Metro: Last Light Developer Dumps on Wii U


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
Mr.Mattress said:
First, it is much stronger then modern day consoles. Second, I already said that the WiiU won't have games that look like the most advance Computer games today.

Your first link is using Metro's Developers, the only company that is actually complaining about the WiiU. Your second link says that Tecmo has minor troubles with CPU but that they still make a better looking game. They made Warriors Orochi 3 for the system, so they aren't ragging on it like 4A is. Therefor, yes, 4A is the only developer that is saying the CPU is crap; Tecmo is saying that it has minor issues but that they worked with it and made a pretty decent game out of it.

Also, to everyone who said my video was Biased, please refer to these Non-Biased Videos:

Much stronger is factually wrong. I don't even know how you can try to objectively say that. At best, it matches the output of current consoles. It won't look much better in the future either because the hardware won't allow it. Sure, once they have more time to optimize they will look better, but not by that much, because again, the hardware is 7 years old. That is a factual statement.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Eri said:
Much stronger is factually wrong. I don't even know how you can try to objectively say that. At best, it matches the output of current consoles. It won't look much better in the future either because the hardware won't allow it. Sure, once they have more time to optimize they will look better, but not by that much, because again, the hardware is 7 years old. That is a factual statement.
Please tell me then; If it is Factually Wrong that the WiiU is much stronger then the modern day consoles, how come you can't objectively say it? I already told you, with age comes experience: Condemned for the Xbox 360 looks just like an Xbox game. If this were 2006, then I could tell you it is factually wrong to say the Xbox 360 is stronger then the Xbox. However, just look at how things change with age: Condemned 2 for the 360 looks so much better. And no, the WiiU is not using 7 year old hardware: The WiiU is using 5-3 year old tech. And how, pray tell, will the hardware say "Yeah, I don't want my games to look better then they do now"? You don't think Developers will learn how to make games look better for the WiiU? You don't think Nintendo would fine tune the WiiU's hardware within a year of now? It's absurd to make such factually wrong claims as you are making. Every console gets better with age, no matter what parts they are using. Your being factually wrong.


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
Mr.Mattress said:
Eri said:
Much stronger is factually wrong. I don't even know how you can try to objectively say that. At best, it matches the output of current consoles. It won't look much better in the future either because the hardware won't allow it. Sure, once they have more time to optimize they will look better, but not by that much, because again, the hardware is 7 years old. That is a factual statement.
Please tell me then; If it is Factually Wrong that the WiiU is much stronger then the modern day consoles, how come you can't objectively say it? I already told you, with age comes experience: Condemned for the Xbox 360 looks just like an Xbox game. If this were 2006, then I could tell you it is factually wrong to say the Xbox 360 is stronger then the Xbox. However, just look at how things change with age: Condemned 2 for the 360 looks so much better. And no, the WiiU is not using 7 year old hardware: The WiiU is using 5-3 year old tech. And how, pray tell, will the hardware say "Yeah, I don't want my games to look better then they do now"? You don't think Developers will learn how to make games look better for the WiiU? You don't think Nintendo would fine tune the WiiU's hardware within a year of now? It's absurd to make such factually wrong claims as you are making. Every console gets better with age, no matter what parts they are using. Your being factually wrong.
Did you read what I said? I just finished telling you that they will no doubt get better looking, but I expressed doubts about it being a whole bunch better looking. And if it was true it was using hardware only 3-5 years behind and not 6-7 years, the games wouldn't look the same as a ps3/360 no matter how unoptimized. They would blow them away.

Adon Cabre

New member
Jun 14, 2012
worldfest said:
Who the hell cares about Mario with the future line up of higher graphical and bigger games squeezing the last gen models for every shred of power.
xPixelatedx said:
A lot of people who want to have fun? Something the PS3 and Xbox have been very lacking on in their AAA department. Before borderlands 2 came out I have not bought a single game for my 360 this year (outside of XBL arcade games). Nintendo always focuses on just making a fun games, and there are a lot of people who still appreciate that taste, especially now in this era of everything having to be grim-dark, try-hard mature cinematic experiences. The Xbox was never about the flavor of games Nintendo provides, and when they attempted (Viva Pinata and Kameo) they failed miserably, and while the PlayStation library once had dozens of franchises that could have competed, Sony has abandoned almost all of them in favor of becoming a near mirror image of the current 360.
I don't know your idea of Fun, but in general, the PS3 and Xbox360 aren't trying to catch Nintendo's crowd. There's too much other competition now from cellphone to tablet games. And if you haven't seen the lineup for 2013 and beyond, Sony and Microsoft want to offer something more rich and deeper than your basic Angry Birds. This is the idea that they are locking into.

There will always be a simple crowd meant for your Twilights, Scary Movies and slap-stick romance comedies. But there will also be a more mature audience for Gladiator, Braveheart, Kingdom of Heaven, Lord of the Rings, and Blade Runner to provide a deep, rich experience. That's my audience, and that's how I believe these consoles are generally perceived.

xPixelatedx said:
Nintendo is pretty out of the loop on handling console wars, and they make terrible business decisions all the time. The only reason they are still around is because they have zero competition.
I don't understand Nintendo. They've virtually upgraded to Last Gen hardware -- and for what? Like I explained in the earlier post, there are already limitations for the Wii-U. It won't be perceived as a hardcore console in two years ? and no one seems to like that cumbersome hand-device. I think it's going the way of the PSVita -- big dreams and hopes for developers to jump on board, but there will be too many risks, costs and details to care about.

xPixelatedx said:
I have no doubt the 720 and PS4 will be amazingly powerful systems, but I doubt the game selection they offer is going to be altered in any way.
I doubt the hardware itself will be the highlight of the PS4. Technology seems to be converging. Look for other Media to take center stage.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Frostbite3789 said:
BiH-Kira said:
A developer that doesn't know to make an optimized game complains about hardware power.
If he CPU was that weak, why is the Aliens developer saying how the WiiU version is the best working and best looking version, excluding the PC ofc.
As much as I adore Gearbox, they often claim to have the sun in their grasp and that doesn't exactly pan out.

