Medal of Honor Sales Are Not Amazing


New member
Oct 11, 2010
metroidgearsolid said:
i remember when there was a time when major I.Ps could only dream of selling 1.5 million in 5 days. alas times have changed :p
Yea, I remember when WoW dev was hoping just to get 1 million sub. At that time, it seem pretty off from reach to them.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
I really like it, but I'm not going to buy it at the current price. I think sales will pick up as the price lowers.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Proverbial Jon said:
This isn't surprising news.

Medal of Honor haven't made a decent game since Allied Assault back in 2002. Then a year later, up pops Call of Duty and the WW2 FPS market was well and truly taken from MOH. Well they've made some brave attempts to regain the crown with Airborne and now this... sadly it would seem that COD reigns supreme now.

It saddens me really, I'm not a COD fan by any means, but it does annoy me when these developers try so hard to become "better than the competition" simply by making the same game. I mean, honestly guys?
The funny thing is the guys who made MoH: AA were actually the guys who went on to make the first CoD... Infinity Ward. They didn't have their official name yet but the core group was there, kind of how Respawn Entertainment is the new un-official IW... they may not have the name but the talent of the original group remains. Thats why there are so many similarities between Allied Assault and CoD.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
BiggityB05 said:
Too many people trying to do the same thing. Everyone is bored with the middle east.
Afghanistan is technically not Middle East.
And to my knowledge there hasn't been a game set there until now.

BiggityB05 said:
Hey EA why not make up a war?
Like ArmA and ArmA 2?

BiggityB05 said:
Why not make a game based during the Cold War but a different timeline where Russia and the US actually fight?
Like Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis, or even Black Ops to some extent?

BiggityB05 said:
Or what about the future with a war between the US and China?
Like Battlefield 2? Or Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising?

BiggityB05 said:
maybe WWII ended differently
Like Turning Point: Fall of Liberty?

BiggityB05 said:
Just give us something new and exciting.
Everything has been done already.

Uber Waddles

New member
May 13, 2010
EA was HOPING controversy would sell this game.

What they didnt expect was that gamers who played the demo would just spread how bad of a Modern Warfare 2 clone it is; and it is a shameless clone.

While gamers dont mind buying games that are similar; we dont want to buy the same game twice. Expecially if that same game is WORSE then what its copying.

If they wanted it to be successful, they should have made the multiplayer less of a grind. Period. Theres a FINE line between working for a weapon, and grinding your ass off


New member
Apr 1, 2009
jdun said:
Reagus said:
My question is why oh WHY did MOH choose to go modern?
Because it made 90 millions in a few days? Good reason I think.
I wasn't refering to MW2 specifically, but modern in general. But even so, theres multifarious amounts of reasons as to why MW2 made the money it did, and it is now seen as THE modern shooter.

Trying to dethrone it by making a game in the same period of time gamewise (modern) and ALSO making it pretty bloody similar will NEVER beat it, because they already have MW2 for that.

If you had copied MW2 gameplay wise, but set it in WW2 like the original franchise did, then at least it would be unique by todays standards of an oversaturated Modern Combat game market


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Do you want to know why? Because I bought it and it's crap!

And by crap I mean that MoH Frontline for the PS2 was about 4x better.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
slutmonkey8 said:
Well a least they're giving people free DLC. That's kind of cool.
It would be cool ... if the game wasn't released with 8 maps and 4 multiplayer game modes.

In comparison MW2 had 16 maps, and 8 game modes(and another 11 derivative modes).

Basically, they released half a game, and now they're pretending to give out stuff for free.
Personally, I'd say that's not cool, in fact I'd say that's bullshit, to put it mildly.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
I kinda saw this coming after the beta. One major issue many first person shooters fail to capture when trying to dethrone Call of Duty is they don't capture the full 60 frames per second they do which gives the game the fast pace many love about the game, or at least in my personal circle of friends. Also what drove me personnally from it was no hardcore mode in the multiplayer that got pretty popular from Call of Duty, and even DICE's own BF2 though they could have added it once the game was released I am not familiar with the release. The last thing that drove my crazy about the game was vehicle combat in the multiplayer it took awhile to kill the stupid thing so you needed a couple people working on it to take it down timely, and it's the exact reason I quite playing BF2 I got tired of either get sniped after taking 2 steps, or getting blown up by a vehicle that's cannon had Superior range to my rockets.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
The multiplayer is horribly unbalanced, as well as laggy and unintuitive.
This is why.

Gunner 51

New member
Jun 21, 2009
The trouble with EA is that it's originality is starting to stagnate a bit. It seems to be releasing cookie-cutter games, if you'll pardon the expression.

What it needs is distance away from Activision. To be seen as an alternative here's some ways they should be able to accomplish this.

Public Relations + Marketing: EA has a huge headstart on Activision here. Bobby Kotick at Activision is seen as a money grubbing devil at best - so perhaps cutting the price of their games by £5 / £10 would be great for pissing the guy off and enticing the cash strapped to buy.

Game making - A little more innovation is needed, not follow-the-leader. Games like Mass Effect are a great start, or a remake of the Amiga game Walker. Which was a far more brutal version of Mechwarrior of it's day. Or space shooters - but learning to stay away from the over-saturated Space Marine theme.

Indie-nurturing and Licensing - Nuture indie-developers, with AAA games in a decline, the indie and up-and-coming developers are looking to clean up. It may also be worth a merger with 505 Games because they seem to be coming out with some interesting ideas for games.

Downloadable Content: Make it free or cheaper - this will make buying the game a little more tempting. Especially when someone's on a budget.

That's all I can think of right now.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
AC10 said:
Do you know what's REALLY the problem here?
No one fucking cares anymore. These industry giants all try to get into the same tiny genre and they can't all fit. They pollute the market with tons of similar games each year and the gamers become numb to them. MoH looks like all the other modern shooters, why should we care? How is it different? How is it better?

It's not any of these things, it's basically the same game as all the others.
I mean, the sad part to this story is how originally a decade ago MoH *was* the definitive war/military FPS game series until it started crapping out and CoD came and did a few good things

kinda late to the modernized military setting really