Microsoft: Unannounced Title Aimed at Core PC Gamers


New member
May 24, 2010
Just make Windows work, goddamn. I don't care for all this game shit. Just make it work... in a matter that doesn't break functionality and doesn't introduce a new car model for each glass tinting color.

The Lost Big Boss

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Fuck you Microsoft, we don't need you to "reinvigorate" PC gaming, we are doing just fine. What we need you to do is destroy game for windows live so I don't have that horrendous piece of shit in my games anymore.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Woodsey said:
Can't they just update DirectX (properly, instead of just rehashing it) and piss off?

Don't even get me started on Fable 3 "reinvigorating" the platform - it doesn't need reinvigorating, and I highly doubt Fable 3 would be the game to do that if it did. They're so out of touch with the market it's unreal.
These are my thoughts as well. The PC doesn't need any help from Microsoft to survive, it's thriving quite well, with some of the best titles in the business being released for it. And who gives a shit if the game looks pretty? You can make a beautiful game and still have it be a PoS.
Apr 24, 2008
Anti Nudist Cupcake said:
Sexual Harassment Panda said:
How are so many people dismissing this? There is literally no information beyond "there will be a game".

I just bought a 5870, Mafia 2 is gorgeous, Bad Company 2 is gorgeous, Crysis is gorgeous, I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy games alot more when they're so damn pretty. Bring on some eye-candy Microsoft, if it's attatched to a kickass game I'll snap it up.
I bought a 5870 TOO! Bad company 2 is totally gorgeous.
But I hope this new microsoft game will not have too high requirements to work on the 5870....
Seriously, any game that asks for a graphics card more powerful than the 5870, is asking for too much as it sure as hell isn't cheap.
I wouldn't worry about that. The 5870 is the...3rd most powerful card on the market? I would be more worried about the game taxing the rest of your system, it'll be a while before you have to worry about the GPU not being up to snuff.

Out of interest, which make and model did you go for?


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
Woodsey said:
Can't they just update DirectX (properly, instead of just rehashing it) and piss off?

Don't even get me started on Fable 3 "reinvigorating" the platform - it doesn't need reinvigorating, and I highly doubt Fable 3 would be the game to do that if it did. They're so out of touch with the market it's unreal.
These are my thoughts as well. The PC doesn't need any help from Microsoft to survive, it's thriving quite well, with some of the best titles in the business being released for it. And who gives a shit if the game looks pretty? You can make a beautiful game and still have it be a PoS.
Is that aimed at my DX comment or something else?


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Woodsey said:
Can't they just update DirectX (properly, instead of just rehashing it) and piss off?

Don't even get me started on Fable 3 "reinvigorating" the platform - it doesn't need reinvigorating, and I highly doubt Fable 3 would be the game to do that if it did. They're so out of touch with the market it's unreal.
But Fable III is going to fix all the errors of the previous installments and be the best game ever and cure cancer!

I know they said that about the first two and they didn't deliver, but who wouldn't trust Peter Molyneux? The guy is just so trustworthy!


New member
May 25, 2009
I am wondering what they mean by "seriously hardcore."

I have a laptop which can only play new games on the bare minimum settings, but I am in no hurry to upgrade to "show off" what my computer can do. I tend to tone the graphics down anyways for a smoother framerate even if I can run it on high (you never know what sort of clusterfuck you might stumble into that will rape your framerate).
Combine that thing with a PS3 and there is but 5 games I can't play if I wanted to thanks to the lack of true 360 exclusives.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Woodsey said:
Flying-Emu said:
Woodsey said:
Can't they just update DirectX (properly, instead of just rehashing it) and piss off?

Don't even get me started on Fable 3 "reinvigorating" the platform - it doesn't need reinvigorating, and I highly doubt Fable 3 would be the game to do that if it did. They're so out of touch with the market it's unreal.
These are my thoughts as well. The PC doesn't need any help from Microsoft to survive, it's thriving quite well, with some of the best titles in the business being released for it. And who gives a shit if the game looks pretty? You can make a beautiful game and still have it be a PoS.
Is that aimed at my DX comment or something else?
Just a general statement, nothign to do with you :3


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
Wait, Microsoft does PC stuff? Psh, next you're going to tell me that they made a web browser. Stop lyin'.

