even talking about the issue of power here. Sure, new phones are constantly getting released on a yearly basis but the console will always eventually come out with something every 7-8 years that is at LEAST 6 times more powerful than the current gen phones. And if you can't see the benefits of more power besides better graphics than I don't really want to discuss this with you anymore.

And BTW, about the current gens power compared to cell phones, you do realize that it's not just about power, right? They can't just put the best of the best into a system because that would drive the price up like no other. And no one's gonna wanna pay for a $1000 system.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Arnoxthe1 said:
While console gaming this gen has less plug-in and play, that is traded off for a more optimal experience.
No, it is not. That is just something developers decided to move away from.
Also what do you consider "more optimal experience"?

You're trading off system flexibility for a simpler, more stable package.
Which was the whole point of choosing console over PC. However with modern consoles you trade off flexibility, but do not get simplicity nor stability.

Now think about all the improvements and additions they made to it now.
Which improvements? creating a 90s PC functionality that doesnt fully work (no multitasking, only tabbing) that works on a bloated operating system taking over 100GB of hard drive space that runs not one but 4 seperate OS to and still cant multitask? Sorry, i dont see this as an improvement over, say, windows 98.

There's a tradeoff to everything. Consoles used to be much more accessible, sure. But they were also restrained by the very things that made them good. At the end of the day, it's just different systems with different purposes.
Yes, they are different systems. Thats why its hard to call PS4 and XboxOne a console. Its not a console, its just a PC, but less.

As to cell phones competing with actual console and PC gaming, LOL is what I have to say to that. No matter how powerful cell phones get, they will always be restrained by portability. Specifically controls and screen size. Think about it. Let's say that they released the new Halo on cell phones. Are you and your friends really gonna gather around a small little screen to share some miniscule controls just so you can play splitscreen? No. Don't be ridiculous. And we're not even talking about the issue of power here. Sure, new phones are constantly getting released on a yearly basis but the console will always eventually come out with something every 7-8 years that is at LEAST 6 times more powerful than the current gen phones. And if you can't see the benefits of more power besides better graphics than I don't really want to discuss this with you anymore.
Cell phones have their restrictions, but do not write them off. especially when they are coming out with the exact same AMD processor that new Xbox has this year (still to be released). Now i will adress your two comments ignoring you picked an awful game as an example.
Controls: It is true that a touchscreen controls are worse than controller (which in itself is worse than mouse and keyboard). However that can easily be solved by outside controllers. All you need is to get a software that supports controller via WiFi and you can use a controller on a smartphone. granted, so far said software is still limited because console manufacturers refuse to support their controllers on anything but their own boxes, and third party controllers seems to just dont care. however with the coming of PS4 controller drivers this may very well change. And you know the best part of it? you can use any controller you want. you could be playing with a friend who has a Xbox360 controller while you are holding a PS4 one, because the phone doesnt care as long as software recognizes both.
Screen size: Console screen size is exactly 0. You connect it to a TV or a monitor. you can also do the same with a smartphone. there are plenty of streaming software out right now. In fact, i know somone who has already done this and is gaming phone games on a 30" screen.
Now how this is better is you can use your phone as a phone, as a small computer and you can replace the console with it. you can carry it to friends house and all he needs to ahve is tv and controller and you could play. This is like having a console in your pocket. Granted they arent that powerful YET, but they clearly are catching up fast.
Now lets adress the issues of power. As far as electricity power requirements, we are at a stalemante here. you know why PSUs arent getting more powerful now? because we dont need to. we manage to make more and more faster devices with same amount of power requirements. And Tegra K1 claims it can lower that almost tenfold, but we will ahve to see that in action. if you didnt knew, Tegra K1 is a phone GPU devloped by Nvidia.
As far as raw processing power, the top of the line phones are on part with previuos consoles. Considering the "new" consoles arent all that much more powerful (like i mentioned, the new xbox has even slower processor) phones wont take that long to catch up as you think.

Sure, new phones are constantly getting released on a yearly basis but the console will always eventually come out with something every 7-8 years that is at LEAST 6 times more powerful than the current gen phones. And if you can't see the benefits of more power besides better graphics than I don't really want to discuss this with you anymore.
That was the idea with consoles, however the latest version proven that they in fact came out with at least 6 times less powerful than our current technology is. lets face it, the new consoles are SLOW. VERY SLOW. if you want to argue for power PC is the thing you argue for. If you want to argue for consoles, power is not what they were ever good at.

And BTW, about the current gens power compared to cell phones, you do realize that it's not just about power, right? They can't just put the best of the best into a system because that would drive the price up like no other. And no one's gonna wanna pay for a $1000 system.
you can buy a 500 dollar PC that you plug a controller in and plug it into TV and you will have a "console" that is more pwoerful than any device sold as a console here. You can buy a 500 dollar phone and it will be as powerful as the old consoles now. cell phones arent there yet, btu they are catching up, fast. if microsoft is right and the new consoles will be a 10 year generation, by the time those 10 years go by they will be left behind just like those single core processors are now. You do know that the processors phones use are already multicore right?

And there are plenty of people that buy 1000 dollar systems. Also to take into account that you must put the price of a TV with the console, since cell phones come with their own screen preinstalled. And while a TV wont cost you 500 dollars, its not free.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Jasper van Heycop said:
I like to buy my games in a store, I don't trust online banking much, especially international. Which for me just leaves the frustration of having to sign in whenever I buy a game (which really isn't necessary, buying it should be proof enough I didn't pirate it). And I can't sell the game in a yard sale when I'm done with it, while you can do that with any other game on console, DVD's and books (even though all these mediums suffer from the same rampant piracy that PC suffers from). It just sucks to me that I don't have full ownership of this thing I bought. If you buy games the way I do there really isn't that much difference between the three
I only buy games on Steam at ridiculous sale prices, and at that point I'm probably saving more money buying and keeping it than reselling it later. But if you're averse to online banking fair enough.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
BrotherRool said:
Says the person currently selling less consoles. It's easy to declare a draw when you're already losing =D

Although seriously, yeah less hate is always cool. Console wars are only fun when no-one is being serious
Slash2x said:
Zhukov said:
Oh, I don't hate you mate.

I just don't intend to buy anything from you any time soon.
^ see this

Just because you are being thoughtful and gracious in your loss does not make me want to purchase your turd product.
kanetsb said:
I'm fine with peace, just as long as there's one console less. Preferably, the Xbox.
matrix3509 said:
No. Fuck you sir. You don't get to hype your box through hundreds of millions of dollars of marketing hype, through all the petty bullshit you and your company pull to keep your herd of sheep subservient and dependent, then put the genie in the bottle. You are responsible for stirring people up the way they currently are. So fuck you, you fostered and nurtured this mindset, now you have to deal with it just like the rest of us.

I can't help but feeling that you gentlemen rather ironically missed the point of this article.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
TomWiley said:

I can't help but feeling that you gentlemen rather ironically missed the point of this article.
Just because someone says something, doesn't mean we have to believe he was sincere ... or be sincere ourselves :p


New member
Jul 20, 2012
BrotherRool said:
TomWiley said:

I can't help but feeling that you gentlemen rather ironically missed the point of this article.
Just because someone says something, doesn't mean we have to believe he was sincere ... or be sincere ourselves :p


The fanboyism always die of eventually. What's worse is people fanboying extremely whilst not recognizing the fact that they are fanboys... Not that I'm not guilty of that. Or have been, rather.