Michael Atkinson's Successor is an "R18+ Supporter"

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Michael Atkinson's Successor is an "R18+ Supporter"

Michael Atkinson's replacement as Attorney General for South Australia has been named and according to Gamers4Croydon President Chris Prior, he's a supporter of R18+ ratings for videogames.

Atkinson, the Australian politician notorious for his opposition to an R18+ rating for videogames, stepped down [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/99288-Michael-Atkinson-Steps-Down] from his position as Attorney General for South Australia earlier this week following an election which saw his Labor Party maintain a slim majority in the state. After 21 years in Parliament, Atkinson reportedly wants to spend more time with his family and feels that this is a good opportunity for some of the younger backbenchers in the party to take their place in the front-line ranks.

While it was initially expected to take as long as two weeks to choose a replacement, South Australia Premier Mike Rann got the job done in only three days, naming John Rau as Atkinson's replacement. "He's served on the backbench, he's a very distinguished barrister, his knowledge of jurisprudence is without exception in this state and I look forward to working with him," Rann told ABC News [http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/03/24/2855009.htm].

Gamers, of course, will have a more specific interest in Rau's political leanings: Where he comes down on the question of videogame ratings. In that regard, the news is good, according to Chris Prior, the president of anti-Atkinson political party Twitter post [http://gamers4croydon.org/], Prior wrote, "New SA Attorney-General is John Rau, a supporter or the R18+ classification for games (and a nice guy, to boot)"

This is obviously a big step forward for the R18+ crusade in Australia but I don't think it's quite "game over" just yet. Other sources of opposition to mature game ratings remain and Atkinson claimed early last year that while he was the industry's favorite punching bag, other Classification Ministers were also opposed [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/88986-Australias-Atkinson-OK-With-Restricting-Adult-Liberties] to the idea. Rau's appointment would appear to be a big boost for gamers, but as Atkinson himself proved, it only takes one well-placed opponent to hang things up for everyone.

Source: GamePolitics [http://gamepolitics.com/2010/03/24/atkinson%E2%80%99s-replacement-announced]



New member
Aug 9, 2008
Yay! Now, the Swiss government is the one going anti-gamer. It seems that for every one that goes down, another one rises in its' place.

Jack and Calumon

Digimon are cool.
Dec 29, 2008
Haha! Brilliant! We're knocking off bad Australians with good ones! Yahtzee for Australian Prime Minister! Woo!

Calumon: So older kids can have more fun when playing now?


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Yay for Australia! Now lets watch while someone else manages to cock everything up.

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
Does this mean that we won't be seeing that freaky picture of Atkinson's terrible teeth anymore?

What a fething shame!


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Now protesters will be visible too. Cause now the new guy will listen and let the others look out the window. This is a positive step.
Sep 4, 2009
I wish Michael Atkinson the best in whatever he decides to do. A man like that might have kept Twilight off the shelves, just think what may have been.


New member
Feb 26, 2010
All I can say is, Its about time australians are allowed to play ps3 and xbox games since most of em are 18s

btw I never noticed that michael had such bad oral hygiene lol

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Now, if the pricing and release date thing gets sorted out the only complaint will be online play itself. While I had no vested interest in the discussion, I did follow it with interest and am glad to see a positive turn for once.