Microsoft: Unannounced Title Aimed at Core PC Gamers


Contra Bassoon
Jan 15, 2010
Well that was informative.

"We're bringing out a game, but we're not telling you what it is."

Fuck off, Microsoft. Wake me up when you have some interesting news.

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
Hardcore_gamer said:
The last awesome Microsoft game I remember of the top of my head is Age of Empires 2.
Exocet said:
I would so love to see them make Age of Empires 4.

Age of Empires was developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft, they didn't actually make it. I don't know how much input they put in but generally speaking, saying that Microsoft made Age of Empires is like saying Activision made Call of Duty 4.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
It ain't gonna let PC gamers flex shit. It'll either turn out crap, be available on DX10 only or be entirely unoptimized to have such hardware requirements (GTA4).

Any game that focuses on graphics ends up mediocre at best, DX10 can't do nothing better than DX9 (or too much better anyway) and no game went further than Crysis when it comes to realism. The ones that had higher requirements had much shittier graphics and the requirements were there because the games were unoptimized.

They also seem very committed to the PC lately, much like other big developer houses. /sarcasm
Apr 24, 2008
How are so many people dismissing this? There is literally no information beyond "there will be a game".

I just bought a 5870, Mafia 2 is gorgeous, Bad Company 2 is gorgeous, Crysis is gorgeous, I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy games alot more when they're so damn pretty. Bring on some eye-candy Microsoft, if it's attatched to a kickass game I'll snap it up.
May 25, 2010
Yeah I'm not buying what Microsoft is saying. The best I can hope for from Microsoft now is a shoddy port of one of their beloved 360 exclusives. Here's tomorrow's headlines: "Halo 3 coming to PC in 2014! Halo: Reach expected to hit Windows sometime in 2020."

Valve have done more for PC gaming in 6 years than what Microsoft has ever done. Ever since the original Xbox launched Microsoft has been shitting on PC gaming over and over again, so excuse me if I think this is nothing more than a bunch of bullshit.

And while we're at it, graphics don't make a game. You're gonna have to do better than that.


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Well, I am sure the core PC market will enjoy it - but dont they feel it will be a lil Niche? I mean, it wont be cheap to make...


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Does this mean that we will get pc games where the grass will act exactly like the grass like IRL?

Nature that acts like nature... wind, rain and mud creating a gameplay experience that requires a high end system.

With a game that utilizes none of it past the opening sequence. WooHoo! Go PC gaming!


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
Who wants to bet that it'll be a generic FPS game? Maaaaybe a 3rd person one.

Also, all Microsoft has shown so far of their "renewed support" for the PC platform are words and vague promises. You know what? Port me Fable 2, Gears 2 and maybe a few other games and then I might take you seriously, Microsoft.


Shivan Sympathizer
May 2, 2009
Glademaster said:
I wish that they would just drop GFWL as that really is horrible.
Here here! "Hey" says someone at Microsoft, "let's make a service whereby the player not only has to be connected to the internet at all times but must also sign into an online profile to even be allowed to play the singleplayer portion of the game." "Fantastic!" says his boss. "I know", says Idiot "but best of all, this service will never actually sign in, even though it says on the website that it's ok, thus forcing the player to search through the forums for a week or more, looking for a user-made bypass before they can start enjoying the game!" "You sir, are a genius!" says the boss.

And when before hell freezes over will they acknowledge that we are STILL on the Crysis Graphics Plateau and will be for a long time to come!?


New member
Jun 7, 2009
i have best of both worlds, xbox + a gaming pc, although i do enjoy playing on the pc more, i would love to see some of the xbox exclusives come to pc, like gears and halo, they would be a lot more fun to play with dedi servers and the ability to mod. Halo CE on the pc was probably the most fun ive ever had on a pc multiper game appart from the forgotten hope mod to battlefield 1942 =p

The Journey

New member
Jul 12, 2010
Microsoft, I compose this for thee.

I USED to be a PC Gamer. A fairly committed one at that. For years I loved my PC and lavished it with upgrades and the latest games. As the years passed and the upgrade from DOS to Windows 3.1, to 95 and finally the fondly remembered 98 things were good.

Recently things have gotten terribly bad. I am now a Console Gamer. My PC hasn't had an upgrade in the last four years and I don't see myself doing it again any time soon. I don't have the money for overpriced hardware that will only allow me to touch a fraction of the wider games market.

Yes Modding is bloody fantastic. Yes Keyboard and Mouse is a great control scheme, yes strategy games are better on PC, yes yes yes to all of the positives that the PC has going for it because they are all very strong reasons to use a PC.

The problem is it's total lack of global support structure. The directX debacle is just one example. Mac's universal OS's and intergration of all their products, while not perfect by any stretch, is the kind of user-friendly direction Microsoft could be taking the PC if only to open up the market a bit and give it a breath of fresh air. That and give developers and publishers more of an incentive to take the plunge to develop some new games for PC.

Oh and Microsoft could actually provide a good games service and some games of their own for PC. Finally.

Well that was a longer rant than I'd anticipated. Someone will probably argue with me but hey, It was a rant, no rants are foolproof!


New member
Apr 12, 2008
Retardinator said:
be available on DX10 only
Eh, look. DX11 is either out or coming out. DX9 is beyond ancient at this point. Requesting that anything be made with it in mind at this point is :|.

Seriously, get a new card. They aren't expensive and a good DX10 card will last you years.

Anti Nudist Cupcake

New member
Mar 23, 2010
Sexual Harassment Panda said:
How are so many people dismissing this? There is literally no information beyond "there will be a game".

I just bought a 5870, Mafia 2 is gorgeous, Bad Company 2 is gorgeous, Crysis is gorgeous, I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy games alot more when they're so damn pretty. Bring on some eye-candy Microsoft, if it's attatched to a kickass game I'll snap it up.
I bought a 5870 TOO! Bad company 2 is totally gorgeous.
But I hope this new microsoft game will not have too high requirements to work on the 5870....
Seriously, any game that asks for a graphics card more powerful than the 5870, is asking for too much as it sure as hell isn't cheap.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
The last Microsoft game I enjoyed was Freelancer, and they cut it off before the sequel it so desperately deserved.
Now days if it doesn't rip off 3 other popular games it'll never be released, or if it is it'll fall under the radar regardless of how good it is.