Lance Henrikson is a sneaky guy... I attended Armageddon Expo a couple of weeks ago which he was a guest at, and at his panel I asked if he'd be reprising his role as Admiral Hackett for ME3 (little suspecting that Hackett would be returning in this DLC!). His answer was that the voiceovers tend to be one of the last things done in the production of the game and that he wasn't sure yet. But he surely must have done his voice work for this by then, or at least known it was happening! I know he probably wasn't allowed to say anything contractually and that technically I didn't ask about ME2, but he could've given me a hint!!! /irrational fanboy outrage
Plinglebob said:
I'll probably get this as it'd be good to refresh my memory a bit on whats going on before 3 comes out. Is any of the other DLC worth buying? I know Shadowbroker is well thought of, but are Overlord and Kasumi worth the money?
I'll just be parroting what others have said, but yes, Overlord is a great little slice of system shock-y creepy fun, with some cool bits unlike any other missions (plus the end made me... quite emotional).
Kasumi's mission is also different and fun, although yes, quite short, but if you take the time to examine things it's pretty cool. Kasumi is also a handy character to have, giving you an extra option for the final mission and I honestly really enjoy her and Zaeed's little gossipy snippets when you talk to them on the Normandy, even if they don't have the fully fleshed out dialogue of the other characters. Also! The SMG you get from this mission is my weapon of choice - far better than the other SMGs you get in game.