Mass Effect 2's Nudity Level Decided by Dictatorship

Nov 28, 2007
Monk Ed said:
I disagree with the idea of, "If you want to see boobs, look at internet porn". The appeal in seeing Character X's boobs is not about seeing boobs... it's about seeing /Character X's/ boobs. That's the difference: the emotional connection you have with the character who is being depicted in the erotic scene. You can't get that from a porn site.

The fact that people /want/ to see sex or whatever in a video game /despite/ being able to see it elsewhere should be enough of a hint that there's something to the notion.
That's what Rule 34 is for.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
thebobmaster said:
That's what Rule 34 is for.
Having seen some Tali fan 'art', I can safely say that the consumers have got Rule 34 covered.

They have Garrus and Wrex covered too. *shudders*


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
Amnestic said:
thebobmaster said:
That's what Rule 34 is for.
Having seen some Tali fan 'art', I can safely say that the consumers have got Rule 34 covered.

They have Garrus and Wrex covered too. *shudders*
And make sure you have some brain bleach handy.

Lemon Of Life

New member
Jul 8, 2009
I have no interest in seeing my character's penis. But maybe that's just me. Judging by his armour, it's mighty huge.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
I didn't care that there wasn't nudity in my sex scene in Mass Effect 2. I loved every minute of the game. Well, every minute I wasn't spending mining. I was more pissed that I didn't get to see what certain characters looked like under their helmets. Boo to that. Still like said character though, so no biggie.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Anyone remember Baldur's Gate 2? That game had some AMAZING romances. No sex scenes, just...actual dialogs. Except with Aerie...she was absurd.


New member
Sep 30, 2008
The Mass Effect games were tastefully and perfectly executed. In ME2 I fell the story would have lacked without some sort of romance or love scene/story. Without that scene cementing all the dialogue, emotion would have been lost on people who really get into the story. Bioware should stand up to the media and the masses, These games have advanced our art form into a more respectable and mature state.

Monk Ed

New member
Feb 11, 2010
RedMenace said:
Or should I say "fortunately"? On the "+" side, there will be no nude mods (thank God)
This doesn't make any sense. Why is it a plus that something you would never look at anyway doesn't exist? Do you have some kind of compulsive disorder forcing you to download nude mods you don't even want?


New member
Aug 6, 2009
the lack of anything shown in the tali scene is actually more interesting
everyone focused on how we don't see her face, but people also forget something else
we don't even know what COLOR Quarians are

wouldn't it be funny if it turns out that they are actually green


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
bladeofdarkness said:
the lack of anything shown in the tali scene is actually more interesting
They do show what's under her mask once [] or twice [].


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Amnestic said:
bladeofdarkness said:
the lack of anything shown in the tali scene is actually more interesting
They do show what's under her mask once [] or twice [].
that was just...
i can't...

loved the second one


Residential Idiot
Oct 24, 2008
I actually agree with this guy. I hate it when movies shoehorn in some nudity or a sex scene for no reason. I remember being really bored with the sex scenes in the Highlander film, and I felt it detracted from an otherwise great series. It irritates me that people think it has to be put into games as well.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
RedMenace said:
Hithel said:
The solution is simple people. Buy the PC version, there will be a ton of nude patches out in a heartbeat. Just look at Dragon Age and the extensive sex scenes people have taken their time to script for the game.

There's even a patch for giving your Warden's love interest a very extensive "bush", if that's what you fancy. *gag*
Statement is false. Unfortunately something makes it really hard (read impossible) to make mods for ME (at least for the first one).

Or should I say "fortunately"? On the "+" side, there will be no nude mods (thank God), on the "-" side, there will be no mods that remove thermal clips and bring back overheat, or mods for diverse custom armor and helmets.
I obviously forgot to add the [irony] tag.

axle 19

Bearer of the Necronomicon
Aug 2, 2008
Quick gather the money, we need to be acknowledged dammit.

Anyway Bioware is free to decide what it wants without having to worry about who is going to be put off by it.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
eh whatev
still think BioWare was scared haha
but ME2 is still amazing...going for a second run when I have the time

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
Personally I want sex/nudity in games IF... *drumroll*

... I feel like it at the moment. :)

My view of the ideal game is the one which let's me do exactly what I want if I choose to do it. That means that I should be perfectly free to shoot children in the groin (a la fallout 2 style), or try to bed basically anything walking on two legs.

Game designs that basically tell me: "No, you can't do that! Because it would be rude/offensive/improper/whatever" are game designs inherently flawed in their execution.

Im perfectly fine with a certain in-game logic that might prevent me from doing certain actions (like not being able to break through a solid brick wall when my in-game avatar is just a puny human being who would require some serious power tools to wreck the wall in question), as long as they make some kind of sense.

What doesn't make sense however is the fact that I can't shamelessly hit on and try to score with one of the ridiculously well designed in-game female characters which I might encounter and see all the action in as exactly vivid detail as I would like.

Im not saying that I'd actually make extensive use of such an opportunity (I mean, im a pretty complicated guy and I even turned down a romantic encounter in real life during the recent new years celebration due to being the complicated person that I am), BUT I want to get a sense of possibility that I COULD do it if i suddenly felt the urge to do it in-game.

It's that sense of freedom (or at least well crafted "illusion" of freedom) which tend to make games really spectacularly great, and to be honest I don't believe im particularly alone in that regard. I mean what's the point of assuming a virtual avatar of yourself if you are supposed to be barred from certain actions due to "moral reasons"?

It seems this Stanely Woo fellow hasn't quite grasped this vital aspect of game making yet, despite being "in the industry" (to be fair though, few game developers have)...