Mass Effect 3 DLC Appears on Xbox Live


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Wrote my thoughts about this topic here [].

It's nothing to get worked up over, IMO.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Mikeyfell said:
Am I the only person who thinks Day One DLC is a good thing?
Okay then?

But this DLC is only included in the Collectors Addition {I wonder if pun was intended}
That's a bad thing.

You should always give the Day One DLC to EVERYONE who buys a new copy of the game.
Fuck people who buy used copies though.

I sure hope you're able to talk to this character like Shale or any of the other companions. (None of that Kasumi/Zaeed shit.)
day one DLC is only good if it is used to reward people who buy the game new. but this is a horrible way. if you didn't bought the collectors edition you are basically missing a pretty big part of the game. and you have to pay 10 dollars to get it. that is just bullshit. i can't play with a Prothean... a PROTHEAN! one of the most important races at the moment and you only get it when you give a pretty big sum of money for it. and it is only a example of how companies work. they have the ability to make big expansions downloadable and to patch games, but instead they only give small extra content for huge prices, from which the content is mostly created before release.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
I'm getting the special I don't care.

This of course is going to be another one of those things that people are going to be pissed about because "boo-hoo, it's day 1 DLC".

It has been explained so many times in the past that it isn't even funny, but day 1 DLC isn't the end of the world and it isn't a bad thing. Considering that this DLC wasn't on the listed before on the things that would be received in the special edition pre-order, I'm willing to bet this was one of the usually cutting room floor things that they weren't going to be able to get into the game before it went gold, but it got finished before shipping, so it will now be added to the special editions. I'm willing to bet like all the other day 1 DLC's that BioWare has done, it isn't main content, so it doesn't matter.

Just be civilized, wait till you can afford it if for some reason you can't now(Why are you buying the game in the first place if you can't afford the DLC?), and then buy it.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
for some odd reason, finland gets special treatment in the EU, cos the release date here is the 8th

yes... this post IS kinda off-topic

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
Iwana Humpalot said:
Boycotting dlc and bioware from now on... But i will play this damn game one way or the other!
Are you stating what I think you are stating?

REcaptcha:subtituted retimm


New member
Feb 8, 2011
This is starting to get annoying.

DA:O & ME2 : Bonus Char for New game

DA2 : Bonus Char if you preorder

ME3 : Bonus char if you buy a collector's edition that costs much more. >_>


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Srkkl said:
JasonBurnout16 said:
I've played mass effect 1 and 2 and read three of the books.

But what the hell is a prothean? I have no clue! (I did read, and play the game,a long time ago.)
Hahahahahahaha, I bet you don't know what a Mass Relay is either xD

OT: This is pretty awesome. Ordered special Edition so I'll be getting it.
They are the things that launch you further into space I believe? I know the citadel is a massive one for the reapers or something.

But like I've stated it's been a long time since I played Mass Effect and I don't really retain gaming knowledge like a sponge.
Apr 5, 2008
Gaah, it gets worse! I loved BioWare, I loved Mass Effect, why did EA have to EA the hell out of it? Online passes, coop mode in a single player game, broader "mass market appeal" with those bollocks choices to let the game handle conversations, stats and/or combat for you, DAY 1 DLC, all locked to an EA account, ONLY available on Origin.........GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH I HATE YOU EA!

I want to say more but all I will do is repeat myself. How EA could do this to a developer I've loved and supported financially for 15 years is tragic. ME3 will be the last game of theirs I'll buy (physical copy because it's not on Steam), only because I've been invested in it from before the takeover. I hate you EA for what you've done to Mass Effect, to BioWare and to the games industry. You've finally tied with Activision in my eyes for the top spot for arsehole publishers (letting ubisoft move up into EA's former #2 position).
Apr 5, 2008
Sonic Doctor said:
It has been explained so many times in the past that it isn't even funny, but day 1 DLC isn't the end of the world and it isn't a bad thing.
Yes it damned well is. Day 1 DLC is only there to hurt the used games market. It should be in the damned game from day 1, not on sale seperately.

You make a game, like Bethesda did with Skyrim. ALL your dev team work on the game to make it as great as can be. You plan future ideas for dlc/expansions and AFTER the game is released, you move the dev team over to patches/bugfixes and dlc/expansions. THAT is how it works. Day 1 DLC is ALWAYS evil and money grabbing and wrong. Always, with zero exceptions or arguments for.


New member
May 25, 2011
JasonBurnout16 said:
But there is little chance of me remembering something as small as one level.
Um, you mean something as small as the entire plot of both games. Not knowing about the Protheans is like playing through Dragon Age and not knowing the darkspawn exist. Are you sure you've actually played Mass Effect and haven't got it confused with some other game?

