Medal of Honor Sales Are Not Amazing

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
GamesB2 said:
I hope other IPs don't suffer a knock on effect from this...

Oh well there's always next time EA.
On the contrary. I hope this is the wake up call to the industry that these generic war-shooters aren't a Golden Goose.

Somehow though, I doubt this will event put a dent in the monolith that is the FPS genre.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Redlin5 said:
Seems like everyone who wanted Modern Warfare 2 already bought it already... I bet Bobby Kotick and his friends from Infinity Ward are laughing right now.
Kotick's got friends where now? It was pretty much a foregone conclusion considering it's selling point was how *real it would be. Well there's that and the fact it did nothing to distinguish itself as well as coming out close to CoD7 and Fallout:New Vegas.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
BiggityB05 said:
VanBasten said:
BiggityB05 said:
Too many people trying to do the same thing. Everyone is bored with the middle east.
Afghanistan is technically not Middle East.
And to my knowledge there hasn't been a game set there until now.

BiggityB05 said:
Hey EA why not make up a war?
Like ArmA and ArmA 2?

BiggityB05 said:
Why not make a game based during the Cold War but a different timeline where Russia and the US actually fight?
Like Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis, or even Black Ops to some extent?

BiggityB05 said:
Or what about the future with a war between the US and China?
Like Battlefield 2? Or Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising?

BiggityB05 said:
maybe WWII ended differently
Like Turning Point: Fall of Liberty?

BiggityB05 said:
Just give us something new and exciting.
Everything has been done already.
Im sorry let me rephrase....How about someone make a GOOD game with those things. All those games you mentioned are lousy. There are no tiple A titles with those themes. And yes Afghanistan is roped into the middle east label
I'm sorry, did you just call BF2 "not triple A" and "lousy"?

OT: I remember a time when we learned Borderlands sold just one million after a month, and we all rejoiced! Calling it a great success, congrats to a new IP etc. Then MOH comes out a year later and in 5 days sells 1.5 million and we're scoffing? People, there's something wrong here. The game did quite fine.

EDIT: the article was actually "Borderlands sells 3 million worldwide" and it was about a month after its release, MOH may beat that.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
Greg Tito said:
As Mr. Butts says, MoH tries to do everything that Modern Warfare 2 did but it just falls short.
It boggles my mind how this is possible without MoH being flat-out broken.