Miles Morales, Ms. Marvel Will Join All-New, All-Different Avengers

runic knight

New member
Mar 26, 2011
Miles in the new avengers? I like it, good character all said and done and if this is how he'll survive the marvelverse-pocolypse, then I am ok with that. Fine with Cap falcon and vision. And Nova and Ms Marvel seem like good grabs for trying the whole "not your usual avengers" while still using decent characters with good connections to the group. Least as far as I recall and tried to keep on top of, as well as use of those characters through alternative mediums, like the avenger animated show a while back.

Fem-Thor on the other hand, I was hoping would have been relegated to the doomed circus sideshow that was the "all female avengers", instead of being attached to this like the lead albatross her character is. Who knows, maybe they will remove what buffoon who current has their hand up her ass as a feminist sockpuppet long enough to let her become a character worth giving a damn about and address that huge continuity issue of her suddenly being thor instead of every previous version of merely taking the mantle of the thunderer. From what I seen of sales, there is certainly incentive to stop that plummet. But that is probably a long shot, and this new series will look forward to more villians giving up because of "girl power" and lecturing the reader.

Total assessment, I have a smidgin of interest towards seeing how it plays out, I did like miles and sort of curious how the stories of some of the others will continue, but this is not a series I will be picking up til long after the fact out of a total lack of faith in the creative team to handle any of the characters worth a damn.

captcha:face the music
Umm... captcha?


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Hmmm, well when it comes to the concept of atheism in Marvel it's not surprising that a lot of people would be atheists because while gods exist they aren't very "godly". I mean when you see a legitimate Greco-Roman or Norse deity get their butt stomped into the pavement a few times it's hard for the literal divine awe not to go trickling away. Especially when you see mortals with a genetic twist or scientific edge standing shoulder to shoulder with them. Above the man on the street stuff there is an entire cosmology out there, the beings closest to literal gods are not something that the general population has any real knowledge of. To my knowledge "The One Above All" has yet to directly manifest and identify itself, though his intervention in a god-like guise is possible in the resolution of storylines like "Avengers A.I." the most powerful being your average hero in The Marvel Universe is probably aware of is "The Living Tribunal". It doesn't help the situation that there are multiple beings all claiming to be the devil, and his alleged son and daughter are running around, but in reality you find via events like "Fear Itself" that the throne of "Satan" is pretty much empty with various demonic entities claiming the title but none being brave enough to take the throne, and literally timeless beings pointing out that it's all a game if I remember, and nobody has ever sat there.

As far as the new avengers line up goes, people seem to already be calling it the SJA or "Social Justice Avengers" and comparing it to the previous X-men stunt that introduced Storm, Sunfire, and other characters, or vintage Superfriends with characters like "El Dorado" and "Apache Chief" being introduced for the obvious reasons.

The speculation right now is that Marvel has kind of put itself into a rough spot by catering to social justice types and writers with those sentiments and became heavily invested in a lot of things that aren't working out well, but also sort of beholden to SJWs and liberal media for the praise they have gotten for the social statement inherent in some of these characters. The truth be told almost every character on that list is loved for PC reasons, but generally reviled by comic readers, even if speculators have kept a lot of the sales high. Over the years things like "The Avengers" and to an even greater extent "The Defenders" have worked as a dumping grounds for characters that aren't popular enough for their own title, but have enough support for one reason or another to not be given an axe, OR experimental ideas being worked on by various writers. Typically the idea is to have one or two big heroes that carry their own book being the lynchpin holding together a team of second and third rate IPs who cumulatively can move the title. In a lot of cases the big names who are part of the team also carry their own books simultaneously, and in many cases just get together en-masse for the big events. If you look at the history of The Avengers you'll notice there have been more than a few times when they have had no active A-listers at all. The Defenders have been even more infamous for this.

Right now the operative theory for many seems to be that they are going to sort of peel off a lot of the SJW-fuel characters, namely minorities using brand names, and put them into an Avengers team, usually with one or two genuinely big heroes showing up to hold it down and justify crossovers. Apparently Marvel is looking at the success DC has had with running three "Justice League" teals, the Justice League, Justice League Dark, and Justice League Of America all
at the same time, and it apparently wants to have multiple Avengers teams again, especially seeing as with the movies and newfound popularity characters like the actual "Iron Man", "Thor", and "Captain America" have full dance cards as IPs and creative teams and as such will likely be too busy to be helping pin down team books reliably.

This morning I was discussing it with some people and allegedly Marvel has already said they plan to keep both Peter Parker as the main Spider Man and that Scarlet Spider will also still be around (he was in the most jeopardy). Spider-Gwen and others are new IPs and as such their future depends on enduring interest. Apparently Steve Rogers will not be out of his guise as Captain America long, and supposedly it was leaked that with the universe reboot William Burnside will also be making a few key appearances and probably be launched as another Captain America. Allegedly there is also going to be an "Iron Guard" in the works. Allegedly, and this is the least reliable bit of speculation, in the new universe a lot of the Iron Man suits are going to be equipped with spot teleporters, which allows the people inside the suits to change places, making it so that in theory any member of "The Iron Guard" can be in any Iron Man suit at any time. The idea being that if a job needs Tony Stark he can say switch places with Rhodey, or vice versa if Rhodey's military experience would be more useful. Supposedly "The Iron Guard" will be using a lot of armor suits as drones, and also have armor stashes all over the world (secret or otherwise) and Rhodey, Tony, Pepper, and a rebooted Happy Hogan will respond to emergencies based on the observation of drones, and reports, and teleport in to local armor suits to deal with emergencies... sort of the opposite of the anime schtick of people teleporting their battle armor onto themselves. It sounds like it could be interesting but it could all be fan speculation, I mention it because the answer to who is in that Iron Man suit could possibly be "yes" because it could be any one of those characters at any given time, which also means they can have Iron Man be in 4 places simultaneously and in theory have Tony pop in and hour of storylines as required to make commentary or whatever before switching over to someone else, since Tony is the big brain everyone confers with.

