Mass Effect 2's Nudity Level Decided by Dictatorship

Arbitrary Cidin

New member
Apr 16, 2009
On one hand, the censorship breaks immersion; "fading to black", as you put it, is the worst offender in this sense. One minute, you're completely connected to the game. The relationship you developed has reached a peak is about to be expressed accordingly. You may get excited, anxious and nervous, almost as if you're actually going to have sex, until the screen fades to black and you remember "Oh wait, it's a video game." Explicit sex can have the same effect; whenever I play a God of War game and come across the random duo of naked women, I go from being the mighty Kratos to sitting in my room and wondering why the devs keep putting that in the game.
On the other hand, sex can make a game loose it's class, and in more ways than one. Other than the obvious level of difficulty in taking games full of raunchy sex seriously, it's hard to find good voice actors and models willing to have either their image used that way or degrade themselves with sessions of recording moans and pillowtalk. That's not an absolute either, plenty of artistic minds are willing to put support behind a "bold" project, so long as it does not cross the line between daring art and pornography.

Long story short, just like a painting or a sculpture, there's a difference between nudity playing an artistic role and it being a requisite to smut or simply for shock value.

I'm not sure if BioWare made the best decision, although I'm proud they stand up to it being their choice. Personally, I would like to see less censorship, or even more natural denials of nudity; Tali is fine as undressing would result in death, but perhaps the other characters could find their reasons rather than making you wait in the other room while Shepard has sex. A minute ago, you were Shepard and this fade away from his happenings forces you to resettle into your plane of escapism once more.

Unfortunately, this isn't as largely seen as the stance of people who think BioWare should have added nudity. More often, it's just excited kids who have a bulge in their pants, and now don't know what to do with it. Pardon my bluntness.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I applaud Woo for standing up and telling the whiners to can it.
Personally I feel that explicit sex and nudity often detracts from the game/movie.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Why is it people make such a big deal about things like this nowadays? God forbid, any sexual inuendo or nuances, no matter how major or subtle, makes everyone go all crazy. I remember when a massive uproar when Pokemon came out and the Christians said that it was an act against God for defying evolution.


New member
May 30, 2008
Mass Effect 2 has a great story, and I don't think nudity would have really added anything, so simply expressing the idea of a sex scene by fading to black works well enough for me.
Although I also believe nudity wouldn't have really added to anything, I don't see this great story that Mass Effect 2 has...

(whitty name here)

New member
Apr 20, 2009
I don't really care that there's nudity in any game, but I tried so hard to see Tali's face I brutally raged when I didn't; that is what mattered on the topic to me, the sex itself was just a gateway to see what she looked like. BUT TO NO AVAIL.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I always thought more and more explicit sex scenes in some games would, in most cases, distract from the point of the scene being there- rather than it just being some kind of reward of sexy images.

Very good response from Woo in my opinion
Aug 25, 2009
I'm back with a newly formed opinion (tis topic got me thinking for quite a while.)

It felt to me like they were copping out with the nudity issue. The game is much more mature, includes frequent swearing, much more graphic violence, and much more frequent violence. To me it feels like they made a game for which nudity would be the least of their concerns. I personally found the swearing extremely annoying and very juvenile, but if nudity were handled tastefully, there's no reaosn it couldn't have added to the story, perhaps with even more impact than constantly swearing in an attempt to be gritty.

You made a very adult game Bioware, at least go the whole way instead of copping out on the issue that got you in trouble last time, at the least you could have milked some more publicity out of it.

Duke Nil

New member
Feb 19, 2009
Well I'm fine with no sex, and I mostly agree with what he said, but I still wish they weren't so skiddish about nudity. It really is just lame what lengths they go to to just barely not be "nude," for example morrigan's and jack's "clothing," or that fucking forest wolf spirit thing with it's hair stuck with superglue to its nipples. If you don't want to show tits, fine, give them clothing. If you do want to show tits, show the goddamned tits. I don't see how they can honestly say that they thought it out and decided that morrigan's weird-ass scarf-belt thing was the best clothing they could think of to fit her character or that jack would be comfortable baring all covered only in tattoos, but then get a little self-conscious and requires a strip of leather to cover the nips. They're either weirdly sexually repressed or just don't want censorship boards giving them shit. Not a big deal really but it bothers me

Duke Nil

New member
Feb 19, 2009
SeanthePsycho said:
I remember when a massive uproar when Pokemon came out and the Christians said that it was an act against God for defying evolution.
lolwtf, source? (I don't mean to say I don't believe you, I genuinely want to hear a/b this)


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Yeah put in your game what you want...seriously people who QQ should just go download more pron.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
The solution is simple people. Buy the PC version, there will be a ton of nude patches out in a heartbeat. Just look at Dragon Age and the extensive sex scenes people have taken their time to script for the game.

There's even a patch for giving your Warden's love interest a very extensive "bush", if that's what you fancy. *gag*

Monk Ed

New member
Feb 11, 2010
I disagree with the idea of, "If you want to see boobs, look at internet porn". The appeal in seeing Character X's boobs is not about seeing boobs... it's about seeing /Character X's/ boobs. That's the difference: the emotional connection you have with the character who is being depicted in the erotic scene. You can't get that from a porn site.

The fact that people /want/ to see sex or whatever in a video game /despite/ being able to see it elsewhere should be enough of a hint that there's something to the notion.


New member
Feb 12, 2010
I was kinda disappointed with the Tali love scene was kinda hoping for the added bonus i got from the first game but on that note i think who ever "we" chose to do it with should be continued to the ME3 and just deepen the bond between who ever was chosen and shepard. If Bioware is getting bored of Shepard then at the end of ME3 have another love scene but keep them in the bed and just have her turn over and say that she is with child in her own way of course then shepard could be killed off and who ever u chose to do it with could be the main character in the next game or u can just have somehting like that cheesy 15 years later cut and have u play as shepards child to bring down harbringer the last of the reapers. god i think to much.....


New member
Oct 31, 2007
I've always liked bioware for being passionate enough about their product that they will fling out the saying that "the costumer is always right", if they feel like it.