Uh, im not the most feverish follower of Xmen, but have we ever had information to the contrary to begin with? Or is "Being gay" the new superpower? I mean, who cares. Xmen are about superpowers and politics relating that. i dont care what sexual preferences the characters have.
SlumlordThanatos said:
Can we stop talking about this? Please?
If people want same-sex relationships to be more accepted, the best way to do that is to stop treating them as though they are special and/or groundbreaking, and start treating them like any other relationship.
This doesn't need the media attention it's getting.
This, all of this. homosexual people will never be accepted of we keep making every occasion they are noticed as "news".
Quellist said:
Typical Marvel sledgehammer subtlety. If you want a gay X-man how about instead of taking a pretty much straight-seeming character and making them gay 'because diversity' why not introduce a new character who just happens to be gay and not make a big thing about it
because people will (incorrectly) cry "tokenism".