Meet the New Bat-Guys


New member
Oct 14, 2010
heh. When people were dissing Heath Ledger i said "he could surprise you. Wait and see. besides Nolan did a pretty solid reboot with batman begins. Lets have a little faith in him." Now i say...RELAX! Nolan will deliver an awesome movie, he´ll make Bane an awesome cinematic villain.
Whoever says Bane sucks will change their minds after seeing the movie. Besides, they chose a good actor to play him. Oh,and Bane is underrated...he´s not just a brute, he´s a serious intellectual threat to the Drak Knight.


New member
Dec 5, 2010
K_Dub said:
HAHAHAHA! Oh shit that's bad ass!

Anyway, I'm worried about Bane being the (main?) villian. He's just so...comic-y. I was honestly expecting Penguin or Ivy. I feel they could be Nolan-ized pretty well. I just hope Nolan knows what he's doing.
Bane is 'comicy' but The Penguin and Poison Ivy aren't? Hell, how is Bane more 'comicy' than the Joker, R'as al Ghul and the Scarecrow?


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Aiddon said:
that's the thing that gets me about the press release. It said "Selina Kyle" not "Catwoman".
That was the point I was gonna make, she's cast as Selina Kyle.
Though it doesn't mean that she won't also be Catwoman, if you ignore the cat motif and just give her a regular tight black suit, the audience knows who it is, but you get to skirt around the, frankly, more silly aspects of the character.


New member
May 8, 2010
*sigh* I actually agree. Especially with Nolan and the feminine hindrance point. I also like to say that Inception sucked.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
GiantRaven said:
K_Dub said:
HAHAHAHA! Oh shit that's bad ass!

Anyway, I'm worried about Bane being the (main?) villian. He's just so...comic-y. I was honestly expecting Penguin or Ivy. I feel they could be Nolan-ized pretty well. I just hope Nolan knows what he's doing.
Bane is 'comicy' but The Penguin and Poison Ivy aren't? Hell, how is Bane more 'comicy' than the Joker, R'as al Ghul and the Scarecrow?
Sorry, I'll elaborate. I've had several discussions with a couple of my friends, and we just feel that Penguin and Ivy would be better suited because they could make an easier transition into the Nolan-verse.

Take Ivy for example. In the comics, a genetically modified hottie with power to control plants who wants to destroy Gotham because they mistreat the ecosystem (or something along those lines, never read the comics). In the Nolan-verse, she's a hottie who is knowledgeable in the field of plant life and poisons, and uses this knowledge to poison and kill powerful government workers within Gotham because they mistreat etc.

Bane on the other hand, in the Nolan-verse, he could be a mob boss I guess? Which could be interesting for sure, but I just feel that Ivy or Penguin, or hell even Talia al Ghul are far more interesting characters. Bane just seems one-deminsional.


Biologist Supreme
Jul 29, 2009
Now wait a minute, Bane can be done well if written correctly. That admittedly doesn't happen often, but his first appearance in Knightfall and his recent revival in Secret Six show that he can be a good character.

Nolan so far has shown a talent for finding and using the best aspects of the villains in his movies. He gets the villains, even if he obviously doesn't get Robin.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Tony Murlin said:
I'm still a little confused regarding the casting of Tom Hardy as Bane... but I was also skeptical (very skeptical) of him casting Heath Ledger as the Joker. I'll wait to hear more before forming an opinion on this particular issue.
Still confused?

The biggest reason why I'm going to watch the third movie is to see Tom Hardy in action. That guy is a fucking treat to watch.

As for how Catwoman will be used to drive the story. Maybe she'll be the seductive, conforting female presence that'll cause Batman to turn to the dark side. His previous love interest is dead and he's become ostracized by the city he swore to protect: Catwoman could just be the last nudge for Batman to give up is morals.

