immortalfrieza said:
1337mokro said:
So really it all comes back to Bioware being a lazy bunch god.... I just realized how nerdy this all sounds.
If people are getting into long winded nerdy sounding arguments about a fictional creature's ananomy, then it means that Bioware have truly created an effective fictional world that people care about, and whatever else has happened they have to be given props for that. Mass Effect pretty much the Star Trek/Wars equivalent of this past decade.
You have no idea how funny that comparison is
A rich universe with possibilities for engaging story telling destroyed when it had to appeal to a wider and wider and wider audience. Dumbing down their more cerebral stuff for more action and having tacky storytelling and reset-button episodes with cheap drama forced onto it to keep it on the air. Hack writers being put in charge of not so much writing scripts as farting them out by the dozen. More and more sex appeal and forced comedy being added to the point where we literally have two boobs in jumpsuits bouncing around the ship on top of that we get a woman who is basically Seven of Nine with bare cleavage.
If you meant that then yes Mass Effect is exactly like Star Trek, a beloved piece of fiction that crashed and burned harder than the box office results for Star Trek Nemesis.
Actually let's rank them.
Mass Effect would be TOS, TNG and DS9. All three shows had both excellent and horrible episodes but were overall good and consistent in quality. Much like Mass Effect which did have the occasional hiccups or weird moments.
Then we have Mass Effect 2. The Star Trek Voyager of the group and maybe a few of the Really bad TOS, TNG and DS9 episodes. The franchise is taken in a "new" direction to attract more viewers and get a wider audience, be that with more action, comedy or sex appeal. It eventually results in hack story writing with a plot that really has no point and just ends up being a giant waste of time at the end with severe damage being done by the events in the series and technobabble retconning of about a dozen different things. Kind of the perfect analogy for ME2.
At last we arrive at Mass Effect 3: The Rebetrayaling. This would be Enterprise. A sloppy, plot hole ridden, character inconsistent, exploitative, dumbed down and just plain old stupid mess of a game that not only screws up itself but contradicts almost everything in the previous games by essentially making them pointless and retroactively ruining their stories, which I thought was fucking IMPOSSIBLE because the only one with a story was ME1 but ME3 somehow even ruined the nearly non-existent story of ME2 with the new information it gives you!
So yes, Mass Effect is very much like Star Trek if you compare it this way