Tolken reserves the rights to kill LORTO. They pulled out of Iron Crown Enterprises because they were bored. Galdolph gets to be gay because Harry Potter's Wizard is gay, and you know how Wizards are...? WTF, Corporate is goofy as hell. You know.....that banker dude named??? what was his name? Tol..something, oh I forgot, just rolled over in his grave. Why do we need 'these kinds of discussions' in a kids book? Corporate has lost it's vison of The Hobbit. Why not make Orc's from Bangladesh, Riders of Brazil, Samwise-Coco-puffs, or start alcoholics anonymous meetings with Tolken sponsored dwarves? I think this round of Corporate ideas killed the brad for many years to come. What were they thinking???, "You know George, people just aren't talking enough about gay wizards around the water cooler at work anymore. How can we get some of that action on the screen. Everyone wants this today. Kids are screaming, 'Where's my bisexual beard doll'?" OOOOOMMMMMMGGGGGG /go-away. & when Corporate pulls the plug on LORTO after people were suckered into buying lifetime licences, I'll be rolling on the floor laughing. (Meh, I'm not pissed. Just frustrated. The next Hobbit movie I go watch better say, "Under new management.") /end