Amnestic said:
Lord Krunk said:
My main poblem is the graphics of today. Chances are they'll eff it up in the Uncanny Valley.
But I do see their point. No more hiding behind a lie (your avatar), and actually accepting yourself for who you are rather than who you would rather be. I just can't help but like this idea, shockingly enough.
I've found a useful alternative to accept what you really look like utilising pre-existing technology. It's called a 'Mirror'. Alternatively, you could use windows, cutlery, still bodies of water and the metallic-coloured inside wrapper for [chocolate bar of your choice].
And photographs. Those too.
If I wanted to look at myself, I wouldn't head to a videogame to do so.
But avatars aren't how you look to yourself, it's how other people look at
We're in a day and age where more and more people meet through videogames. A friend of mine was actually
born through a game of Zork. Essentially, if you're going to advertise yourself to others (as this patent correctly suggests, otherwise why would you have an avatar in the first place), then why not be honest about it?
Sure, most people aren't honest. But if there's even a shred of goodness in humanity, I like to believe it's there.