Mass Effect 3: Retake This


New member
Sep 28, 2009
The Idiot Trap has been way, way too effective.

Guys, he's making fun of journalists - not Retake Mass Effect. Please stop making yourselves look stupid.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
I see a lot of people saying 'well it's trolling'

but trolling doesn't automatically excuse bad behavior. I think that if there was ever a group that needed a break from their enthusiast press haranguing them, it'd be mass effect fans

I dunno, it seems like playing a slightly nasty prank on the kid whose always getting shoved in the locker. Even if it's it's a legitimately funny prank, continuing to pick on them isn't cool. Hell, Retake mass effect has to be the most polite protest I've ever seen on the internet. Charity for children? Cupcakes for the object of their hatred? Whatever we think of their request they should get a ton of credit for that.

I've got no truck with the ME franchise, but it's bizarre how our journalists lept to the defense of bioware almost to a man. If a formerly celebrated artist in another artistic medium, say... George lucas... and he released a new product in an established fiction, say... Star Wars... it seems like the first people you'd turn to for some really granular analysis about the actual good and bad of the piece would be the journalists experienced in the art form.

Unfortunately our journalists aren't doing that, they seem stuck on 'Artistic license! No other discussion needed!' and if something's 'art' then it is apparently above reproach, and how dare you dislike it. Why would we even use our expertise and contacts to investigate and analyze the story of how this all came together?

Instead we had to rely on playwrights and people outside the industry writing for forbes and such because they're the only people who took a deeper look? or something? Anyone in the games press want to shed some light on why they're so lockstep on this? I guess I'd put my money on the instinct of 'we must legitimatize the art form at all costs' even if hilariously it's actually showing how young it is.

News at 11: Some art is not quality art, and if your critics can't make the distinction or refuse to critique poor art when they recognize it... well... that doesn't speak well of our critics does it? Hell, Critical Miss made a lot of waves for poking fun at the ending a few strips ago, but suddenly it's back to making fun of the extreme 10% of people who thought the ending was bad. Good on ya games press :/


New member
Oct 31, 2011
I'm so sad, I need to fill out a hurt feelings report :,(
EDIT: You know, I don't like the ending to this comic! as a fan, thus giving me entitlement,I demand it to be fixed to MY preferences! I must spread the word & form a movement!



New member
Jun 17, 2008
Wow, how very edgy and controversial. Here's another page impression for you guys, happy jerk-off.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Cephei Mordred said:
chiefohara said:
Primary school level trolling trying to pass itself off as clever 'satire'

Poor form critical miss.
They got over 250 comments, plus whatever they got on facebook.

I say they succeeded.
That's why im calling poor form. Its obvious that their motivation in this is not to make a point, but to score easy web traffic and ratings by being controversial and crude.

I appreciate wit, but this strip is just attention seeking.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Woodsey said:
chiefohara said:
Primary school level trolling trying to pass itself off as clever 'satire'

Poor form critical miss.
Being clever is somewhat relative to others, so considering the number of people who didn't get it, kicked off, and then made themselves the arse-end of the joke (the actual final panel is the comments section), I'd say it's very clever.

Let this be clear to people who still don't get it: you are not the butt of the joke if you supported the Retake Mass Effect thing. You are the pay-off for the joke if you threw up a *****-fit in this comments section about how the strip is insulting you for supporting Retake Mass Effect, and began claiming that this strip was yet another example of game sites taking sides with BioWare.
To be honest, i find that a stretch, but fair enough. If thats how you read it, then thats how you read it. I personally just saw it as a convenient way to generate web traffic for the sake of generating web traffic with a fairly weak get out clause/justification for its existence. We get enough trolling in the day to day forums of most websites, i don't need to see it encouraged on the featured content of the escapist.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
chiefohara said:
Woodsey said:
chiefohara said:
Primary school level trolling trying to pass itself off as clever 'satire'

Poor form critical miss.
Being clever is somewhat relative to others, so considering the number of people who didn't get it, kicked off, and then made themselves the arse-end of the joke (the actual final panel is the comments section), I'd say it's very clever.