I bet the game is going to ship with a damn USB controller.

Of course, the game is going to be released under Games of Windows (-1/8 consumer base), will require power more than what most people have to run properly (-1/4 base). Plus, Yet Another Shooter isn't really going to break any new records for sales, since everyone has one already (-1/6 base). It looks like a fantasy game from the screenshot, so everyone that's not into that won't play it (-1/4 base).

Yeah, this will go well.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
The Journey said:
Microsoft, I compose this for thee.

I USED to be a PC Gamer. A fairly committed one at that. For years I loved my PC and lavished it with upgrades and the latest games. As the years passed and the upgrade from DOS to Windows 3.1, to 95 and finally the fondly remembered 98 things were good.

Recently things have gotten terribly bad. I am now a Console Gamer. My PC hasn't had an upgrade in the last four years and I don't see myself doing it again any time soon. I don't have the money for overpriced hardware that will only allow me to touch a fraction of the wider games market.

Yes Modding is bloody fantastic. Yes Keyboard and Mouse is a great control scheme, yes strategy games are better on PC, yes yes yes to all of the positives that the PC has going for it because they are all very strong reasons to use a PC.

The problem is it's total lack of global support structure. The directX debacle is just one example. Mac's universal OS's and intergration of all their products, while not perfect by any stretch, is the kind of user-friendly direction Microsoft could be taking the PC if only to open up the market a bit and give it a breath of fresh air. That and give developers and publishers more of an incentive to take the plunge to develop some new games for PC.

Oh and Microsoft could actually provide a good games service and some games of their own for PC. Finally.

Well that was a longer rant than I'd anticipated. Someone will probably argue with me but hey, It was a rant, no rants are foolproof!
This, heavily so. I used to be a PC gamer chiefly and deeply enjoyed all that brought with it, but at some point the cost and run-arounds just became too much of a headache. I've gone full console since, and I don't regret it for a minute. If and when things can normalize in the PC market as far as gaming is concerned, I might jump back in, but otherwise I'll stick to the one I only need to shell money out for once, and don't need to worry about a dozen incompatabilities issues.

That said, I still go back to the PC for older games often; Heroes of Might & Magic III and the two original Fallout games eat up a chunk of my life at least once a year.

Anti Nudist Cupcake

New member
Mar 23, 2010
Sexual Harassment Panda said:
Anti Nudist Cupcake said:
Sexual Harassment Panda said:
How are so many people dismissing this? There is literally no information beyond "there will be a game".

I just bought a 5870, Mafia 2 is gorgeous, Bad Company 2 is gorgeous, Crysis is gorgeous, I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy games alot more when they're so damn pretty. Bring on some eye-candy Microsoft, if it's attatched to a kickass game I'll snap it up.
I bought a 5870 TOO! Bad company 2 is totally gorgeous.
But I hope this new microsoft game will not have too high requirements to work on the 5870....
Seriously, any game that asks for a graphics card more powerful than the 5870, is asking for too much as it sure as hell isn't cheap.
I wouldn't worry about that. The 5870 is the...3rd most powerful card on the market? I would be more worried about the game taxing the rest of your system, it'll be a while before you have to worry about the GPU not being up to snuff.

Out of interest, which make and model did you go for?
Club 3D radeon hd 5870 overclocked edition.
The msi one wasn't available.

I wonder how much ram or how good a processor this game would need? I'm guessing 3ghz core 2 duo processor, and 4gb ram. Because that's what I'm getting next. What model graphics card did you get?

Nalgas D. Lemur

New member
Nov 20, 2009
Cousin_IT said:
Only "platform" that needs invigorating is GFWL, & no amount of voodoo will save that dead horse
Yeah, that was what they did to "reinvigorate" it last time, and that was quite the disaster. It wasn't a horrible idea, but the implementation of it was awful, to the point that several major developers seem to be giving up on it and switching to Steamworks if they want the same features with fewer problems.