On topic, yeah, fuck EA right in the ear. Mass Effect hasn't been a bad couple of games, but it's not so great that I can't do without the next one. Given what they did to Dragon Age 2, I doubt I'll be missing all that much anyone.

KingsGambit said:
Day 1 DLC is only there to hurt the used games market.
To be fair, it's not just there to hurt used games. It's there to hurt everyone. If it was only used games they were targeting, it would be free to everyone who buys new and would just require buying a code or something if you don't. As it is, charging every single person, regardless of where and when they bought the game, is just a blatant attempt to squeeze every penny they can out of their customers suckers.

Setch Dreskar

New member
Mar 28, 2011
Posting my thoughts in a Wall of text, be warned man.

Firstly going to post what has been said by the developer to use as a frame of reference, I heard there was a follow up post somewhere but the thread this was originally in exploded with comments and couldn't find the secondary post.

Michael Gamble wrote...

As most of you know, yesterday there was a leak that revealed the upcoming DLC ?ME3:From Ashes? on the
Xbox LIVE Marketplace. This leak took place before we were prepared to make an announcement about the details of that pack (slated for this Friday).

There has been a lot of discussion about the DLC offering but we wanted to clarify a few things...

- ?From Ashes? includes the Prothean squad mate, an adventure on Eden Prime, a new weapon, and an alternate
appearance for every squad mate. Note that these alternate appearances are in addition to the ones already advertised in the CE.

- The Collectors Edition has been advertised from the beginning as containing a bonus character/mission, but we were not at liberty to provide the details. The Prothean is optional content that is certainly designed to appeal to long-time fans, which is why he is part of the CE offering (the version many fans would be likely to purchase). Mass Effect 3 is a complete ? and a huge game - right out of the box.

- The content in ?From Ashes? was developed by a separate team (after the core game was finished) and not completed until well after the main game went into certification.

- The Collectors Edition has been sold out in most places for some time now, and is becoming very hard to find (many players prefer not to purchase the digital version). As such, we wanted to make this content available so that SE buyers could also incorporate the Prothean into their game.

We?ll be releasing someimages and video about this pack in the coming days.

As always, we are extremely thankful for all of your support. We pulled out all of the stops to make Mass Effect 3 the best game ever, and we can't wait for you all to experience it.

[As a note this is highly opinionated, this is not objective discussion as we simply don't know enough about the character's storyline, this is mainly speculation based on what we have found so far and my thoughts why I hate the entire idea of this DLC.]

Now going by this it was stated that it was done by a seperate team and was only ready long after the game went into production (The actual final build and disc manufacture, not design time, etc) but wasn't this Squad Mate announced almost a year ago, around the May 2011 area? If the character has no significant impact on the story, something I will bring up later, then why did it take say roughly 12 months time to make. [This is a very rough guess, assuming it was started before May so it could be announced and has yet to be finished?] The other reason alot of people are upset is due to the stigma of Day 1 DLC which has in the past, even with BioWare games like Warden's Keep in DA:O, added content to the game that can directly involve the storyline. Don't get me wrong Warden's Keep was a very small dungeon but it did give you new powers, new armor, and a new weapon that could directly affect your playthrough.

The part where I scratch my head is that the squad member is a Prothen. If Michael's comment is to be believed the character is to have no impact on the storyline and so the DLC is not a required by to get the full story, but my reaction is more 'how is that possible?'. For those of you who don't know, the Protheans were an organic race that lived 50,000 years in the past from the current Mass Effect timeline and who were systematically wiped out by the Reaper swarms. That in and of itself is a problem as the only Prothean outpost alive after the reapers left was Ilos and all the protheans there eventually died from starvation after being brought back from cryostasis. The protheans who are stated to be smart enough to build Mass Relays and the likes also state they know one prothean or even a dozen remaining won't bring about a new population and so don't even try, so why was this one lone prothean put into cryo by himself? [This is speculation, naturally we won't know the full story until release.] The other major problem is that the Protheans are the entire and only reason these three games exist in the first place, had they not altered their cycle ever so slightly, the galaxy would have been under reaper invasion right after the title card came up.

To put it more simply, bringing even one member of an extinct race who is at the very least 50,000 years old and who is so monumentally important to the game back, was always going to cause rage. Not only does it seem like the fans are being exploited, after all it is stated this was made for the fans yet most fans are the ones shredding it apart, but to put a price tag of 10 dollars on a DLC [with an extremely rare squadmember, whose race is the single most important one in the universe, and yet who has no meaningful impact on the story and some new skins] really doesn't help the case of making it look less like a cash grab.

