Marvel Changing Captain America Movie Name for Russian Release


New member
Aug 17, 2010
Seems reasonable enough, I had never heard of either the character nor the Avengers until recently, and still don't know who they are or what they do. All I know of Captain America is what I saw from a trailer a while back. Might be a good idea to o the same thing here really, if it wasn't for the fact that people don't know who the Avengers are either.
Aug 25, 2009
The Imp said:
Mantonio said:
The Imp said:
I'd prefer them dropping Captain America altogether. If it's one thing the world doesn't need it's a stupid patriotic action hero spreading the oh-so holy american way of life.
You're an idiot who doesn't know anything about the character.
Because i don't give two shits about a character named Captain America wearing a stars and stripes costume fighting evil on all fronts to save the day and be a hero. I despise super heroes, i hate their costumes and masks, their virtues and do-goody attitude. I love to read comics but i read The Boys, The Punisher MAX, 100 Bullets, Crossed, Neonomicon and Hellblazer not some Justice League or Avengers crap with guys in spandex fighting their arch nemesis for the bazillionth time but don't kill him when he is at their mercy just so he can escape custody and appear in the next book.
Then why did you comment?

If you want to get involved in a discussion, it's courteous to at least learn the bare minimums about the thing you're discussing before you start, so you can argue from a position which isn't entirely ignorant.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
This makes some sense. Living somewhere in the neutral zone, I can guarantee that a movie who's title, I emphasize title, sounds like "US wang waving" won't go well in parts nearby. At his essence, Cap was propaganda, and even though he's evolved past that, his shell is still propaganda.

But at least he's not fighting communists.

Speaking of which. Did you hear the one about my country heading for communism again after two decades of mock democracy and a bloody revolution that cost the lives of thousands?
Now that would make a great movie, let me grab a camera, they're already rolling.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Well, to be honest, it's highly unlikely to do well in here with a name like Captain America.

I might be wrong, but there's still that certain Cold War attitude towards the U.S.A. even among the younger Russians.

The Imp

New member
Nov 9, 2009
MelasZepheos said:
The Imp said:
Mantonio said:
The Imp said:
I'd prefer them dropping Captain America altogether. If it's one thing the world doesn't need it's a stupid patriotic action hero spreading the oh-so holy american way of life.
You're an idiot who doesn't know anything about the character.
Because i don't give two shits about a character named Captain America wearing a stars and stripes costume fighting evil on all fronts to save the day and be a hero. I despise super heroes, i hate their costumes and masks, their virtues and do-goody attitude. I love to read comics but i read The Boys, The Punisher MAX, 100 Bullets, Crossed, Neonomicon and Hellblazer not some Justice League or Avengers crap with guys in spandex fighting their arch nemesis for the bazillionth time but don't kill him when he is at their mercy just so he can escape custody and appear in the next book.
Then why did you comment?

If you want to get involved in a discussion, it's courteous to at least learn the bare minimums about the thing you're discussing before you start, so you can argue from a position which isn't entirely ignorant.
I'm aware of that, but i also know that i'd have to read at least 10 or so issues to know more about the character than what is written in the news. I'd have to learn about his motives and personal history and i'd still have giant holes of knowledge. So i scrapped all that and focused on the news, the name, costume and name change in russia - and i approve of this name change, i even think the whole Captain America brand has to go far, far away in order to appear to non-american or non-marvel/super hero loving audience.


The Loneliest Jedi
Apr 17, 2009
The company was was pleasantly surprised
yep i read that right... i just had to copy paste that to be sure i wasnt seing double.

anyway, it seems like a good interesting way of aproaching things in the coutries that have had "brushed" with America... although i dont particularly like how the "United States" say "WE ARE AMERICA/AMERICANS" as if everyone else in the continent didnt existed, but well wathever i guess old habits die hard

but well, knowing the story of Capitan America, i dont really see a problem with him in those countries, except perhaps the "Villification" of "Red Skull" (the third comunist one) but i dont really think they would use such a villian (i mean, Comunism is a political concept and the United States took it too far to villify its meaning in the cold war)

but thats just my oppinion!


New member
Jul 25, 2009
Quiet Stranger said:
Not recognizable enough??? I thought Captain America was one of Marvel's most identifiable heroes!
I'd say wolverine or spiderman were more recognizable.

Lord Kloo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
Captain Capitalist.. sounds like a winner

Not really too important that he be called Captain America people can get the idea and rational without USA added on..


New member
Apr 15, 2009
The Imp said:
Mantonio said:
The Imp said:
I'd prefer them dropping Captain America altogether. If it's one thing the world doesn't need it's a stupid patriotic action hero spreading the oh-so holy american way of life.
You're an idiot who doesn't know anything about the character.
Because i don't give two shits about a character named Captain America wearing a stars and stripes costume fighting evil on all fronts to save the day and be a hero. I despise super heroes, i hate their costumes and masks, their virtues and do-goody attitude. I love to read comics but i read The Boys, The Punisher MAX, 100 Bullets, Crossed, Neonomicon and Hellblazer not some Justice League or Avengers crap with guys in spandex fighting their arch nemesis for the bazillionth time but don't kill him when he is at their mercy just so he can escape custody and appear in the next book.
First: If you don't know anything about him, don't comment.

