There is only one thing that is always online, and that is my PC. nothing else is connected to the internet.
That being said, i find it hilariuos that when people scream about PR bullshit and thne get a straight dela with it answer they scream even louder. i applaud him on having balls to just go out and said deal with it, like as if noone else know this is their stance anyway.
World is going online, like it or not, and you are going to have to get plugged in or go live in a cave. deal with it.
c)If the power goes out, noone is going to blame the vacuum company. People will blame you when they can't use the product they paid for, and they won't be able to use the product they paid for at all times.
if electricity goes out, you dont clame the cacuum creator, but if YOUR INTERNET goes out, you blame microsoft? double standarts FTW?
d)There has never been a vacuum cleaner that didn't require being plugged in.
yes there was, it was called a broom.