Marines posed with Nazi SS symbol in Afghanistan


New member
Oct 30, 2011
Elate said:
3 legged goat said:
Elate said:


Seriously though, they've been using it for decades, yea it may be a bit of a derp, but as other people have said, compared to previous atrocities.
What is that? Is it making fun of Kiss?
I didn't even THINK of Kiss... dear god... They must be neo-nazi's.

yeah, exactly this, they probably thought they were imitating kiss ffs

Brian Smith

New member
Feb 13, 2012
You also have to remember that these guys are in another world. I don't just mean in another country. They spend sometimes months doing nothing but waiting to get shot at. They don't have media in their face constantly reminding them that they need to be sensitive to other peoples feelings. Personally, I want the guys protecting me to be as tough as they come. When they get home, they can get all sensitive and not hurt peoples feelings.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
3 legged goat said:
Krion_Vark said:
In history we never went into the SS themselves so we never got the SS symbol jammed down our throats. Yes its bad but it also makes them not that much of common knowledge as some posters might think. I know the Swastika more than any other symbol I mean that is the symbol best associated with the Nazis while the SS isn't.
Well in the good ole US of A generally we go into detail about WW2. America really likes that war.
Nono, 'Merica likes to teach about D-Day and how we saved Europe's ass, and glosses over the details, like how little we actually did and how many countries' soldiers were on that beach. 'Merica likes to read Anne Frank's Diary and tries to rush through the part where her family is all killed at the end in concentration camps. 'Merica glosses over the whole concentration camp thing and just says that a lot of Jews were killed in them. 'Merica forgets to teach about all of the non-Nazi Germans who helped hundreds, and in some cases thousands, of Jews escape Germany. 'Merica, after all, has a shitty education system for a leading superpower. 'Merica would like it's citizens to forget that the outside world is important too. WE'RE #1! WE'RE #1!


New member
Feb 23, 2011
usmarine4160 said:
I can confirm that the Marines honestly don't give a shit, oooh that was used 70 years ago by a group that was unpopular!!! Go fuck yourself (and if you disagree any scout/sniper will step into the ring of honor with you)


WW2 was a long freaking time ago. How many of the people in this photo were alive for WW2? Zero. How many of their PARENTS were alive for WW2? Probably also zero. Quick math: WW2 ended in 1945. Someone who was barely an adult at the end of that war would be 85 years old right now. How long does one group of D-bags get to own a symbol? Would the same about of fuss be stirred up if someone used an old Inca or Egyptian symbol that had negative associations back in the day?

What you have here is a picture of a group of brave and selfless individuals. People who put their lives on the line every day for the rest of us. If you don't like their logo, tough shit. They've earned the benefit of the doubt.


New member
Sep 18, 2011
Fuck the Nazi party, they ruined the Sun Symbol, the initials SS that should stand only for Steamship, Spaceship and Scout Sniper, and the fashion value of a perfectly okay mustache.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
You know... its of no interest how you people from the US interpred those symbols...

It doesnt matter if you guys are okay with it or not.

Whats important is what people OUTSIDE of the US think about those symbols and how they can use these pictures AGAINST YOU.

Cause all the world and especially those against the US will see is that theres a bucnh of US soldiers, posing infront of a symbol allmost exclusivly tied to the most dispicable and diabolical organisation that has ever existed.

You really believe someone will give a flying bongo about how you might interpret it?

Jesus christ.. how many brain cells does it take to figure out that its pictures like these that allow bloodhungry morons to recruit young moslems into their terror groups and brainwash them.

Wake up for crying out loud... you are giving your enemys more ammunition against yourselfe and no "patriotism" and praising of the marines is gonna change that.

The US military BADLY needs some competent PR Managers it seems, and forbid its soldiers to use any cameras... ever.

Ix Rebound

New member
Jan 10, 2012
"but the Marines in the photograph taken in September 2010 will not be disciplined because investigators determined it was a naive mistake."
* face-palm*


Bullets... they don't affect me.
Feb 17, 2010
Karadalis said:
You know... its of no interest how you people from the US interpred those symbols...

It doesnt matter if you guys are okay with it or not.

Whats important is what people OUTSIDE of the US think about those symbols and how they can use these pictures AGAINST YOU.

Cause all the world and especially those against the US will see is that theres a bucnh of US soldiers, posing infront of a symbol allmost exclusivly tied to the most dispicable and diabolical organisation that has ever existed.

You really believe someone will give a flying bongo about how you might interpret it?

Jesus christ.. how many brain cells does it take to figure out that its pictures like these that allow bloodhungry morons to recruit young moslems into their terror groups and brainwash them.

Wake up for crying out loud... you are giving your enemys more ammunition against yourselfe and no "patriotism" and praising of the marines is gonna change that.