Let this be clear to people who still don't get it: you are not the butt of the joke if you supported the Retake Mass Effect thing. You are the pay-off for the joke if you threw up a *****-fit in this comments section about how the strip is insulting you for supporting Retake Mass Effect, and began claiming that this strip was yet another example of game sites taking sides with BioWare.
To be honest, i find that a stretch, but fair enough. If thats how you read it, then thats how you read it. I personally just saw it as a convenient way to generate web traffic for the sake of generating web traffic. We get enough trolling in the day to day forums of most websites, i don't need to see it encouraged on the featured content of the escapist.
"I personally just saw it as a convenient way to generate web traffic for the sake of generating web traffic."

Well yeah, that is the joke. If no one had commented then it wouldn't have worked. The strip shows a couple of writers coming up with the most blatantly provocative headline they can so to get as many hits as possible, and the point of the strip is to show how fucking well it works.

Dragon Zero

No one of note
Apr 16, 2009
Kimarous said:
Generally speaking, I'm just tired of the whole affair. I was pissed too, once, but I've long since cooled down. Now, whenever the issue comes up, all I can think is "get over it already."
Right now I genuinely feel like writing "Thank You!" ten thousand times.

I'm just so incredibly tired of this. I don't care about this ending thing and I don't care about your feelings on the matter and I'm just sick and tired of the anger and blind hate coming from both sides of the argument.

I loved these games with all my heart and soul. I want to enjoy them without being reminded of this movement, both the supporters and detractors. Did I like the ending of the game? No, not in the slightest. Did I enjoy everything leading up to it? Yes, indeed this is one of the few game series to actually make me feel genuine emotions towards the characters and events as if they were flesh and blood people and I had been the one interacting. Should the ending change? I really can't answer that, but I'm just going to avoid this topic all together.

I actually enjoyed the comic itself. Seems like something Sharon would do.


New member
May 23, 2009
Sparrow said:
Immsys said:
Sparrow said:
Are you serious? You don't even know my opinion on the subject and you've opened up with "well, your opinion is wrong." You're either a troll or narrow minded. I can't believe you have the audacity to tell me my opinion (which you don't know at this point) is wrong and therefore you must be right based on zero evidence.

Well done for being part of the problem. And for the record? I give zero fucks about the ending, I liked ME3. Just looking out for the little guy over here.
Oh, well hang on a second.
Sparrow said:
Gotta' agree with this. Sarcasm or not, this strip reminded me that gaming journalists have handled this horribly. Instead of "let's look at both sides of this" it's devolved into "well, I didn't see anything wrong with the ending so you guys are just entitled asswipes."
Hm, that's odd, that little quote from your earlier post certainly seems like an opinion to me. Not to mention that I didn't even state that your opinion was wrong, I believe that my exact words were "you might be confusing". Doesn't seem to state that you are wrong, just the possibility that you are wrong. Which of course you already know, as a rational human being and all. As for my "audacity" again you seem to be reading what i typed as "could" to be "are". Part of the problem? Well, that's a little judgemental of you, you speak with some certainty on the matter. Almost like the certainty you are mistakenly lambasting me for having. I also don't see the bit where I claim that I am
right either, or indeed the bit where I express any opinion whatsoever.
Stop speaking in circles. You downright accused me of having an opinion that is not my own then started to tell me why that opinion was wrong. You also remain ignorant to the fact that there are two sides to the story.

Are you seriously trying to say that I shouldn't support those who don't have a positive voice in the media they attribute themselves to? Gamers who dislike the ending and want a new one are being shovelled into a corner with those who demand an ending. They are not the same. My point was that these people are being treated like shit, not that I am being treated like shit. There are two sides to this story, and within those two sides there are another two sides and so on. I just want to represent those who are being ignored for having an opinion that the gaming media is so set against hating, is that so wrong?
Quote the part where I "downright accused" you of "having an opinion that is not" your own please, I do not understand where I did that. I remain ignorant to the there being two sides to every story? You understand the irony of this, surely? You, without considering the other side of the story, have claimed that:

"Instead of "let's look at both sides of this" it's devolved into "well, I [Game journalists] didn't see anything wrong with the ending so you guys are just entitled asswipes."

What is your evidence to say that all game journalists are not looking at both sides of the story? Your evidence is that you have not SEEN them looking at both sides. There's nothing to say that they haven't looked at it, but only published their conclusion on the issue.

