MiracleOfSound said:
18.99PlusTip said:
You sound angry from reading your post, which I certainly hope your not.
I am annoyed... not at your post in particular but by the stupid assumption by many people (not just on this site) that a game they don't like getting a good review means someone was bought off.
This seems especially stupid when you remember it's the final chapter of one of the most critically acclaimed series of all time. OF COURSE it was going to get good reviews. It's an incredible experience for most people who play it, despite its flaws.
18.99PlusTip said:
I'm just trying to make sure people understand WHY people are skeptical and reinforce this isn't some "nasty reddit troll" personal attack.
It's a legitimate concern. There is a huge discrepancy between critics and a large chunk normal customers as of late.
I completely understand.
But the problem is people don't seem to be taking Susan's word for it when she explains her side, which annoys the shit out of me. If people want to throw snide insinuations around they should be prepared to give benefit of the doubt.
And any argument about advertising 'influencing' the staff and all that jazz is rendered utterly void in my mind by the fact that every week the site's most popular show takes the absolute piss out of the same developers and games advertised here, sometimes viciously so.
"OF COURSE it was going to get good reviews." In my book, good games get good reviews and rubbish games get rubbish reviews.
I've been alive over 40 years, been a gamer since 1979. Now I accepted Susan's answer to my own question, and I accept her opinion of the game and reasons for giving it a high score. I read the review - it reads like a hate out of ten review imo not the score it got, but a good review nontheless. In all my years gaming I've never accepted "OF COURSE it was going to get good reviews" for any game though, I doubt I ever will.
As far as I'm concerned, we've had a lot of lacklustre games over the last couple of years just because of the "OF COURSE it was going to get good reviews" attitude a lot of gaming media have. Yes, we've had some good games but they haven't been as good as they could have been, and most haven't lived up to the promise the hype would have us believe. The likes of Jim and Yahtzee have made careers commenting on how stagnant the AAA games have become, and I can't imagine either ever saying "OF COURSE it was going to get good reviews" without a certain amount of cynicism. Meanwhile, publishers will keep pushing out the same old crap while "OF COURSE it was going to get good reviews" actually gives them decent reviews that fool enough gamers into buying the product.
I played ME3 for a bit today and my opinion was that it's nothing special - very average. If I had Kinect I'd have liked a voice command for "don't roll there" too. Mind, I don't like intense games, and I was finding ME3 much more intense than I expected and therefore not much fun.