Metro: Last Light Developer Dumps on Wii U


New member
Feb 13, 2010
FelixG said:
Kmadden2004 said:
Foolproof said:
Kmadden2004 said:
Foolproof said:
Are you going to show the unbiased videos showing the extreme slowdown of Arkham City on the WiiU where it drops to a single digit framerate now? Or are you going to admit you are not even fucking close to being unbiased?
Can you show us a video of Skyrim's DLC running on a PS3?
Can you give a single reason why thats in any way shape or form relevant?
Just making the point that you can't judge a console's performance on one crappy port.
Er, but they didnt release the DLC onto the PS3 because they knew it wouldnt work.

They didnt just throw it out there and go "Oops it drops your game into the shit! Oh well!"

So the DLC example was pretty off, though I dont know if they ever fixed the chugging problem with the base game for PS3
That's kind of the point I was making, the DLC issue is only the latest in a long list of problems to hit the base game, and wouldn't have even been an issue if Bethesda had taken more care in porting the game over to the PS3.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Foolproof said:
Kmadden2004 said:
Foolproof said:
Kmadden2004 said:
Foolproof said:
Are you going to show the unbiased videos showing the extreme slowdown of Arkham City on the WiiU where it drops to a single digit framerate now? Or are you going to admit you are not even fucking close to being unbiased?
Can you show us a video of Skyrim's DLC running on a PS3?
Can you give a single reason why thats in any way shape or form relevant?
Just making the point that you can't judge a console's performance on one crappy port.
You can when the company spent a full fucking 15 minutes of E3 talking about a year old game. If they play it up they fucking well better be able to deliver.
Yeah, no dice, friend.

Nintendo didn't oversee the porting of the game, and their giving Warner Interactive x amount of time to advertise their wares at the E3 conference is immaterial to that.

So the point still stands; you can't judge a console's performance on one crappy port.


New member
May 30, 2012
CriticKitten said:
nexus said:
It's not "ignorant tripe".
Yes, it is.

There's no worming your way around this one. The term "generation" has a definition. So does the phrase "console generation". You're using it incorrectly in both instances.

Ergo it is nothing BUT ignorant tripe. The sort of tripe used only by someone who isn't even trying to be objective in their assessment of the product. Ergo, fanboi. And judging from your last post, I'd wager PC fanboi.

Come back when you have something of meaning to add to this discussion.

Your "fanboi" accusations are kind of remarkable, considering you're telling people to shut up and "wait for the future" before criticizing the console. Okay.
Nice try, but you're not going to turn that argument back around on me, given the context of your previous post.

I'm the one saying that we need to wait and see what its actual specs are, and how its game library pans out over the next year or two, before we can label any console as a success or failure. That's what a smart consumer does: they actually investigate the product before determining whether or not to buy one.

You, on the other hand, are declaring the instant failure on a console based on the quality of its graphics in comparison to a PC (nevermind that consoles generally NEVER surpass the quality of a top-end PC at their time of release, since that would make the console impossibly high-priced to build). And you also rattled off about its poor graphical quality while knowing nothing about the console's internal hardware or its capabilities (which could be better or worse than existing consoles, the truth of which isn't known yet).

Not hard to figure out which of us is the educated party and which is the drooling fanboi. But in case you're struggling to put the pieces together, let me offer a hint: you're the latter.
You're accusing me of being a fanboy still, no words.

Also never said Wii U was a complete failure, I said it's an overhyped disappointment. It has nothing to do with "graphics", but more to do with pushing the industry forward. Consoles always set the bar because that's all companies invest in today. Good hardware not only means better visuals, but also more stuff on screen, better performance, wider range of possibilities.

So you're damn right I'm going to criticize it. Why? Because it costs $400+. I'll wait and see alright, but I'm not holding my breath.


