Microsoft Drops Xbox One DRM Restrictions - UPDATED


New member
Feb 8, 2013
By the way if the source for this article (Giant Bomb) is not loading for anyone else then you can look at a cached version here:

From the original article at Giant Bomb this rumour appears to be totally baseless. I assume this is a case of the gaming media putting additional pressure on Microsoft in an attempt to push them into a corner.

It's certainly getting interesting. :)


Mar 28, 2009
martyrdrebel27 said:
Thank you for at least getting the concept of what a 180 vs a 360 actually is. I remember towards the beginning of this generation, I kept seeing Sony fans saying things like "you know why its called a 360? Cause you see one and do a 360 and walk away." it made me wish I had a Facepunch key on my computer.
I don't see what's so strange about that.

Anyway, this doesn't change the fact that they planned to have always online in the first place and announced these features as if they were doing us a favour. They get no points in my book for rescinding their own daft policies.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Good on you mircosoft im very pleased although i am required to make a sarcastic comment about how this drm stuff was so good for the consumer.

however im still seeing that huge price and its off putting. I mean seriously that Kinect is adding what i guess to be another £100 - £150? most gamers really dont want it, get rid of that and i will likely get one when Halo comes out


New member
Dec 18, 2003
Whoa, this is quite the surprise. But I am curious; why now? After the reveal everyone was up in arms, why not change it before E3? Then you add in all the bad press and PR. Surely they could have just clammed up and then released the news. Instead they tried to enforce the idea even further. I would call it an up hill battle, but they've been trying to push it up a sheer cliff.Does it have anything to do with the new anti-spying bill that's just come up? Was that the deciding factor? Not the public outcry and anger? They weren't moved by the unbridled rage that their system generated? Did no one at their office cringe as they dubbed it the Xbone knowing it would be internet meme forever? I would think someone in their company would have been touched as hundreds upon thousands of posts/threads from 360 fans lamenting the new system? Hadn't anyone at MS listened to the rants while surfing the interweb at work? It just doesn't make sense. Their Xbox One united people in mass against them. After all the flak others got on DM what made them think it was a good idea? I just don't understand the delay on the change. They've walked out into the middle of the desert now they're going to walk back?


Non-gamer in a gaming world
Nov 20, 2009
Whelp, my twitter feed will be interesting to see when I can next check it...

What I'm predicting: they got someone to hurriedly patch the code that does the checking, and then we'll start getting reports of people still having DRM issues because the patch didn't work for everyone...


New member
Oct 4, 2010
I don't trust this. So it's basically a PS4, but $100 more?

What about TitanFall? Isn't that an exclusive to that system because of the 'always-online' functionality? What about all that HBO, ESPN, Price is Right TV stuff? Is it like the 360 again? No region lock? Is this still the Day One edition?

If they release a $399 Xbox One with No-DRM or internet requirements outside of the intial setup then I'll think about it. I already put down my $399 for the PS4 and the original plan was to get a Wii U after that for Smash Bros next summer. If this is true then it's all about the exclusives and Microsoft has nothing I'm interested in.

I don't care about Ryse or TitanFall. Witcher 3, Dragon Age 3, MGS V, FFXV, Kingdom Hearts 3, Cyberpunk 2077, and Mirror's Edge are all multi-platform. But the PS4 has Infamous Second Son, Naughty Dog, Media Molecule, Quantic Dream, Sony Santa Monica, Supergiant Games, Level-5, NIS, Ready at Dawn, Namco Bandai, EA, and all those indie studios. Not to mention Atlus JP if those Persona 5 rumors are true. Then again, even if Persona 5 is multi-platform I'd still get it for PS4.

If Star Wars Battlefront 3 and Mirror's Edge 2 was an Xbox-exclusive than I'd probably pre-order the system tomorrow, but I know EA likes money so that's out.

Good for Microsoft! Now just drop the price to $399 and and I might think about it. But, at that point it's just a slightly less-powerful PS4, right? I don't see any Xbox-exclusive games I want and none of my favorite developers are working solely with them. If it stays that way, then I'll get it around 2016-17 for any hidden gems I might've missed.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
I don't believe this at all. What happened to the infinite power of the cloud? They could just turn it off after all? And does this mean that they didn't actually need to educate all of those gamers who are apparently so retarded as to not want shitty DRM shoved down their throats?

And even if it is true then the Xbone is still hundreds of currencies more expensive than the PS4 and WiiU, has a mandatory spycam and is more about TV than gaming. Plus it will make all the bollocks being spouted by their execs even more stupid, but I'm sure they will spin it to make themselves look super cool fantastic guys.


New member
May 17, 2009
E3 would have been the opportunity to unveil something like this, not in the aftermath with Microsoft's tail between its legs. Honestly, I think this is more in response to Sony that it ever was to the gaming community.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Terminate421 said:
LostintheWick said:
But I would definitely vote for a company that knows how to "man up" to their mistakes and make things right.
My thoughts exactly. They probably realize their mistake and their horrid PR and will try their best to stitch back together what relationship they had with the gaming community. It'll be a long hard road ahead but I do know they'll try.
They are not sorry, and don' feel mistaken. Sony was supposed to to a drm thing too, do you think Microsoft would change today if Sony had done the same thing? That is the reason that having multiple companies competing for consumers is good for us.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
well, this suddenly makes the upcoming fall a lot more interesting. Looks like the playing field is a lot more even than before

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009

Also still has kinect and we don't know what they have done in replacement and they have stilled lied considerably if they can drop this so easily.


New member
Apr 23, 2011
Ooh, *grabs popcorn*.

You know, before now, I never really felt the term "console war" was particularly fitting. It was more like a console rivalry or a console feud

This is a freaking console war. Let the games begin.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
Too late. Buying a PS4 now. I'm still deliberating whether I'm happy Microsoft is trying to learn from its mistakes, or angry that it took such a backlash to make them realize how stupid they were being.

Mr Cwtchy

New member
Jan 13, 2009
Unexpected, but good news. Dunno whether I'm even buying a next gen console at all, but this will definitely influence my decision.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
Reeve said:
By the way if the source for this article (Giant Bomb) is not loading for anyone else then you can look at a cached version here:

From the original article at Giant Bomb this rumour appears to be totally baseless. I assume this is a case of the gaming media putting additional pressure on Microsoft in an attempt to push them into a corner.

It's certainly getting interesting. :)
Just so you know, you were probably writing this comment AS this news was being confirmed. It's on the xbox website. There is a link a couple comments back to the letter MS wrote to the gaming community. Also check Kotaku. They have the letter posted.


I am the one who eats ants!
Jul 14, 2011
But what about all the benefits that Microsoft was telling us these restrictions gave us? Why is Microsoft removing those oh-so-important features it bragged about, which required always-online checks?