MGSV: Ground Zeroes to Run at 1080p on PS4, Only 720p on Xbox One


New member
Aug 20, 2013
scotth266 said:
Korten12 said:
No, it really doesn't. Regardless of the platform, if the game's aesthetics are good, it'll look good. One version of Metal Gear is not going to be the "definitive" version because someone with a magnifying glass thinks that it happens to be crisper. Comparison videos and screenshots have only cemented my attitude, because I can barely detect any difference.

Ultimately, if you're going to get a game, you're going to get it regardless of what platform it's on. If you happen to be blessed enough to own both consoles and have a stiffy for framerates I suppose this sort of stuff matters to you, but then I will consider you to have a completely alien mindset.

On a side note, I think it's funny as hell that we've gotten multiplatform to the point where people care about this stuff. I don't remember people caring about resolution in the Xbox/Gamecube/PS2 days - people back then only cared about the gameplay, whether shit looked okay, and what exclusives were where. Now every generation is like some sort of technological dick-waving competition.
Except Microsoft has been trying to swing like king ding-a-ling ever since their console reveal. Honestly, I feel the same way as you do about graphics. If it's fun, and aesthetically pleasing, I don't care about its resolution. I still enjoy the occasional retro session. My 3ds is currently my favorite platform. My TV is HD, but not so high quality as to compel pixel counting whilst gaming. So, full disclosure. I'm even of the opinion that more advanced, polygon counting, lighting effects, high graphics and reaching for photo-realism actually dates material in a way far more detrimental and far more quickly than pixel art, or a highly stylized package (Chrono Trigger is still held as a gold standard while the PS Final Fantasy titles - Tactics aside - ... less so). And you're right, with the PS1, X Box, GC, and Dreamcast, this wasn't a big part of the discussion - everything was pretty experimental. But before that, holy crap at the graphics wars between the SNES and Genesis! And then the Jaguar came out with an abrasive, almost desperate commercial that had a teacher yelling at us about bits when Nintendo developed the FX chip and bagged it all up. It was far and beyond anything that we are seeing this generation.

But I digress. While I share your sentiment that graphics don't make the game, the problem that I see is the discussion about graphics and power, rather than these two attibutes themselves; with Microsoft really attempting to talk a big game and to throw the first punch early on. Then, when It looked like the PS4 might have an advantage (however slight it may be) under the hood, they boasted the cloud and insisted that all-in-all their power was still superior. Then multiplats came out running better and looking better on the competition - a trend that will evidently continue, and Microsoft started reversing some of that visual/technical superiority talk and doubled down on graphics not being that important and the differences only being slight, and Titanfall, Titanfall, Titanfall, it's exclusive, Titanfall (but really get it on PC. No, really. Get it on PC.). When legitimate questions are raised about when they will consistantly make good on the 1080 - 60 benchmark, they dismiss the question and try to fault the person asking.

So, there is a subtext to all this nit-picky, pixel counting, almost obsessive resolution studying, comparison exersise that has been taking place, particularly in the media and gaming news outlets. That being, the - seemingly - cockiest of the bunch this generation has issued a more expensive, evidently less capable (at least as far as multiplats are concerned) machine, that looks like a broken promise to some people - all the while maintaining this high and mighty attitude. The articles are about the pixel count and frame rate, but the story behind the articles is about the competition taking it to Microsoft at their own game. And with all the attitude at the X Box One division executive offices as having been recently displayed, if the situation was reversed, I think it would be giving them far too much credit to presume they wouldn't be screaming their superiority from the roof tops.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Hm. I'm suspicious that Konami may be doing some favors for Sony, but who knows really?


New member
Oct 12, 2013
I'd take a steady 30 fps with higher resolution or effects settings over 60 fps with resolution or effects gimped any day. 60 fps doesn't need to be the goal that must be obtained over all else, but that seems to be the position that most of the industry has taken these days.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
Aggieknight said:
Titanfall only supporting 6v6 (yes, I hear Respawn claiming that it was a game balance decision, I just don't believe it). Now this?
I've actually been playing the Titanfall demo, and 6v6 actually is around optimal. The gameplay is pretty well built around the idea of a few key players, rather than a lot of people not doing much, or just a ton of Titans stomping around everywhere.

You're right about everything else though.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
scotth266 said:
Whatislove said:
Strazdas said:
Casual Shinji said:

It's like clockwork. See, this is why the PS2 generation will always be the best for me: back then we didn't have this shit. Some consoles were better tech-wise than others, but nobody cared - all they cared about was the number of good games available for the box, and while the ugly head of graphics whoring was starting to show up, stuff like the Gamecube could be appreciated for what it had.