New member
May 30, 2012
CriticKitten said:
Also never said Wii U was a complete failure, I said it's an overhyped disappointment. It has nothing to do with "graphics", but more to do with pushing the industry forward.
I'm reminded of a recent post....
Some Dude said:
Also, the best looking version of any game is without a doubt the PC version, phenomenally more so in fact. Unless of course it's a shoddy port, then it won't look well on PC.. which is sadly the case for many games today.
Look familiar?

You don't get to rave about how shitty a console's graphics are compared to a PC (which, I'll remind you again, is a STUPID argument to make, since that is literally *always* going to be the case), and then claim that you never bitched about the graphics and how it "isn't about the graphics". Because yes, it was, given that you were bitching about them no less than two posts ago.
That wasn't about the Wii U. I was specifically talking about the video posted comparing Wii U Black Ops 2 to the rest of the consoles, and erroneously, the PC. The video, not the console. The author of the video was saying the Wii U version was better than not only the PS3 or 360, but also the PC. I was remarking how it was false and the PC obviously trumps all 3 consoles. Unless of course, it's a port.

At NO POINT did I say the Wii U was a "complete failure". You keep messing around and typing up crap I never even said.

Honestly, you are the worst Nintendo fanboy I've ever personally dealt with, and I'm bowing out of this nonsense.


New member
May 30, 2012
Kmadden2004 said:
Here's something to consider about the next-gen of consoles; how much better can graphics really get?

And I mean on a practical level here.
That's the thing though. Better hardware, and more streamlined software to support it doesn't just improve graphics. It's for *everything*. It is for performance, more stuff on screen, the ability to store more textures in memory which allows for more "content" like larger worlds, and all that good stuff. Better animations, more animations, more characters. Also, of course it encourages the invention of better technology like physics, or new stuff never before explored because older hardware doesn't support it, etc.

It's for everything. You really need computing power to expand games. I mean, we're at a good level right now, but it's just disappointing to see consoles making little hops instead of leaps. Also not a fan of the touch-screen gig.. As someone already mentioned, it sucks away what little precious computing power you have to begin with.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
nexus said:
Kmadden2004 said:
Here's something to consider about the next-gen of consoles; how much better can graphics really get?

And I mean on a practical level here.
That's the thing though. Better hardware, and more streamlined software to support it doesn't just improve graphics. It's for *everything*. It is for performance, more stuff on screen, the ability to store more textures in memory which allows for more "content" like larger worlds, and all that good stuff. Better animations, more animations, more characters. Also, of course it encourages the invention of better technology like physics, or new stuff never before explored because older hardware doesn't support it, etc.

It's for everything. You really need computing power to expand games. I mean, we're at a good level right now, but it's just disappointing to see consoles making little hops instead of leaps. Also not a fan of the touch-screen gig.. As someone already mentioned, it sucks away what little precious computing power you have to begin with.
I get what you're saying there, and I'm not really disagreeing with you, but the point I was making (admittedly, I should have picked a better word than "graphics") is that all that stuff (the animation, the textures, the cg-models, etc) all have to be built by somebody and have to be stored during development in a physical location. Developers don't get a magic button that generates all that content, and the more content that's going to be pumped into the game (at ultra-HD quality) is ultimately going to become increasingly (even ludicrously) expensive. I do not think, in this climate, that developers and publishers are going to be up for that.

I recall reading an article where somebody - I think from Epic games - said they were scared shitless about the next generation of consoles specifically because of this reason. At the end of the day, if production and development costs do skyrocket with such a leap in technology, then don't be surprised if game prices start hitting the $80 mark and above.

Ultimately, the point I was really trying (and failing, I guess) to make was that I don't think the next generation of consoles are necessarily going to be super-duper-powered games machines. I think they're going to be built as home entertainment hubs that happen to play games, and the features that come with that shift in focus are ultimately what's going to define the next gen.

That's just my two cents, for what it's worth...


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Hammeroj said:
Kmadden2004 said:
Here's something to consider about the next-gen of consoles; how much better can graphics really get?

And I mean on a practical level here.
How [] about [] a fuck []ton [] better []?
Your first video is giving me Uncanny Valley. I don't want my games to look like that, that's scary.

