Might as Well Get to the Polanski Thing


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Jan 16, 2009
I strongly believe in the concepts of Mercy, Forgiveness, and Redemption. Then again, I also firmly believe in justice, so make of that what you will.


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May 28, 2009
either way he buggered a 13 year old girl and got away with it, this being said, ive seen the documentary with her accounts and she was more than willing, not that that makes it ok, cause it isnt, but if her mom was dragging her around know perverts (polanski was big into women) she was accepting that risk, the woman says not to blamer her mother but its hard not to when the woman basically dragged her daughter into this place like a toy with a vagina.and what girl wouldnt be willing to be with a famous person at that age. how many girls would give it up pr pete wense from fall out boy, or that douche from twilight? anyway.. is he guilty, yes, should he be paying for a crime that no one cares about? no. the judge shouldnt have let him leave, his lawyers said he was in the middle of shooting a movie, so he let him, go, bad call on the judge.


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Dec 11, 2008
I would just like to put it out there so people can understand this in plain, and easy to read english.

Roman Polanski got drunk, gave a 13 year old girl alchohol and drugs and then proceeded to rape and sodomize her. When he was afraid of actually getting a real punishment for his actions(not a hollywood slap on the wrist) he fled the country instead of owning up to his crimes and working with his lawyer and the system to weed out the corruption he felt was in the system.

Agian, He ran away instead of owning up to what he did. He ran. He knew what he did was wrong, and even after all the crap he witnessed throughout his life and seeing what the nazis did to his own people he ran like a coward instead of staying and facing his actions.

To me the man is a cowardly rapist, and yes he is a rapist.

So in my opinion, yes he should come back and own up to his actions and stand in front of the white house or LA city hall or other public building and give a written apology to the poeple of the united states for being a rapist and a coward and living under the protection of another country. His friends may say he has been punished enough over the years for what he did because he couldnt travel where he wanted to for his film career but last time I checked there werent to many fugitive rapists out there living in multimillion dollar homes with their families living the good life and being adulated by their peers.

Edit -
imburke said:
either way he buggered a 13 year old girl and got away with it, this being said, ive seen the documentary with her accounts and she was more than willing, not that that makes it ok, cause it isnt, but if her mom was dragging her around know perverts (polanski was big into women) she was accepting that risk, the woman says not to blamer her mother but its hard not to when the woman basically dragged her daughter into this place like a toy with a vagina.and what girl wouldnt be willing to be with a famous person at that age. how many girls would give it up pr pete wense from fall out boy, or that douche from twilight? anyway.. is he guilty, yes, should he be paying for a crime that no one cares about? no. the judge shouldnt have let him leave, his lawyers said he was in the middle of shooting a movie, so he let him, go, bad call on the judge.

This guy is a pedophile waiting to happen. If he had any smarts at all(or inhabitions about buggering 13 year olds himself/herself) he would recognize how horribly skewed that documentary was. Its hard enough for victims of sexual assault and rape to come forward but when things like that polanski documentary(if it could be called that) come along and paint the perpetrator as the victim and the victim as someone who "wants it" then justice will never truly be known. Please sir, admit yourself to a psyche ward and stay away from the childrens.


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Mar 31, 2008
Fredrick2003 said:
Everybody would have sex with 13 year old girls if they could.

Also Chinatown sucked.
I disagree strongly on both those points.

I see no reason why the law should be lenient on him. The wheels of justice may grind slowly but the grind fine. He's one of my top five favorite directors but that doesn't excuse what he did.


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Sep 3, 2009
Cliff_m85 said:
I'm going to be controversial, so hold onto your hats.

If you stick your penis into a little kid, you deserve jail time.
Well said. I'm sure many of the priests found to/convicted of molesting children did tons of good things for their communities/parishes when they weren't molesting their victims. Guess what? THEY STILL MOLESTED SOMEONE so it really doesn't matter how many good deeds they did nor should it. You can't make up for sexually assaulting a child with spiritually counseling numerous communities and running countless bake sales, festivals, fish dinners, soup kitchens etc and you sure as hell cant make up for it by making 10 movies since 1997 of questionable quality.


Can you feel around inside?
Dec 22, 2008
Anyone who is still calling for lenience or justice in the comments should probably re-read the article.

odubya23 said:
There is no innocence, only varying degrees of guilt. I say hang everyone, for any reason.
Except for you. This would solve a lot of the world's problems in any case.