Now if you have the gall to suggest that graphics aren't everything, people jump your shit. Truly, a step forward.
...Are you kidding me? EVERYONE was flipping their shit over who had the fanciest graphics back then!
Do you remember the Bit Wars? When everyone was arguing over CPU Wordsize, and who had the most polygons? If anything, things have calmed down about graphics in the last generation.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
SonOfVoorhees said:
Even though I prefer a great game at low res than a piece of crap at 1080 - there is still no excuse why a modern console can't play at that res as standard. But, I don't understand why the XB1 is 720, the 360 was 1080. Also why is it only the PS4 1080 for this game? Why not the PS3 version? Now i find it hard to believe the XB1 isnt capable of 1080 so is it a case of they made it to complicated to do it?
The 360 technically could output at 1920x1080, but only a very small selection of games ran at that resolution. For the most part, the PS360's games ran at 1280x720 or less (even 600p at times), and they were also much less graphically intense.
The new games coming out are much more complex (higher polycount models, better texture quality, more advanced lighting effects, etc.), meaning they require a lot more power to run at the same resolution.

Sort of like how you can play a modern PC game on a 1920x1080 monitor with an integrated Intel HD4000, but if you set the game to render at that resolution, don't expect any sort of playable frame rate.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
scotth266 said:
Regardless of the platform, if the game's aesthetics are good, it'll look good.
I like to describe it as aesthetics being the things outside your window, and resolution and framerate are the cleanliness of said window. Even with the most beautiful vista before you, it's better to look at it through clear, polished glass rather than through a pitted dirt-covered panel.

For example: Super Mario Galaxy.
Galaxy has an amazing visual style, and still looks good on the Wii, despite the blur. However, seeing it emulated at a higher resolution on Dolphin, it's STUNNING.

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
I'm not one whose 'HD or die" focused, so resolution doesn't matter to me.

But... isn't it a bit concerning that Next Gen hardware is struggling with something so simple as resolution and 60FPS?


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
scotth266 said:
It's like clockwork. See, this is why the PS2 generation will always be the best for me: back then we didn't have this shit. Some consoles were better tech-wise than others, but nobody cared - all they cared about was the number of good games available for the box, and while the ugly head of graphics whoring was starting to show up, stuff like the Gamecube could be appreciated for what it had.

Now if you have the gall to suggest that graphics aren't everything, people jump your shit. Truly, a step forward.
i pressed quote and damn that image link is HUGE.

Sega does what Nintendon't.
Yes, we surely didnt have these things back then.... oh wait, yes we DID.

Oh, and do remember that gamecube was not a successful console.

Graphics arent everything, but they are not nothing either. Graphics are important. Story is important. Gameplay is important. Graphics is part of the game, and when 200m budget title cant do the bare minimum standard, you got a problem.

Staskala said:
I was mostly talking about resolution, FPS really depends on the type of game you're playing. Since most modern games are much slower paced compared to Quake or UT or whatever, I can see why it doesn't matter to some people. With action games and FPS it's really noticeable, not so much for platformers, RPGs etc.
By the way, that's an interesting sidenote to the people claiming that back in the day no one cared about this shit, during the height of competitive PC FPS gaming things were all about the FPS. 60 FPS CRT? Get the fuck outta here, scrub.
How much FPS will affect your gameplay does depend on game type, however more FPS is always better. And FPS is noticable in action games, just like in all games. perhaps games where all you have is a few animations moving on a board liek civilization wont allwo you to see much difference (not that civilization is bad mind you) but the rest you will see a difference.

SonOfVoorhees said:
the 360 was 1080. Also why is it only the PS4 1080 for this game? Why not the PS3 version?
there is a total of 3 games that 360 was able to render at 1080 natively []
Its only on PS4 because PS 4 is faster in processing speed even if we ignore the price benefits []

And not PS3 version because developers dont want to do cell architecture with nonexistent amount of RAM.

scotth266 said:
People sure act like graphics are everything - you can see it in this thread. Even your own point here implies that the graphics hardware is literally all there is to the two consoles. We know that isn't true - after all, the Xbox One comes with a Kinect, which last I checked accounts for the 100 dollars difference between the consoles.
Hardware is mostly graphics hardware. yes there is calculation for AI and stuff but mostly used for graphics nowadays (sadly, i wish more physics and AI would be done). Kinect according to MS is more than 100 dollars, which would be consistent with their console being weaker thus cheaper to produce than PS4. Thing is, almost noone wants kinect, which leaves us with graphic hardware. heck, the GDDR5 addition shows that gprahics are the main thing if were prioritizing graphic ram over anything else.

