Microsoft's E3 Show Will Focus on Games


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
They can talk about TV all they want, the reveal wasn't what put me off of ever buying it. It was finding out that most of the rumors surrounding the console were based at least partly on facts. Those exclusives would have to be fucking mindblowing, and not Halo/GoW etc, for me to even begin entertaining the thought of getting this. I'm pretty sure that they're more interested in showing off new Kinect games (which would obviously be exclusive) and how "the technology is totally accurate this time". Accurate at recognizing my face, how many people are in my house and who those people are, my heart rate, and what my skeleton looks like, of course. I don't know how they didn't expect people to be wierded out by all that.


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Colt47 said:
Yopaz said:
Colt47 said:
So they are turning off the TV coverage of their E3 conference, but they are promising to reveal games at it. Isn't this a bit self defeating? It's their last chance to win people over and it would be helpful if the journalists actually had some kind of footage to use when explaining the good and bad they saw.
Yeah, I think we need to read the article again. It's not about media coverage, it's about the TV features. They wont focus on TV features on their E3 and rather focus on the games.
No I read the article, the headline seemed to suggest they were not allowing TV coverage.
I agree that the headline was perhaps a tad misleading. I've made it more clear.


New member
Mar 9, 2012
Oh good. Because I thought they weren't going to talk about games at a gaming expo. Thanks for the clear-up Microsoft, fantastic job you guys are doing over there.


New member
Oct 8, 2012
I have no strong feelings for this one way or the other, seriously at this point I'm just gonna watch and see what happens just for entertainment value, I've already adjusted long enough with my PC so I'm not interested in the console dealings anymore.

This kind of begs the question. Out of those 15 exclusives which ones are the Quality ones?
What's the point of 15 console exclusives if most of them can't get you by a week at best.

And if i remember this correctly these exclusives are supposed to last gamers through a year before developers can get used to the tech to start making games for it. Sure you can tack on multiplayer to add on longevity but even the novelty of that wears off for some, and we have to take in account taste for preferred genre of gaming.

maybe there are people out there that can make this last and they can enjoy what they have, too bad this doesn't apply to everyone.

so anyone taking bets on how this will turn out?


New member
Aug 30, 2011
You made your impression guys. Gonna have to come up with something better than CoD this time around. I mean...I love dogs, but CoD is multiplatform.


New member
Nov 4, 2008
JasonKaotic said:
I really think we're sending Microsoft the wrong message.
Shouldn't they address the used game and semi-always-online shit before the TV thing?
Well, no... Used games and always online hardly matter if it looks like the console won't be worth anything for games anyways....

But maybe that was the tactic all along, get everyone pissed off about the lack of games to distract them from used game and drm issues, then after letting the discontent fester for a while, counter it entirely and appease the crows with a solid showing at a later date.

Now, used games and drm are out of the news while everyone is happy just to see it won't simply be tool for tv watching, and they'll have bought themselves months of sidelining discussion over real issues.

Nowhere Man

New member
Mar 10, 2013
There are no amount of games or quality of games thereof (if that makes sense) that's going to change the fact that Xbone will be an intrusive, privacy killing, DRM encouraging, used game killing piece of techno filth. I sincerely hope people aren't that gullible and fall for all the smoke and mirrors and decide to change their stance on a dime because of all the shiny stuff they may have planned for E3. It doesn't change the fact that this console shouldn't exist in the state it's in.

Patrick Buck

New member
Nov 14, 2011
...Holy shit! They're going to use E3, the famous games show, to talk about GAMES? For their new GAMING CONSOLE?




Apr 28, 2008
None of this really matters to me if the thing can't be offline.


New member
Aug 28, 2011
MeChaNiZ3D said:
You made your impression guys. Gonna have to come up with something better than CoD this time around. I mean...I love dogs, but CoD is multiplatform.
And yet, they'll al try to be CoD. When I read that Microsoft is putting a billion dollars into the first batch of exclusives all I could think of was "failed expectations"

More money =! good game, ffs. Why do you think people are bitching about the fact that they can't play their 10 bucks games from XBLA on the new console?