Second, all I could hear from that revealing little snippet was 'LOOK AT HOW DARK AND EDGY I AM GUYS'


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Cap'n America is simply not well known here. And yeah, having a superhero with a name like that sort of screams ideological subtext, even if the modern Captain has nothing to do with anti-Russian or anti-Soviet motives.

Still though, I'd wager that the film is likely to succeed here in Russia. Just 'cause, you know... Who doesn't like a good superhero flick?


New member
Jul 22, 2008
I think they should take character name out of the title all together as it seems there is a large number of people who can't get past a name when looking at a character.
Would you decide not to watch Spider-man because you have arachnophobia; would you not watch Batman because a similar hatred of bats; would you avoid Iron Man because you hate Black Sabbath (admittedly I'm stretching with that one); so why have a problem with Captain America because you don't agree with American policy or propaganda. Cap is no more an advocate of American politics than Batman is a spokesperson for save the bats.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
The Imp said:
Mantonio said:
The Imp said:
I'd prefer them dropping Captain America altogether. If it's one thing the world doesn't need it's a stupid patriotic action hero spreading the oh-so holy american way of life.
You're an idiot who doesn't know anything about the character.
Because i don't give two shits about a character named Captain America wearing a stars and stripes costume fighting evil on all fronts to save the day and be a hero. I despise super heroes, i hate their costumes and masksdon't kill him when he is at their mercy just so he can escape custody and appear in the next book.
i respect yout opinion towards comics, but to post this on a forum where everyone else is excited for the film? it sounds like you are instigating a flame war for attention, and if so congratulations.

by the way your bobby kotick pic suits you well


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008
misterprickly said:
MelasZepheos said:
The Imp said:
Mantonio said:
The Imp said:
I'd prefer them dropping Captain America altogether. If it's one thing the world doesn't need it's a stupid patriotic action hero spreading the oh-so holy american way of life.
You're an idiot who doesn't know anything about the character.
Because i don't give two shits about a character named Captain America wearing a stars and stripes costume fighting evil on all fronts to save the day and be a hero. I despise super heroes, i hate their costumes and masks, their virtues and do-goody attitude. I love to read comics but i read The Boys, The Punisher MAX, 100 Bullets, Crossed, Neonomicon and Hellblazer not some Justice League or Avengers crap with guys in spandex fighting their arch nemesis for the bazillionth time but don't kill him when he is at their mercy just so he can escape custody and appear in the next book.
Then why did you comment?

If you want to get involved in a discussion, it's courteous to at least learn the bare minimums about the thing you're discussing before you start, so you can argue from a position which isn't entirely ignorant.
I understand that "The Imp" doesn't care about some "Yankee Doodle"; That's HIS opinion and he's entitled to it.

However I also agree that he should do SOME research into the subject that he's commenting on.
For an easy source just watch MovieBoB's "Avengers Assemble"


It's OK to not like something... Just make sure it's for the right reasons.
It's okay to not like something as long as you aren't ignorant, arrogant, and downright rude about it... that's actually in the forum guidelines, btw.

Seriously, if you have nothing but the vaguest impression of a subject (as Imp does, by admitting he has never even read one CA comic), you should probably not comment; however, if you just have to involve yourself in the discussion, it's generally thought that a person should at least do a little research, because otherwise you're just wasting everyone's time making uninformed statements. (He could've taken 10 minutes to read the wiki [] at least.)

I was going to jump into the fray, but plenty of people have already mentioned these things. Besides, it strikes me as Imp probably will just go on being angry, stereotyping, and insulting about it, since he clearly thinks that his opinion does not require any sort of substantiation. Those 'holier-than-thou' types tend to bring out the anger in my responses, particularly when they are have such a high opinion of themselves as to think that no one else's viewpoint- or even the facts, really- matter.

It's actually kind of funny. Imp is doing a good job behaving in the ways he'd like to criticize Americans for behaving (at least that's what I got out of the 'oh-so-holy American culture' comment), if you think about it; sadly, I don't think think it's an intentional irony.


OT: Remember: Hollywood studio marketing departments aren't filled with complete boneheads, people. Honestly, if they didn't think they'd gain an overall positive push by appealing to the comic-book aficionados in the countries where they aren't changing the name, I think they probably would've dropped the 'Captain America' part of the title completely. Just too dangerous to risk accusations of jingoism in this day and age.

I think the whole "frozen in ice since 1945" is going to explain the costume, and it should allow for a mental throwback for most audience members to when the USA wasn't the 'Great Satan' that many people (and not just radical Islamic sects) tend to try to make it out to be these days.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
hudsonzero said:
by that logic why not change it for the uk to because i have no idea who this captain person is, all i can gather is that he uses a shield or something
They could do a quick edit on the whole film. They'd change the costume, add bad British accents (cause Americans can't fake them), and photoshop a scene with him drinking tea and call it Union Jack.

I kid, I kid. Union Jack has guns, you know how hard it would be to replace that shield with guns?