The US military BADLY needs some competent PR Managers it seems, and forbid its soldiers to use any cameras... ever.
You think that Americans are even worried about that? So the symbol was used 70 years ago by the SS. The Nazi party was around for little over a decade, an just because 2 letters happened to be used by them, it makes it bad for them to be used by anyone else? Forge a new meaning for the letters, that way I no longer have to listen to people cry about it.


Reinventing the Spiel
Feb 2, 2012
I love the fact that so many just gloss over the fact that the flag doesn't merely have a passing resemblance to an SS flag, it IS a replica SS flag which can only be bought from neo-Nazi websites.

Read the thread.


New member
Oct 30, 2011
Karadalis said:
You know... its of no interest how you people from the US interpred those symbols...

It doesnt matter if you guys are okay with it or not.

Whats important is what people OUTSIDE of the US think about those symbols and how they can use these pictures AGAINST YOU.

Cause all the world and especially those against the US will see is that theres a bucnh of US soldiers, posing infront of a symbol allmost exclusivly tied to the most dispicable and diabolical organisation that has ever existed.

You really believe someone will give a flying bongo about how you might interpret it?

Jesus christ.. how many brain cells does it take to figure out that its pictures like these that allow bloodhungry morons to recruit young moslems into their terror groups and brainwash them.

Wake up for crying out loud... you are giving your enemys more ammunition against yourselfe and no "patriotism" and praising of the marines is gonna change that.

The US military BADLY needs some competent PR Managers it seems, and forbid its soldiers to use any cameras... ever.
apparently they do give a shit cause they stopped using it. They just aren't going to execute and/or humiliate every soldier in the picture to make the over emotional people in this thread feel better.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Mimsofthedawg said:
3 legged goat said:
*sigh* on such an anti military forum, of course there's 7 pages of vehement filth piled on the US military...

I think a couple of things, but probably the biggest thing is: Why the hell does it matter? Why's this, THIS of all things such a big controversy? Even if they WERE echoing the SS, it's a common thing within the military to name your unit after historically "bad ass" individuals/organizations - both real and fictional.
Either way, I don't have a predisposition that all military servicemen are mindless brutes who just like to kill people, so I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Does it matter that they did this? No, it does not. Is Us Mil PR freaking out over it? Oh, yes.

My problem is this: I hate hypocrites. If the US military said: 'Sure, we've been butchering people for years. Deal.' I'd have no problem with it. It's the 'Holier Then Thou' 'We're the Good Guys.' attitude that gets me. That and the staggering lies in the 'history' book they give new recruits.

This is, after all, the organization that invented or otherwise brought into existence: death camps, modern ethnic cleansing, 'total' war,'crimes against humanity', plausible deniability to cover up said crimes, 'medical' experiments on prisoners, and death squads.

If they were mindless, I could forgive it. But they're not. And, despite what that code of conduct says, the real deal is a hell of a lot different.

See, the real issue isn't that they did it, it's that they got caught doing it. Brass could give less then a shit, except it's on camera.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
BaronIveagh said:
Mimsofthedawg said:
3 legged goat said:
*sigh* on such an anti military forum, of course there's 7 pages of vehement filth piled on the US military...

I think a couple of things, but probably the biggest thing is: Why the hell does it matter? Why's this, THIS of all things such a big controversy? Even if they WERE echoing the SS, it's a common thing within the military to name your unit after historically "bad ass" individuals/organizations - both real and fictional.
Either way, I don't have a predisposition that all military servicemen are mindless brutes who just like to kill people, so I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Does it matter that they did this? No, it does not. Is Us Mil PR freaking out over it? Oh, yes.

My problem is this: I hate hypocrites. If the US military said: 'Sure, we've been butchering people for years. Deal.' I'd have no problem with it. It's the 'Holier Then Thou' 'We're the Good Guys.' attitude that gets me. That and the staggering lies in the 'history' book they give new recruits.

This is, after all, the organization that invented or otherwise brought into existence: death camps, modern ethnic cleansing, 'total' war,'crimes against humanity', plausible deniability to cover up said crimes, 'medical' experiments on prisoners, and death squads.

If they were mindless, I could forgive it. But they're not. And, despite what that code of conduct says, the real deal is a hell of a lot different.

See, the real issue isn't that they did it, it's that they got caught doing it. Brass could give less then a shit, except it's on camera.
You are either very naive, or have never been taught about the past several thousand years of history. The Nazis are hardly a unique case, and it could be argued that they aren't even the worst case. Human history is nothing if not bloody and depressing.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Elemantary - Dear Watson said:
What about real military justifying it? Are we in the clear? :p
If you're trying to justify it then no, moreover you're ignoring the direct commands of the officer responsible.

