Mega Man 10 Trailer Gives Robot Masters Swine Man Flu


New member
Aug 20, 2009
ccesarano said:
henritje said:
its just to allow casual gamers (as in not that good at hard games) beat the game
Or those of us that have actually grown up enough to have better things to do than die ten thousand times on the same level until we've memorized every pixel of the map, only to die ten thousand times on the next map.

Take the elitist attitude and shove it up your ass.

An easier mode is appreciated, but God damn if that doesn't look too easy. Once again, game developers miss the idea of a middle ground. Either way hard or way too easy. No concept of a challenge, but not a *****.
i.m not an eltist I actualy suck at megaman and I am happy with an easy mode maybe the original mode would become hard and the middle road would become normal

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
Have all the humans really become so incompetent that they are sending a robot to stop a deadly disease that only affects robots?

Eric the Orange

Gone Gonzo
Apr 29, 2008
Internet Kraken said:
Have all the humans really become so incompetent that they are sending a robot to stop a deadly disease that only affects robots?
You bring up a good point here. I've never seen the anime, but in the games the only humans I've ever seen are Dr.Wily and Dr.Light. Are there any other humans?

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
Eric the Orange said:
Internet Kraken said:
Have all the humans really become so incompetent that they are sending a robot to stop a deadly disease that only affects robots?
You bring up a good point here. I've never seen the anime, but in the games the only humans I've ever seen are Dr.Wily and Dr.Light. Are there any other humans?
Well in Megaman 4 there was Dr.Cossack (or something like that). But aside from him, I'm not sure.

Maybe Megaman takes place after some horrible apocalypse, and the only remaining scientists are now trying to repopulate the world with intelligent robots instead of humans. But along the way one of them got bored and said "Screw this. If I'm going to build a robot, it should be able to shoot bees out of it's arm".

Hooray for over-analyzing the plot to an 8-bit game.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
WhiteTigerShiro said:
henritje said:
looks coolbut it doesnt realy "feel" the same as megaman 9
The game isn't even out yet, how can you possibly know how it "feels"?
Megaman 9 realy felt as the last one heading back to 8bit awesomeness one last time the whole idea of a sequak kinda ruins it (dont get me wrong MM10 looks awesome)


New member
May 3, 2009
Are you fucking serious... The only way mega man would be cool, is if it was like the show, and you had upgradable parts and they faught in a 3d stadium thing. You know this is true


New member
May 3, 2009
And to everybody who says this game looks good... Buy a real console. Because this game looks horrible and most likely plays worse. Go play little big planet. Best game For its design and there is most likely remakes of megaman on there that are GOOD! unlike what you have seen here.


New member
May 3, 2009
TheNumber1Zero said:
Kollega said:
TheNumber1Zero said:
Kollega said:
So now, Megaman fights zombie robots. Sweet. Next up: Ninja Pirate Vampire Cowboy Alien Nazi Wizard Zombie Robots!
What? No Lycanthropy?
I had Werewolves in there, but you know what they say. Vampires and Werewolves don't mix, i went with vampires. Sorry. Besides, it's hard enough to imagine this combination as it is.
I meant real life Lycanthropy, the mental disease where one believes that he/she becomes a werewolf. A Vampire could have that unless there all immune from having any and all forms of mental illness.
Full of win....


New member
May 22, 2009
Chimpaco said:
Are you fucking serious... The only way mega man would be cool, is if it was like the show, and you had upgradable parts and they faught in a 3d stadium thing. You know this is true
Chimpaco said:
And to everybody who says this game looks good... Buy a real console. Because this game looks horrible and most likely plays worse. Go play little big planet. Best game For its design and there is most likely remakes of megaman on there that are GOOD! unlike what you have seen here.
Does anyone have that "Facepalm" image for this?

Oh never mind...

I can't beleive I remember how to image tags after 2 years....

But yeah, I might actually be able to make some progress with this one due to it's Easy Mode.

I'll be blunt, I'm shit at Mega Man games and I like my sanity where it is, so thanks for the Easy Mode!


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Easy mode? More like "never played a Mega Man game before" mode. Ah well, it'll serve to help ease some newbies into the game at least, and I like the idea of playing as Protoman.


New member
May 3, 2009
GamingAwesome1 said:
Chimpaco said:
Are you fucking serious... The only way mega man would be cool, is if it was like the show, and you had upgradable parts and they faught in a 3d stadium thing. You know this is true
Chimpaco said:
And to everybody who says this game looks good... Buy a real console. Because this game looks horrible and most likely plays worse. Go play little big planet. Best game For its design and there is most likely remakes of megaman on there that are GOOD! unlike what you have seen here.
Does anyone have that "Facepalm" image for this?

Oh never mind...

I can't beleive I remember how to image tags after 2 years....

But yeah, I might actually be able to make some progress with this one due to it's Easy Mode.

I'll be blunt, I'm shit at Mega Man games and I like my sanity where it is, so thanks for the Easy Mode!
Yea dude i lurk 4chan. Your facepalm is nothing in the eyes of the ultimate religion. Run of and play with sticks now child.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Xzi said:
Wait a sec...correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Megaman X the same as Megaman 10? I'd much rather see a release of X on XBLA.
No. Megaman X was a renewed continuity in the series taking place a century later and was aimed at a slightly older 'tween demographic with questions aobut war, cruelty, the occasional use of the word damn, racism, etc...


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Baby Tea said:
Haha, the easy mode made me smile.
"Aaaand we'll just cover up all spikes to you can walk across!"
They weren't kidding when they said 'easy'!
Whereas in mm9 "we'll put spikes everywhere, and remove the power slide and mega buster!"


New member
Dec 8, 2009
scotth266 said:
Easy mode? More like "never played a Mega Man game before" mode. Ah well, it'll serve to help ease some newbies into the game at least, and I like the idea of playing as Protoman.
search mega man 2.5d and see real innovation