New member
Dec 5, 2008
...And we've come down to this. The best Microsoft can do is define their E3 show by what it is not?

I guess that's sort of appropriate, as Sony is having a field day with promoting the Playstation 4 as not being the XBox One.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
LavaLampBamboo said:
Azhrarn-101 said:
LavaLampBamboo said:
That, however, would have been sensible. :)
When you're a mega-corporation hellbent on dominating the livingroom, sense is the last thing you want to be making. The consumers can understand sense, duplicitous gobbledigook works so much better as a marketing tool. :D
I was being sarcastic. They did exactly this from the get go and made it clear that was the approach they were taking
The problem with that comes when most people don't know your plans, there's a lot of people that play on XBOX but don't follow news about it. I personally read a lot of gaming related news and didn't know about it either. But spending an entire show talking about how your "gaming console" is basically a non-upgradable computer is just silly. Especially when everything they said you could do like chat, watch TV, play games and something or other that I might've forgotten, was something I could do on my PC 10 years ago. They might have said what they were going to do, but their "vision of the future" presentation was Microsoft shooting itself in the foot (you can watch TV" and "it looks like a VCR" jokes are pretty much al there is about it over here).


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Ultratwinkie said:
mysecondlife said:
Well then they shouldn't have done the reveal

I think they only did it because Sony did it. Did a piss poor job at that..
Actually the only reason they did the TV focus was to get the mainstream media interested and drum up sales from older people.

If they did a 100% gaming machine, the media wouldn't care and it would be in the same boat as the Wii U.Media doesn't care about games that aren't on mobile devices anymore.
That would imply that the mainstream media has any pull with gamers, which lets be honest here, it doesn't. Remember, CNN was reporting the WiiU as an expsnaion to the Wii instead of a new console for a few days. They corrected themselves, on their website....I'll leave you to imagine the effectiveness of that.

Gaming specific media does a fine enough job for getting info to gamers. Even older gamers. The mainstream media has failed to do anything positive for gaming besides report when a console launch has lineups and when Halo or COD breaks a media sales record.

And let's be frank, they weren't trying to drum up sales from older people, they were trying to impress investors. More specifically investors from the TV market. The 360 is officially in 3rd place this gen's last leg and the original Xbox didn't exactly fly off the shelf either, methinks MS is getting desperate here.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
I woudl write these 15 games ff as "fifa 30" and stuff but 8 new IPs. this is either going to be a good attempt or some crappy games trying t make kinect relevant. guess which.

LavaLampBamboo said:
Can you imagine if Microsoft had literally come out a few days before the reveal and said, no kidding, EXACTLY THIS THING? That they'd do the services like TV and sports at the reveal, then focus on games at E3? Imagine if they had made this clear in a statement a few days before the reveal.

and not create this huge shitstorm that was an awesome free marketing? why would they. now everyone and his dog knows what Microsoft is. and in a year they will remmeber the name but not what they did, becuase thats how consumer market work - zero memory spantime.

MrWunderful said:
Well I for one am excited to hear what they have to say about launch titles/exclusives. Its also refreshing to hear that they have listened to the community and hopefully will learn from their mistakes.
Not really. It was quite clear when they sad they are coming to E3 with 15 titles that its going to be games at E3 after what happened at reveal. Just going according to plan, no changes due to community input. dont fool yourselves, they didnt listen yet. Knowing microsoft, they probably wont.

Capcha: Angel food.


New member
May 17, 2010
Adam Jensen said:
fedirko7 said:
Wouldn't that leave only 4 from the previous generation? And my bets are on another Viva Pinata, because we could really do with more colorful games.
Typo. But it really wouldn't surprise me to see Microsoft paying the publishers to have previously multiplatform titles turned into X1 exclusives. They payed $50 million for timed exclusives for GTA IV episodes.
And this is the best case scenario in which Halo and Gears are two of those titles instead of some other previously multiplatform franchise.
I've got to think that anything from a third party publisher will be a timed exclusive. Can't see any third party wanting to cut off from 50% of the market unless there really are big bucks from MS. Also, some of these exclusives are going to be arm wavy and dancy games and there will be a Lionhead (Fable) thing in there too, probably.