As for Unreal Engine 4 and Cry Engine 3: The WiiU can use Both [] of Those [], so you can't complain about it.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Frostbite3789 said:
Mr.Mattress said:
Oh hey look, an unbiased source came to save the day.
... Ahem, that is for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2... Which uses neither Cry Engine 3 or Unreal Engine 4. Regardless, I have seen Black Ops 2 myself: It does look better then the Xbox 360, but only very slightly, not as the "Leaps and Bounds" like Reggie said. That is exactly what the article says too. So thanks for proving my point.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Mr.Mattress said:
... Ahem, that is for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2... Which uses neither Cry Engine 3 or Unreal Engine 4. Regardless, I have seen Black Ops 2 myself: It does look better then the Xbox 360, but only very slightly, not as the "Leaps and Bounds" like Reggie said. That is exactly what the article says too. So thanks for proving my point.
And you linked a video...which made the same claim you were at the time. That Black Ops 2 on the Wii U looks leaps and bounds better than it does on the PS3/360 and PC. An outrageous claim you've now backtracked on apparently.

Considering it's on par with the 360 in looks and not performance and can't even begin to measure up with the PC version.

Nice try guy.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Hammeroj said:
...Scary? Wow, okay. Here's what I think. The reason you don't want games to look like that is because you don't want to spend money on new hardware. Otherwise, do you think the way the current animations/models are is actually better?

Oh, thank god it can use those engines. What's that? The Xbox360 and PS3 can use Cryengine 3 and the mere fact that it supports the engine doesn't mean anything? Who would have thought.

The WiiU is not much stronger than either of the current main consoles; it's not even remotely the leap one would expect from a new generation of consoles, and it's going to barely scratch the surface of either of the engines' capabilities. The fact of it being able to run the engine means next to nothing to me, the same way it does with the Xbox360 and the PS3.
Or, it's scary looking. That can't be a reason because? I can't think that looks weird? Have you ever heard of Uncanny Valley? I will give you that the animations are a lot more detailed then current stuff, but it still looks really really creepy.

Can the Xbox 360 or PS3 use Unreal Engine 4? No? My point still stands: The WiiU is much stronger then current consoles.

Frostbite3789 said:
And you linked a video...which made the same claim you were at the time. That Black Ops 2 on the Wii U looks leaps and bounds better than it does on the PS3/360 and PC. An outrageous claim you've now backtracked on apparently.

Considering it's on par with the 360 in looks and not performance and can't even begin to measure up with the PC version.

Nice try guy.
Yes, I did, but I only backed off of it because it falsely includes the PC. However, The WiiU's version is still graphically superior to the 360/PS3, as this non-biased video shows []. Also, is the Xbox's version of BLOPS 2 in 1080p? No? I thought so...

Also, I'm going to say that Digital Foundry is wrong. No [] One [] Else [] Has said anything about it bad Gameplay wise. These are the first guys to say anything negative about it, so I think they're just making stuff up, or making mountains out of anthills.


New member
Apr 26, 2010
Eri said:
Xan Krieger said:
Darmy647 said:
Im curious about something, and im Defidentally sure the escapist community would be happy to fill me in, but isn't the wii u cpu on par with the 360 and ps3?? I have not been keeping up, pc gamer elites and what-not.
It should noted that the Wii U is a new system so having hardware equivalent to last gen's systems is nothing to be proud of.
I wish more people understood this fact instead of stupidly defending a blatantly underpowered console.

You should note I'm not calling it a terrible system, I'm calling it 6 years late to the party.
2 or three by my count. Admittedly no one was talking next gen until Nintendo showed up a little unexpected with an HD Wii people were winging about.

That said, yeah this console does give me pause. even if it was lower end I expected it to be an economy option for this generation. I'd be okay with reduced graphics if the physics and enemies on screen and so on weren't on the chopping block. Also this has been the loudest hardware and software failure they've had for awhile. What was before this the Other M broken saves?