Soviet Heavy said:
As for my tweaking with relation to resolution. I really don't care about how big something appears on my monitor. If I play borderlands and drop my Resolution to near minimum, the massive boost in fps I get I can apply to the other graphics options to make the game prettier. How crisp my lines are doesn't matter so long as I can find the balance between crisp image and functional framerate.
the problem is, after your resolution is down you wont actually see those graphic prettiness since your looking through a grate of low FPS. Framerate i can perfectly understand, but dropping resolution to raise other settings will give you a net negative unless were talking about massive resolutions (think 4k)


New member
Dec 4, 2011
Soviet Heavy said:
deadish said:
Soviet Heavy said:
deadish said:
Graphics do matter. Higher res and framerate will be more "aesthetically pleasing".

Hi res means less noticeable jaggies and "slimmering" - AA can only do so much.

Hi framerate means better perception of motion.

When you buy a game why would you not want to buy the most "aesthetically pleasing" one?
I prefer the most functional game over the most aesthetically pleasing. But since I'm a pc gamer, I can tweak to my heart's content, and I rarely give a damn about screen resolutions.

You tweak ... but don't care about screen resolution ... OK ...

Given the choice between 2 equally "functional" versions of a game ... Why would anyone not choose the better looking one?
Factors like which console you're buying it on? That could be a reason.

As for my tweaking with relation to resolution. I really don't care about how big something appears on my monitor. If I play borderlands and drop my Resolution to near minimum, the massive boost in fps I get I can apply to the other graphics options to make the game prettier. How crisp my lines are doesn't matter so long as I can find the balance between crisp image and functional framerate.
Resolution has nothing to do with the size of an image ...

Resolution just defines the amount of pixels that make up the image. The higher the resolution, the more detailed the image. A 1280x720p image on a 23" monitor will be blurrier that a 1920x1080p image.


New member
Nov 27, 2013
Everybody seems to be on about higher resolution being more asthetically pleasing, but has everyone forgotten Silent Hill HD? The higher resolution caused the fog (which gives the game it's atmosphere) to all but disappear.

Killer graphics do not mean killer game.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
MrBaskerville said:
I don't think i can tell which ps3/360 games are 60fps and which are 30, or the difference between 720 or 1080, just doesn't matter to me.
I think you will. It's usually not so apparent over Youtube videos which are horribly compressed, so take a look at this video that streams at 60FPS...

See how noticeably smoother it is?

Mind you, I'm a PC gamer with a pretty crappy PC, so framerate drops and jaggies don't really bother me. But there's definitely a difference.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Hyperstorm said:
Everybody seems to be on about higher resolution being more asthetically pleasing, but has everyone forgotten Silent Hill HD? The higher resolution caused the fog (which gives the game it's atmosphere) to all but disappear.

Killer graphics do not mean killer game.
It wasn't the higher resolution that caused the fog to disappear; it was the increased console power's capability of rendering a greater distance.

It's quite possible to have high resolution and fog effect. It's just that the devs were too lazy to add any as compensation for the greater rendering distance.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
ToastyMozart said:
Aggieknight said:
Titanfall only supporting 6v6 (yes, I hear Respawn claiming that it was a game balance decision, I just don't believe it). Now this?
I've actually been playing the Titanfall demo, and 6v6 actually is around optimal. The gameplay is pretty well built around the idea of a few key players, rather than a lot of people not doing much, or just a ton of Titans stomping around everywhere.

You're right about everything else though.
Cool! I've been holding off on the Xbone purchase until there's a killer app...was hopping TF was that app. Been enjoying my PS4 until then.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
Hyperstorm said:
Everybody seems to be on about higher resolution being more asthetically pleasing, but has everyone forgotten Silent Hill HD? The higher resolution caused the fog (which gives the game it's atmosphere) to all but disappear.

Killer graphics do not mean killer game.
Actually, it was the increased draw distance that killed the fog.
They could have implemented modern lighting and particle effects to make the fog even more immersive, but they took the lazy way out.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
Aggieknight said:
ToastyMozart said:
Aggieknight said:
Titanfall only supporting 6v6 (yes, I hear Respawn claiming that it was a game balance decision, I just don't believe it). Now this?
I've actually been playing the Titanfall demo, and 6v6 actually is around optimal. The gameplay is pretty well built around the idea of a few key players, rather than a lot of people not doing much, or just a ton of Titans stomping around everywhere.

You're right about everything else though.
Cool! I've been holding off on the Xbone purchase until there's a killer app...was hopping TF was that app. Been enjoying my PS4 until then.
I think it's really fun, but definitely try and find a friend with a system (Xbox or PC) to try it on first. Don't spring for it on faith alone.