Might as Well Get to the Polanski Thing


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Actually as pointed out in Starship Troopers (the book not that campy and fun movie) peopel are animals.

my point is that we should weigh the punishment and let that be the cost of the crime. in America (and elsewhere) We can be brutal and horrible people to each other with only a moments loss of control.

The verdict, fair or not, is a lifetime of suffering.

I'm uncomfortable with 'justice' that lacks a desire to be just and seeks instead to follow society's lays slavishly. That includes the woman who hugged a boy and because he pressed his face into her breasts she is a molestor or the fisherman who brushed some dirt off a girl's butt he was fishing with who is now a sex offender.

If your going to be intolerant fine but at least allow for the whole virtue of forgiveness or we might as well kill them.