On the other hand, they have historically done good things for PC gaming, even with all the other trouble they've caused. I'm still skeptical until they have something to actually show us, but it's at least possible that it could turn out ok. I don't have my hopes up, but if I'm not expecting much, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
Apr 24, 2008
Anti Nudist Cupcake said:
Sexual Harassment Panda said:
Anti Nudist Cupcake said:
Sexual Harassment Panda said:
How are so many people dismissing this? There is literally no information beyond "there will be a game".

I just bought a 5870, Mafia 2 is gorgeous, Bad Company 2 is gorgeous, Crysis is gorgeous, I'm not ashamed to admit I enjoy games alot more when they're so damn pretty. Bring on some eye-candy Microsoft, if it's attatched to a kickass game I'll snap it up.
I bought a 5870 TOO! Bad company 2 is totally gorgeous.
But I hope this new microsoft game will not have too high requirements to work on the 5870....
Seriously, any game that asks for a graphics card more powerful than the 5870, is asking for too much as it sure as hell isn't cheap.
I wouldn't worry about that. The 5870 is the...3rd most powerful card on the market? I would be more worried about the game taxing the rest of your system, it'll be a while before you have to worry about the GPU not being up to snuff.

Out of interest, which make and model did you go for?
Club 3D radeon hd 5870 overclocked edition.
The msi one wasn't available.

I wonder how much ram or how good a processor this game would need? I'm guessing 3ghz core 2 duo processor, and 4gb ram. Because that's what I'm getting next. What model graphics card did you get?
I bought the Asus. It was more expensive than the others and didn't come with a game, but has another year on it's warrantee...I'm a paranoid guy when it comes to this stuff.

4gb of ram is plenty really, I've just moved up to 8 as my brother bought an i7 and his ocz reaper stuff is incompatible with the new motherboard. It was a steal, he chucked in a new case, and a new heatsink(reckon I'll get 3.6 out of my quad with it).

I'm pretty happy with my computer.
Jun 11, 2008
Supernova2000 said:
Here here! "Hey" says someone at Microsoft, "let's make a service whereby the player not only has to be connected to the internet at all times but must also sign into an online profile to even be allowed to play the singleplayer portion of the game." "Fantastic!" says his boss. "I know", says Idiot "but best of all, this service will never actually sign in, even though it says on the website that it's ok, thus forcing the player to search through the forums for a week or more, looking for a user-made bypass before they can start enjoying the game!" "You sir, are a genius!" says the boss.

And when before hell freezes over will they acknowledge that we are STILL on the Crysis Graphics Plateau and will be for a long time to come!?
Unfortunately I don't see that happening anytime soon. If they are dead set on keep it what it really needs is a complete and utter overhaul. The UI is ok but the actual mechanics of it working need a load of work as unless you have an amazing connection you will time out and even I do time out and I can download at 300kb/s. That is insanely unnecessary for gaming and should more than accomodate a perfect connection with it.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Credge said:
Retardinator said:
be available on DX10 only
Eh, look. DX11 is either out or coming out. DX9 is beyond ancient at this point. Requesting that anything be made with it in mind at this point is :|.

Seriously, get a new card. They aren't expensive and a good DX10 card will last you years.
I know, I have a DX10 capable card and I tested it out on several games already and all I have to say is that any Microsoft's comment on it's capabilities is grossly misleading or overstated. Forcing only DX10 or 11 is forcing sales of operating systems that run it, especially when 9 is a slight bit less powerful. I formatted my HDD in less than a week after installing Vista and went back to XP, I'm not very keen on doing system upgrades. Then again, one game probably wouldn't force me to change the OS anyway. I'm just saying they're not doing anything with new versions of DirectX, or the games that are available on DX10 aren't cutting it.

Supernova2000 said:
en before hell freezes over will they acknowledge that we are STILL on the Crysis Graphics Plateau and will be for a long time to come!?
And this. It seems everybody in the industry is very reluctant to admit that Crysis has so far been the ceiling of graphical improvement and no game will come near it anytime soon.