I don't understand your point about a positive voice. The media, rightly or wrongly, believe that the retake mass effect group are wrong. As a result they obviously are disagreeing with them. Gamers =/= everyone who agrees with retake Mass Effect. Just because some people agree with or support the movement and are gamers, does not mean that gamers support the movement. Therefore, just because they attribute themselves to gaming media definitely does NOT mean that gaming media should in any way endorse or defend their claims. The media should defend or endorse claims that they believe to be correct and should disagree with those that it believes incorrect. It should not just pander to some peoples opinions just because they are some of the audience.

Also, welcome to reality, where people are characterized by the loud minority by people who disagree with them. Say, i remember someone saying something that sounded a lot like that before, hang on I'll quote it:

Sparrow said:
Gotta' agree with this. Sarcasm or not, this strip reminded me that gaming journalists have handled this horribly. Instead of "let's look at both sides of this" it's devolved into "well, I didn't see anything wrong with the ending so you guys are just entitled asswipes."
Do you really think that ALL game journalists are saying that? I don't think so. Don't complain about the what is always going to happen, especially when you yourself are doing it.


Enthusiast Magician
Jan 16, 2011
Oooh, the gang's back, even the Bear is there too!

Sharon is looking smart. <3


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
Patrick Anderson said:
Fans point out plot holes and inconsistencies with the ending and how it doesn't fit in the story

Game journalists and their websites that are plauged with EA ads call us entitled

Real journalists from Forbes, BBC News, CNN, NY Times, NY Daily news, etc... say the fans have a point and point out all the quotes Bioware said about the ending and how it ended up being lies.

Yeah, and you wonder why no one takes game journalists seriously anymore. I bet most of you game journalists cringe seeing more credible sources like Forbes rip you apart while you have nothing but petty comments to respond with.
And game reviews. No one takes those seriously either.

The writer should check out zero punctuation and the 'webcomics' episode.

Cephei Mordred

New member
Jul 23, 2011
chiefohara said:
Cephei Mordred said:
chiefohara said:
Primary school level trolling trying to pass itself off as clever 'satire'

Poor form critical miss.
They got over 250 comments, plus whatever they got on facebook.

I say they succeeded.
That's why im calling poor form. Its obvious that their motivation in this is not to make a point, but to score easy web traffic and ratings by being controversial and crude.

I appreciate wit, but this strip is just attention seeking.
The attention, which you have just given them?

My point stands.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
I'm trying to find a way that this is funny or clever. Is it saying that the outrage over Mass Effect is basically just free marketing? Or...


No. No it's just not really funny.


That argument is absurd and leads to Uwe Boll movies. It is entirely possible to try to be fail for the sake of humor, and then fail at it. Unless there's some really, really deep meaning to this that I'm still not getting, I'm calling it.

Cephei Mordred

New member
Jul 23, 2011
Unsilenced said:
I'm trying to find a way that this is funny or clever. Is it saying that the outrage over Mass Effect is basically just free marketing? Or...


No. No it's just not really funny.

I think that such idiocy is hilarious, actually. It shows what a joke humanity really is, you know?

That argument is absurd and leads to Uwe Boll movies. It is entirely possible to try to be fail for the sake of humor, and then fail at it. Unless there's some really, really deep meaning to this that I'm still not getting, I'm calling it.
Show me in the contract where the authors agreed to be deep and meaningful.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Cephei Mordred said:
Unsilenced said:
I'm trying to find a way that this is funny or clever. Is it saying that the outrage over Mass Effect is basically just free marketing? Or...


No. No it's just not really funny.

I think that such idiocy is hilarious, actually. It shows what a joke humanity really is, you know?

That argument is absurd and leads to Uwe Boll movies. It is entirely possible to try to be fail for the sake of humor, and then fail at it. Unless there's some really, really deep meaning to this that I'm still not getting, I'm calling it.
Show me in the contract where the authors agreed to be deep and meaningful.
I didn't say it had to be deep and meaningful. I said that there weren't any particularly good face meanings, so unless there was a deep meaning that I didn't see, it was just meaningless.

They made marketing statements that lead me to believe that the comic would be deep and meaningful. We were deceived.

Retake Critical Miss. Demand a better punchline.