"one of 10 games fit the criteria, all your complaints about other 9 are thus invalid"
good logic microsoft, keep using it.
More gaming you say? now if only Xbox was a gaming console.....
CarnageRacing00 said:
In most circumstances, yes, I'd say that players should just accept what they have and enjoy the games.
accepting less than 1080p and 60 fps from a 500 dollar machine in 2014 is very bad signal to send.
such criteria should be the bare minimum of gaming. This is not 2008 where this was "only for powerful hardware".
newwiseman said:
MS put in eSRAM, it's one of the biggest differences in design between the two consoles and, if devs use it, the XBONE has a slight edge over the PS4. So, from an extremely technical view they're not lying, but its also more complex to develop for and, just like on the 360 (had some eDRAM for same purpose), what developer is going to spend time and money to use the ESRAM while developing; especially when the PS4 is otherwise identical to develop for.
That said, most people don't understand and can't see the resolution difference (unless it's a side by side), they just know the numbers marketing hype. At the end of the day 720p is a higher resolution than most people need for the average game.
Well, Cell processor in PS3 is still around 20% more powerful than a 4th generation i-7. Not a single developer utilized it fully.
so saying that "if developers bend over and do things my way" doesnt work in real world.
Also people CAN and DO see resolution differences, unless they game on a 17" tvs. in which case resolution only works in making text readable. 720 is bad for gaming nowadays though. its not as big a problem as framerate, but its still very much a problem.
Slegiar Dryke said:
But everyone saying we NEED this rush to 1080/60....shut up. For all technical concerns, these new consoles are PCs. and guess what? PC's for the price you can get these consoles at can't be guaranteed to achieve 1080/60 either.
Oh, theres no rush, 1080/60 is something that was doen lnog ago everywhere but consoles.
and yes you CAN definatelly but a PC for 500 dollars that will run at 1080p 60 fps on same graphical level as consoles. in fact it will run so on higher graphical level. you have to remember that console graphical settings compared to PC would be "ultra low".
WWmelb said:
On my smaller older TV (42 inch about 6 or 7 year old Panasonic Plasma) i can honestly say that the difference between 720p and 1080p is pretty much unnoticeable. Can't tell the difference particularly in visual fidelity between DVD and Blu-ray.
However, when viewing these things on my 60 inch, the difference is huge. I mean massive.
I don't think on TV's the difference between 30fps and 60fps though is hugely noticeable, on either display. PC i notice it a lot more on, maybe because closer, maybe because of higher resolutions, i'm unsure, but as far as consoles go, 1080p and 30FPS is perfectly acceptable, and looks wonderful.
Does your old TV support 1080p? because if it downscales 1080p to 720p then ofc you wont see the difference. and there are plenty of TVs that do that.
Many older TVs do 60 fps interlatively, which means its only changing half of the screen every change, thus the change is far less noticable (as in, bad TV is bad). new 120hz interlate TVs do true 60 fps and there it is very noticable.
30 FPS is never ever acceptable unless you are using vastly outdated hardware though.
ohnoitsabear said:
It's not that these machines can't run 1080p 60fps, there were a bunch of games that could do it last gen (on the PS3, at least).
no. PS3 is hardware-incapable of native 1080p. It runs a 720p resolution and then upscales it, which is hardly helping and is more of a "i tricked you" type of deal.
Waaghpowa said:
Not sure if anyone mentioned this, or if it's been clarified, but is it up scaled to 1080p or rendered 1080p? That would make the difference as running games at a rendered 1920x1080 can be quite taxing, depending on the gpu.
rendered. even the old consoles managed to upscale it for some games.
and rendering at 1920x1080 isnt taxing for modern GPUs. then again, Xbox doesnt use one.
dochmbi said:
I'd rather have a game at 720p and better graphics settings than 1080p and worse settings.
all i can say is you have a very strange taste or haven't actually seen the two options in comparison.