You know, I'm kinda hoping that since she's called Ms Marvel, she somehow is given the mantle. I actually wish she was her own individual persona instead of one that already exist...buuuut, lets be honest here. In the big two, there are actually a number of heroes from different races, ethnicities, etc...aaaand they mostly get thrown under the bus, left to either be forgetten, have that right knit of followers, or have angry white nerds tear them apart for some reason or another.
As for the art, I'm pretty sure that's just concept art...but it doesn't seem too bad.
Also, in terms of things like religion, her preferences, etc...look, I figure it's apart of who they, apart of their thought process, what motivates or demotivates the hero and all that jazz. I really don't want to go into cause honestly, this could be an entirely new hero and a lot of you would still be really annoyed.