And I never even realized it untill read this article, but there really is absolutely zero amount of sexuality or romance in Nolan's work. That's probably why all his movies are so universally boring.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Sigh... I was hoping for Riddler... I really was. Or Scarface. Scarface would have been amazing. And fairly easy to do. I'm very upset with the pick of Bane. Sadly, I always knew Catwoman would show up. Just thought it would be Rachel, not actually Selena Kyle. Oh well. Hope Nolan knows what he's doing.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I'm not the least bit surprised about Catwoman, she's one of Batman's most well-known foes and is most definitely someone who fits with Nolan's version of Gotham. She doesn't have any powers and everything she does is pretty much feasible, barring some insane gadgetry. I don't really see why a cat-suit would be unsuitable for these films, I mean the main character himself dresses like a bat. How is a woman dressing like a cat any sillier?

Though I was not expecting Bane. Not because he's necessarily un-suitable for these films (Though I'd imagine Nolan is still going to have to take some creative liberty where venom is involved), but because he's a rather obscure villain. But then again, so were Ra's and Scarecrow, to a degree.

Prof. Monkeypox

New member
Mar 17, 2010
I trust Nolan enough to think that he has a reason for picking these two, even if I don't know what it is. Who knows how his mind works anyway. Oh, right, everyone who saw Inception...

Anyway, I liked Burton's Catwoman best. Sure, she was goofy -like everything Burton does- but there was a definite air of undeniable sexiness and coolness around her that worked without making her slutty.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Why Bane would work?

Batman: Venom. Bruce Wayne keeps seeking out ways to be perfect and comes across the steroid Venom (this is before Bane was a character).

Bane was ALSO created to see what would have happened to Bruce if he continued this route.

Scarecrow in the first movie was partially billed as a drug dealer, after all.

Steroids in sports, well, that's a hot topic these days, isn't it?

How Catwoman comes in, I'd be interested in seeing. She's also the one woman that belongs with Bruce in a way.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
erm said:
I think both Selina Kyle and Bane could be used as parallels to Batman's character. Two different takes on what Batman could have been, and two different explorations of the darker side of Wayne's motivations and purpose as Batman.

It would be interesting to see Bane done as a more extreme Batman (performance enhancing drugs and deliberately killing), especially if he was more effective at curbing crime than Bat, and Selina done as an extension of Batman's more selfish goals (whatever he does to fund his operations), and whether he is actually doing it for others or himself.

I'm worried about a major female character in a Nolan film too. Still, other films worry me much more in that dimension.
I assumed that is the route Nolan would go down. In the previous film, we got three kinds of justice; Batman as the angry vigilante, Dent as the optomistic pioneer of law, and Gordon as the ordinary cop in between (I think that's how Confused Matthew described it). It would be nice to see that sort of relationship set up again, only with batman as the one in the middle, and the two newcomers as the extremes.

Acting like a FOOL

New member
Jun 7, 2010
GiantRaven said:

Bane does not suck. For proof; here is a picture of Bane riding a T-Rex [].

Or, to put it another way , read Secret Six.
That's SPAWN, you fool! I don't love you anymore; this relationship is OVER!


New member
Apr 13, 2009
Of course, is it all very much possible Nolan is just telling people it's Bane and Catwoman, then when the trailer comes out, he pulls an "Whoops! Did you really believe me?" scenario.

It is possible when you think about it, instead of hearing the rediculous "Whose the New Batman Villian?" question ad nauseum, he just calculates an answer and makes people think something else, you know, to throw them off his scent?

It's a thought.

I do not know enough about Bane and Catwoman to truly appreciate them, but from what I'm reading of Bane, he sounds pretty badass. But whatever works, I'm more than willing to find out what happens next.a


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Eh, Im more then willing to give Nolan the benifit of the doubt here on Catwoman. I second guessed him on Scarecrow and Joker and on both counts had my brain blown by not only the acting but also the presentation of the characters. But Bane for me will be a hard sell, though Im definately looking forward to seeing how Nolan pulls him off


New member
May 17, 2010
I wanted the Riddler. Oh well.

For me the whole point of villians in the Nolan verse was how they contrasted with the Bat. Scarecrow kept his whole fear thing, Ghul was just as devoted to stopping crime, The Joker was literally an avatar of chaos copared to Bat's law, Two-face was an initally good guy who fell due to loved one dieing.

Thus if he can do that with these villians fine.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
My only concern is casting Hathaway. She's never impressed me as an actress. Now playing Catwoman? Don't know about that . . .