Elemantary - Dear Watson said:
Look at British Submarines in WWII, they flew Jolly Rogers instead of the Union Jack as they enterd port, with symbols to show how many ships/boats they destroyed and pillaged.
Actually, the Jolly Roger was originally a design flown by British privateers, and since the role of a submarine at the time was very similar to that of a privateer I think it's quite a reasonable nod to British naval history.

Elemantary - Dear Watson said:
I'm not saying it's not bad, i'm just saying it is not as big a deal as some of you seem to have jumped to!
If you're comparing attacks on armed Spanish trade ships in the 17th and 18th centuries with the systematic murder of between 10 and 20 million people, then I think you've lost the right to suggest that it's not a big deal because your definition of a "big deal" is clearly all kinds of fucked up.

Elemantary - Dear Watson said:
Oh, and on a side note, our bases have tailors on, it is perfectly reasonable that it could be hand made.
Then why is it an exact replica of an SS flag which was actually used and can be bought online for 8 dollars?

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
evilthecat said:
Elemantary - Dear Watson said:
I'm not saying it's not bad, i'm just saying it is not as big a deal as some of you seem to have jumped to!
If you're comparing attacks on armed Spanish trade ships in the 17th and 18th centuries with the systematic murder of between 10 and 20 million people, then I think you've lost the right to suggest that it's not a big deal because your definition of a "big deal" is clearly all kinds of fucked up.

Elemantary - Dear Watson said:
Oh, and on a side note, our bases have tailors on, it is perfectly reasonable that it could be hand made.
Then why is it an exact replica of an SS flag which was actually used and can be bought online for 8 dollars?
I am an officer by the way... just saying... it's my job to steer guys clear of being caught for stuff like this... and I do, and I have done, so don't go generalising me. I am not justifying the use of the image, I know that is wrong, what I am justifying is the mistake made, and why the marines involves should just take it as a learning point and not be punished. I can honestly say that they do make mistakes like that, and honestly don't realise at the time, it's all great you sitting at home with all your further/higher education, but some people just dont make connections like that!

Look, I didn't know it was an exact replica of some websites design... I was just adding that we have facilities that can do tailoring, as that is a suggestion of how it could have come about... if I stand corrected then that is all fair.

I was not comparing 17th and 18th century piracy to the actions of the secret police, I was saying people are over reacting about the error. It's all very easy for you to twist my words isn't it? Why don't you try haiving a proper discussion, using real arguement, rather than petty word twisting? I merely pointed out another example I could think of where the military used images that were banned (they were at the time, and a lot of sailors got in the shit for it) as their own banner... the difference being that the sailors knew the image wasn't allowed, the Marines probably didn't.

So to summerise, I am not justifying the use og the logo, I am justifying that the Marines CAN honestly make errors like that, where you want it to be or not, and I am not caomparing the immoral events of history, I am just pointing out that people are overreacting over a simple error... Where was the bit in the article saying that the Marines were going round executing Jews and people who made snide remarks about Obama... that's right, it doesn't. They were not acting like Nazis, they just used an image in error... dry your eyes princess, and get over it.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Elemantary - Dear Watson said:
I am not justifying the use of the image, I know that is wrong, what I am justifying is the mistake made, and why the marines involves should just take it as a learning point and not be punished.
See, that's fine then. I don't see why you disagreed with me. I'm only uncomfortable with people trying to outright justify this. My point was actually that since James Amos has issued a public apology and asked his people not to use the symbol, I'm personally willing to forgive and forget and let this whole thing slide on that assurance. I don't even necessarily think the people in question need to be punished, as they've apparently agreed that it was a mistake and have promised not to do it again.

My only reservation to that was that I really can't blame other people for feeling differently. I'm not a holocaust survivor and neither is any member of my family, but there are a lot of people whom this will have raised terrible memories and they have a right to be angry about it, not to be told that they're being silly and blowing out of proportion.

Elemantary - Dear Watson said:
I can honestly say that they do make mistakes like that, and honestly don't realise at the time, it's all great you sitting at home with all your further/higher education, but some people just dont make connections like that!
I understand. I still think, assuming that I'm correct in saying that this was purchased from a specialist memorabilia dealer, it was a pretty enormous lapse of judgement, but as mentioned I'm personally not in favour of bringing punishment against the people involved. They've apparently acknowledged that it was wrong, that's enough for me.

However, trying to justify it or protect people from legitimate comment within the media or by individuals displays a pretty repulsive lack of empathy. I know it's easier to believe that people just don't like the military and they're being mean than to accept that they might have a legitimate point, but I think they do have a legitimate point, and the way to respond to it is not to tell those people that they shouldn't be angry or that it's not a big deal, because you personally don't get to decide that, but to accept that it's a fuck-up and some people will be legitimately upset.