Randy Pitchford seems to be on a Molyneaux 2.0 path at the moment. I love Borderlands and all, but there's still that whole Duke Nukem...thing.
I can't recall who said it, but someone in the industry who's friends with Pitchford recently said he's a great guy and he respects him massively, but Pitchford can spin anything with his bullshit haha.

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
Talk about misleading titles!
I was expecting to see a man dropping actual feces on a games console here and now I'm disappointed!

I got a pre-emptive boner for nothing...


New member
May 22, 2011
I hope the mods don't mind me linking to another gaming forum, but there is an interesting discussion going on on neogaf regarding A4's attempt at clarifying their initial statement (also with insights from other devs).

Apparently, guys from DICE and Omega Force have also expressed some dissatisfaction with the WiiU's hardware...


New member
Mar 2, 2011
FelixG said:
The part you are missing is the fact that it is easier to port a game from PC onto Xbox than it is to port it over to WiiU or PS3.
Actually it's not.
Trine Director's Cut developer said that making a PC version work on the WiiU requires few hours of work and that the WiiU is currently the easiest console to develop for.

The problem is that most games are made for the 360 and then ported to other systems. The WiiU has a more similar architecture to a PC than to the 360 and porting requires some work. They need to make sure that the games uses the eDRAM which is incredibly fast and big (32MB of eDRAM is a lot). Nintendo has a history of making a weird combination where 1 part is weak, but the other is strong to offset the weakness. In this case the WiiU ram is slower than the RAM of the PS360, but it has much more and a much faster eDRAM to offset it. A game that loads everything into the RAM memory will run slower on the WiiU than on the other 2 consoles, but if they make use of the eDRAM, the WiiU version will run faster and smoother.

We have seen a lot of incompetent developer/publisher forcing bad ports and judging a console based on a bad port is stupid. If we did that, the PC would be considered shit-tier simply because a lot of ports are bad and unoptimized. The most recent one that comes to my mind would be Dark Souls. A PC that is 20 times stronger than the 360 and it still has some serious problems with the game.

We have Tekken, Trine, Scribblnauts, ZombiU, Blops2 that run better on the WiiU or can't even run on other consoles (Trine Director's Cut would require a downgrade in graphics in order to run at all on the other 2 consoles).

There are far to many false rumors about the WiiU that have been proven wrong on numberus times, yet those spreading them are far to loud and those proving them wrong simply can't get their 5 minutes in the spot light to explain shit.


New member
Oct 31, 2011
I think this is because in Ukraine nobody bloody owns a console of any sort,Ukraine is a strictly PC gaming master race country.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Foolproof said:
Are you going to show the unbiased videos showing the extreme slowdown of Arkham City on the WiiU where it drops to a single digit framerate now? Or are you going to admit you are not even fucking close to being unbiased?
Do you really think that a bad port proves anything?


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Foolproof said:
Are you going to show the unbiased videos showing the extreme slowdown of Arkham City on the WiiU where it drops to a single digit framerate now? Or are you going to admit you are not even fucking close to being unbiased?
Here you go:

This was one of the few things I could find that didn't seem biased one way or another.


New member
May 30, 2012
Mr.Mattress said:
Your link says Cinematic are for the Wii U, and that it's mostly equivalent to Xbox 360 in actual gameplay, with some minor issues. That doesn't sound like the 360 wins... If anything, it says it's a tie with 360 and WiiU, and the PS3 in last.

Also, take a look at this:

Make sure your on 1080p though, cause then the differences really stand out. The WiiU version of Black Ops 2 appears to be the best looking version of the game.
The Wii U isn't next-gen. It's "slightly better" than last-gen.

Also, the best looking version of any game is without a doubt the PC version, phenomenally more so in fact. Unless of course it's a shoddy port, then it won't look well on PC.. which is sadly the case for many games today..


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
nexus said:
Mr.Mattress said:
The Wii U isn't next-gen. It's "slightly better" than last-gen.

Also, the best looking version of any game is without a doubt the PC version, phenomenally more so in fact. Unless of course it's a shoddy port, then it won't look well on PC.. which is sadly the case for many games today..
Gen =/= Graphics. Gen = Period of Time the Console was Released. How come people keep forgetting that?

However, I do agree that this video was biased. That is my mistake on my behalf: I was looking for sources to show the WiiU vs 360/PS3, but I chose this video. It is my mistake, and I apologize. This video, however, should suffice, and is not biased:

Also, refer to this post when it comes to Graphics:

Mr.Mattress said:
Fun fact: A Consoles Graphics improve dramatically over time. Here's an example:

This is one of the first launch titles for the Xbox 360, Condemned. Notice at how terrible it looks: It looks just like an Xbox/Gamecube/High Graphic PS2 game. Plus, it's impossible to run this game in 720p, something the Xbox 360 can do quite well. Compare it to Condemned 2:

Looks so much better, doesn't it? Characters eyes move, the graphics can be in 720p, the characters are more expressive, there's better use of the areas (Debris, coloration, etc), hair looks real, and the enemies are much more expressive/creative.

With time, the WiiU will go from "Looking slightly better then PS3", to "Holly Crud! These Graphics are so beautiful!!"
Scrumpmonkey said:
Mr.Mattress said:
Snipey Snipe
**Slow Clap**

Bravo Wii-U, you can run the Quake 3 Engine.
Please look at the quote above yours.