Now as for myself personally, and I know alot of people won't share the same opinion, but why is the last Prothean in existence Jamaican? It doesn't make me feel for the character, I can't help but immediatly throw him into the same pile with the Sons of Sandin in Saints Row 2, or Little Jacob in GTA 4. If the character is meant to be unserious and add levity its one thing, but so far the entire marketing and point behind Mass Effect 3 has been it is a dark, bitter world on the edge of oblivion. Its really a bad stereotype from me indeed, but the character's audio lines seem absurd and laughable, in the sense they are bad as opposed to actually funny. Again I know not everyone will share my point of view but I just wanted to give it.

Now people could argue that I don't have to get the character to play the full storyline, buts its a Prothean. That single fact means it has to be important to the stroy, if not then why not just make it a Zaaed 2.0, or a new Geth Platform, or a Batarian, or something that seems it could fit without breaking the lore of this carefully crafted universe. This is also the main reason so many people are angry (According to much of the postings, though I couldn't go through all of it, I would be here all week if that were the case x.x) that the single most important race in the galaxy has a squad member that you can't have unless you get a Collecters Edition (DDE) or pay 10 dollars for the right to play it.

Really I don't expect anyone from Bioware to respond back to me, but I just wanted to clarify why I personally think this DLC is a very bad idea. Naturally others see this as the coolest thing ever and that is their right to have that opinion. Also just to note I already pre-bought the N7 Collector's Edition many moons again, so I am speaking from the perspective of someone that was always going to get this character anyways.

Thank you for your time,
Setch Dreskar


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
He's also a Jamaican for some reason.

Jah man, we be trippin' on dem reapas man!
I will now forever associate Protheans with this [link][/link]

I really, really hope the character doesn't actually sounds like this. It is ridiculous.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Ahahahaha! Day-One DLCs, you're so funny and-Wait? What?! A Prothean? A Mutha F****** Prothean! Aww, come on man! Now that's just make the lore about the whole thing inconsistent. I mean, they're 'extinct' for gods sake.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
Gerishnakov said:
Soviet Heavy said:
He's also a Jamaican for some reason.

Jah man, we be trippin' on dem reapas man!
I will now forever associate Protheans with this [link][/link]

I really, really hope the character doesn't actually sounds like this. It is ridiculous.
It's a West African accent; it's closer to Nigerian than Jamaican. that's Jamaican.

Haaaaaar haaaaaaar haaaaaar haaaaaar haaaaar


New member
Jun 15, 2010
wicket42 said:
Gerishnakov said:
Soviet Heavy said:
He's also a Jamaican for some reason.

Jah man, we be trippin' on dem reapas man!
I will now forever associate Protheans with this [link][/link]

I really, really hope the character doesn't actually sounds like this. It is ridiculous.
It's a West African accent; it's closer to Nigerian than Jamaican. that's Jamaican.

Haaaaaar haaaaaaar haaaaaar haaaaaar haaaaar
Even so, we're kind of side stepping the real issue, which is that the voice doesn't, for me at least, suit the character at all.

I was thinking they'd have a voice more akin to the Hanar, owing their quite alien nature.


New member
Oct 28, 2011
It's $10 for those who didn't preorder the CE you guys...

Oh wait I get why you're mad. You'll have trouble explaining to your mom why you need 10 more dollars.

Fucking entitled little children. And bitching about the voice acting already. Seriously...


New member
Oct 17, 2011
Hevva said:
Soviet Heavy said:
He's also a Jamaican for some reason.

Jah man, we be trippin' on dem reapas man!

Jesus H that's amazing. He sounds insane! Sharp suit too.

Hahaha I love this. Nice, preposterous voice acting. I was a little peeved by this day one dlc, but this video has made me more likely to part with my cash. Unfortunately things like day 1 dlc are going to be more and more recurrent. I've accepted this fact a long time back and therefore judge all dlc as if they were separate game; so I will read reviews on dlc content and then judge as to whether or not I think it will actually add to my game. So weapon and character skins are pretty much a no no and as for extra characters, well, it depends on their relevance and how hungry I am for more upon completion of the game. He may be a Prothean, but will he (it) really add to my single player experience, or will he (it) just be another Zaeed or Kasumi with nothing interesting to add to my single player experience?


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Sniper Team 4 said:
Sigh...what happened to the days of Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins? When just buying the regular copy of the game new was enough to give you the bonus character? I'm a little miffed at this to be sure.
Still totally picking it up though.
You just answered your own question; people are stupid enough to buy it. Keep supporting day one DLC, sooner or later you'll just get an empty case for $60 and the day 1 DLC will be the game.