It really does feel they've adopted all the terrible aspects of modern gaming industry in their step to be more mainstream losing that quality. they may need to release a WiiU2.0 or redesign ala the PS3 did or the 360 skus.


New member
Apr 26, 2010
@Kmadden2004 Don't put yourself with the game/system take a step back. I don't think you're doing wrong, just general advice on these things.

As for the WiiU being a tougher sell. You're damned right.
I don't think we'll see another Wii super sellout.

Hell I think it will be eclipses if Kinect 2/3.0 comes out on the nextbox with glorious tablet integration.

Nintendo is playing a whole lot of catchup, yes catchup because they aren't going sideways they are jumping into the console rat race direct. And I expect there will be tears and heartbreak and tragedy with the online services, misleading on the hardware space, and the ports being a challenge as now freed of motion controls but having no ease with pad support. Maybe WiiU will be more a full implementations of the promises of the revolution, able to sell more individual interface products with games and piecemeal implementations. But that seems risky and Risky in my head says Microsoft, at least that kind of risky. Expect MS to release kinect controllers, tools at to attachments to make the best kinect and compensate for tracking and lack of feedback issues. Moreover their customer base can rely on the midlife tech upgrade from their days a pc gamers and from the 360's coming through

Nintendo however has been kinda doing their own thing and is now trying to out do the competition. Its like a jump from AA to the Majors. There will be screwups. Acknowledging the weaknesses of the console isn't a betrayal or a value judgement.

Mainly what I am hoping is even if graphically only as good as the best PS3 games on average that they keep superior assets and processing. That they figure out how to upgrade to stronger, longer distance, and enduring pads. I hope they mercilessly rip off the MS Glass idea like I proposed a year again (six months before I knew about glass)
I also hope their fans don't feel the need to defend them. Nintendo is a big grown ass company. Its founders are in threat of dying of old age, Miyamoto is RETIRING. They've lasted long enough and proved they know how to do their jobs.

That means its okay to say, yeah there are issues and fears with this design and they have lots to work out. but there is also plentiful good and promising here. But yeah they need to kick the ass of who made the ports they showcased on their floor that makes their console look shitty. They need to apologize for the QA, at the very least I haven't heard a bunch of service horror stories they can admit when they screw up. They need to start selling Hard drives or at least featuring harddrives that work with their consoles as their mandatory installations eat up all the space on their basic units.

Along with this, as they compete in the major leagues, its okay that you're a little tired of New Super Mario Bros (its the third release of this style in 12 months, getting sick of it is perfectly SANE REACTION DEMAND MORE, Nintendo can do better, IS BETTER, than this), for people not into the WiiU or a little sore about the Wii to be all wait and see. Own up to the hardware failures (take it as an opportunity to play up the response but don't deny)

I say this a Nintendo fan. We're in the majors now with a beloved champion don't fight for them BELIEVE in them. And part of that is putting away fear of acknowledgement of their failures.


New member
Jul 1, 2010
Eri said:
Xan Krieger said:
Darmy647 said:
Im curious about something, and im Defidentally sure the escapist community would be happy to fill me in, but isn't the wii u cpu on par with the 360 and ps3?? I have not been keeping up, pc gamer elites and what-not.
It should noted that the Wii U is a new system so having hardware equivalent to last gen's systems is nothing to be proud of.
I wish more people understood this fact instead of stupidly defending a blatantly underpowered console.

You should note I'm not calling it a terrible system, I'm calling it 6 years late to the party.
He wasn't defending the console, he was trying to confirm if the CPU was equal and didn't mention his opinion of the system at all. There is defending a console, and then there is confirming the facts. I wish people weren't so quick to pounce on statements and that they didn't make assumptions about where people stand.

It seems odd to me to develop for the Xbox 360 then not develop for another console that is at least on par. I think that they probably just don't have much faith in the Wii U and are saying that it's underpowered to justify not developing on it. If that's the case I can understand.