I see this kind of thing every day where people think they need to get personally involved in something that, when you get down to it, is just another bit of gossip that doesn't concern them in any way. But, we're all human. Sometimes it helps to get a bit of perspective from someone else.


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Aug 4, 2009
I don't really care one way or another.

And now, for something completely different.




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Feb 6, 2009
SAVEpointGL1TCH said:
Cliff_m85 said:
I'm going to be controversial, so hold onto your hats.

If you stick your penis into a little kid, you deserve jail time.
Well said. I'm sure many of the priests found to/convicted of molesting children did tons of good things for their communities/parishes when they weren't molesting their victims. Guess what? THEY STILL MOLESTED SOMEONE so it really doesn't matter how many good deeds they did nor should it. You can't make up for sexually assaulting a child with spiritually counseling numerous communities and running countless bake sales, festivals, fish dinners, soup kitchens etc and you sure as hell cant make up for it by making 10 movies since 1997 of questionable quality.
Hmmm....maybe if he wasn't a Roman Polanski and rather a Roman Catholic Priest?


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Feb 6, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
Cliff_m85 said:
I'm going to be controversial, so hold onto your hats.

If you stick your penis into a little kid, you deserve jail time.
Dude, no.
Didn't you read?

He's made movies.
This totally excuses him.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go fuck some kids and write some books.
That just about balances the scales, right?
Maybe help some little old ladies across the street to make sure my karma matches up perfectly with my anti-karma.
I know man *rolls eyes*. It's even closer to me because assholes are saying "The girl forgave him". Fuck no, she just doesn't want to relive it all over again. She doesn't want reporters trying to get her to recall what happened or see her face on tv or be known as "the rape victim". It's common sense and people are just fucking insane.

I'd suggest joining the clergy first, just to be safe.


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Sep 3, 2008
Right he breaks the law (not a paedophile thought since she was older than 12 but still illegal)
then flees the country to escape justice (also a crime)
I don't think jail is appropriate since he clearly isn't a present danger but to do what he has done with no repercusions legally isn't right I would just make him give the victim a ton of money of which he must have tons anyway.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Well said, MovieBob. Your observations are apt, and the article well written. Kudos.


New member
Dec 23, 2007
I like articles like these. They give an overview far less biased than TV news about stuff they won't shut up about until somebody else starts crying about when Arnold Schwarzenegger says "Poop".

Or other articles that really don't add anything to anyone's intelligence.


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Apr 23, 2008
HG131 said:
Seriously, I believe he should be let go. There should be a law that if the "victim" forgives their "attacker" then they should be let go. He didn't ruin her life, the courts are now, however. She wants it forgotten. Forget it.
True, but it doesn't mean it wasn't wrong or that it didn't have a bad effect on her live - for example, I've heard most rape victims never report what happened - doesn't mean that the victims wheren't badly effected, nor does it mean the bastard who did it should be forgiven. It does mean that the victim doesn't want to deal with what happened, and/or is afraid of not being believed or doesn't want to face the courts.

That said, I dunno, maybe reduce the sentence - its hard to see what a judge could do worse to him than Charles Manson did.


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Sep 14, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
The outpouring around Michael Jackson and O.J. reached similar levels of hysteria on both sides, but my main point of puzzlement in this case is around the Polish.

On the day he was arrested the headlines in Reuters read:

1) Anger in France and Poland over Polanski arrest
2) Poland okays forcible castration for paedophiles.

One wonders why Poland is so angry, and whether Roman got off lightly?
Are you kidding me?

1) There was little anger in Poland. There were some people that defended him, but a lot of us also wanted him to rot in jail.

2) Where did you hear that? Oh, right, our prime minister said that as a joke, for which he apologized the same day. But it was over a year or two ago.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Ok here's a question

Why is pedophilia immoral, illegal?

Basic law making suggests that anything that causes harm to the fabric of society is immoral and therefore illegal, given a multiracial, multicultural, multireligious civilisation.

So how does pedophilia cause harm to society? What if both parties are willing? And more importantly how is the age of a child determined? How is a child different from an adult?

Just asking this question to prevent populism (which seems to be the de facto tool of the ignorant opinions floating around).

If you have a opinion on something and you don't know why or how, you're not really contributing to the human race.