Elemantary - Dear Watson said:
So to summerise, I am not justifying the use og the logo, I am justifying that the Marines CAN honestly make errors like that, where you want it to be or not, and I am not caomparing the immoral events of history, I am just pointing out that people are overreacting over a simple error.
Who says that people are overreacting?

I for one know it's an error, but people can still be held to account for an error of judgement. When a professional footballer (that's soccer player to you, I guess) makes the nazi salute to the crowd, noone cares if he knew it was the nazi salute, he's still going to be dragged through the shit because of how his symbol would have been interpreted. When a police officer describes arresting a black man as 'frying a ******', noone cares if he knew it was inappropriate. The point is that people in certain jobs can be held to particular level of conduct, it doesn't matter if they fall short of that standard through ignorance or through wilful malice, it's still falling short of an acceptable standard.

If nothing else, the sig rune is still in common use by far right supporters around the world today. You have to be able to see the problem with a military organization adopting it, right? It's the same reason we wouldn't let Muslim soldiers write the shahada in arabic on a flag and then pose with it. The fact that it's important to them and they personally identify with it is meaningless next to the fact that it's also the flag most commonly used by Islamists and Jihadists worldwide. It would be offensive to people and contrary to the supposed ethos of the organization itself.

This is also, for the rest of you, why no ammount of pointing to Kiss and Slayer will ever matter. Look, here's Slovenian Industrial band Laibach wearing SS-styled uniforms:

Why can they do this? Because they're artists and not soldiers, they aren't held to the standard of professionalism and political neutrality to which we would hold a public servant receiving money from the state to do a very important job, and most importantly because they are't out there wielding the power of life and death over people every day.

Also note that if any of them were actually wearing a sig rune, it's extremely unlikely that picture, or indeed the band, would still exist. Heck, even in comedy sketches or other media where absolute accuracy is not required people tend to deliberately omit the sig rune from the SS uniform. It is a big deal.

And if you think that musicians or artists are somehow exempt from criticism, observe the following:

Kiss had to redesign their German logo because of criticism over the resemblance to a sig rune. They didn't just go 'naahh.. fuck you, you're overreacting', they changed it because they knew it would hurt their public image not to.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
evilthecat said:
Ah, I see where the confusion came in... we did agree! When I quoted you, only the first line of my response was aimed at you, ('What about real military justifying it? Are we in the clear? :p' which was only a joke because you mentioned the Armchair Generals, and Military Fanboys...!)

My impression of over reaction was due to something I read last night on the matter, it was some article which used a lot of over dramatic punctuation and different sized text... It wasn't really aimed at anyone in particular here, but there are people who have started to overreact on this event... (as I am in the military I have been reading about this from multiple sources, not just this thread.. apologies for not pointing it out! c|:¬¦( Sorry, :S)

Dammit! I hate arguing with someone who is making the same point as me accidentally! I suppose it proves a theory I have had though, that people (myself included) will only read what they want to hear from others posts, and will respond to that! Hence the way we all twist eachothers words... it took us a while to realise we were singing off of the same hymn sheet, but just had different melodies! A counter-melody if you like! I am sorry for that! I'll jump down off of my soapbox now and leave the floor in your capable hands! :p

3 legged goat

New member
Feb 28, 2010
Cyrus Hanley said:
I think that this issue can be chalked up to Hanlon's Razor, "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."

In this case, not stupidity but ignorance.
Still this doesn't really make the situation that much better. No one there thought, "Maybe this isn't a great idea..."

3 legged goat

New member
Feb 28, 2010
Karadalis said:
You know... its of no interest how you people from the US interpred those symbols...

It doesnt matter if you guys are okay with it or not.

Whats important is what people OUTSIDE of the US think about those symbols and how they can use these pictures AGAINST YOU.

Cause all the world and especially those against the US will see is that theres a bucnh of US soldiers, posing infront of a symbol allmost exclusivly tied to the most dispicable and diabolical organisation that has ever existed.

You really believe someone will give a flying bongo about how you might interpret it?

Jesus christ.. how many brain cells does it take to figure out that its pictures like these that allow bloodhungry morons to recruit young moslems into their terror groups and brainwash them.

Wake up for crying out loud... you are giving your enemys more ammunition against yourselfe and no "patriotism" and praising of the marines is gonna change that.

The US military BADLY needs some competent PR Managers it seems, and forbid its soldiers to use any cameras... ever.
This is also a very good point. If it is something they want to hide then why don't they have more serious consequences or not let them take these kind of pictures. This also applies to the full Marine logo.