At any rate, while my feelings on some of these characters are a matter of record, I will say that for those who ARE serious fans I do hope the cross-label refugees are treated better than the Wildstorm characters that came into "New 52". I was a big fan of "The Authority" and of course "Stormwatch" before it changed titles. When they brought that basic team into New 52 it seems like they wind up doing something to remove it before every major event, and they don't get to act like themselves very much. For example wiping out Stormwatch was one of the very first things that happened with "Future's End" and I wasn't especially happy with that since that level of event is exactly when those characters really tend to shine as they are all supposed to be crazy powerhouses.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
I know I am sounding like a badly aging nerdboy complaining about change. But that cover really kind of bothers me. It is Iron Man surrounded by a team of unproven ethnically diverse kids wearing the outfits of older better versions of their characters. I'll give Ms. Marvel credit for so far being interesting within the small compact story that they have been telling of her so far. But I don't know how well she will mix with the big leagues. And I've been reading comics for far too many years. These kids are at best side kicks. They have roughly 24 months before nostalgia and falling sales overwhelm editorial and they all meet a harsh fate as the classic characters triumphantly return and things reset to normal.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
faefrost said:
I know I am sounding like a badly aging nerdboy complaining about change. But that cover really kind of bothers me. It is Iron Man surrounded by a team of unproven ethnically diverse kids wearing the outfits of older better versions of their characters. I'll give Ms. Marvel credit for so far being interesting within the small compact story that they have been telling of her so far. But I don't know how well she will mix with the big leagues. And I've been reading comics for far too many years. These kids are at best side kicks. They have roughly 24 months before nostalgia and falling sales overwhelm editorial and they all meet a harsh fate as the classic characters triumphantly return and things reset to normal.
Well, yes and no. I've already given my opinion along with the educated speculation among comic fans. Understand that the whole SJW movement is extremely powerful and influential right now, even if it took something of a blow over the last few months due to people standing up to it. This PC roster of characters includes some that have been around for years, and have been critical darlings to the left wing, as well as seeing decent sales due to speculators being interested in any controversial, or different, version of established characters, or what are seen as major events. Miles Morales has been holding a book for a few years now, and despite people loathing him except for a brief period when he was created Sam Alexander has had a comic precense and a role in one of the Spider Man cartoon shows for a while now. Ms. Marvel is the most relatively unproven property right now, but of the "super muslims" we've seen in recent years she seems to be the one doing the best and achieving the closest thing to a real following. Of course it can also be pointed out that Ms. Marvel also didn't replace her more popular namesake, the real Ms. Marvel simply became Captain Marvel, thus there isn't the same kind of baggage of say replacing a long established character like Steve Rogers or Peter Parker with a minority for the sake of making a political statement. Rick Jones the anchor for the original Captain Marvel is currently around as A-Bomb if I remember, and will probably have a similar role in the new continuity, the whole "Nega Bands" concept having since migrated between various other characters, and Mar Vell (the Kree) having died many years ago at this point.

What it seems Marvel is doing is that we're going to have this version of The Avengers keeping most of it's political stunts in one team. Hence why some people have already started calling it the" "Social Justice Avengers". There will probably be other Avengers titles like there have been in the past, especially if Marvel is looking at DC where there are exactly three main "Justice League" teams in DC's "New 52" continuity all with different rosters. Given his movie-spawned popularity rumor has it the "new" Marvel will include a gimmick allowing Tony to jump between armor suits so he can have input in a large number of titles simultaneously.

It's important to note that The Avengers has been a dumping ground for characters unable to build a major following, or hold their own book, or those kept around for various other reasons for many, many years now, the "A list" heroes being mostly a gimmick to keep readers occupied, an in a lot of cases there isn't more than one or two of them actually active at any one time, as most of them maintain their own books. Indeed when "The Avengers" were first introduced they really didn't stick around as an actual team very long at all. "The Defenders" has been even more chaotic over the years.

Supposedly Marvel already "leaked" that both the real Spider Man (Peter Parker) and Scarlet Spider will still exist and be active come the new comics continuity. Supposedly there will also be multiple Captain Americas, Steve will remain in continuity as "The" Captain America however. Apparently John Walker is going to still be around in some capacity, and they have big plans for rebooting William Burnside. The idea being that William Burnside was a crazy guy conditioned to think he was Captain America to resolve difficulties liberals had with the character during his commie-smashing days. This is when they came up with the idea of having the alleged "real" Captain America discovered frozen and thawed out, with this previous one being fake and insane. Supposedly Marvel wants to do a sort of "faces of America" thing to balance things out especially with the political battles, they will keep Steve his usual liberal self, but apparently have Walker and Burnside to represent other points of view with none of them being presented as wrong. Allegedly this is because of the rather valid question that it seems that with the increasingly liberal orientation of comics you have seen Captain America spending as much or more time fighting against his own country and such than he has been a real reflection of it's entire spirit. For example if you've ever wondered how a guy like Captain America could take the position he did in "Civil War" which was basically to say that masked vigilantism is okay and that holding people accountable for their actions was un-American, you wouldn't be the first one. A lot of characters behaved really out of character during "Civil War", and Cap did what he did because of the meta-context of de-railing it into a metaphor for Bush-era politics and "Real America" standing against that administration, but it never quite worked and the whole event was ruined and it sort of stuck a lot of taint on Cap and Falcon (who was right there with him in a Wakandan battle suit) as a result. The point being that allegedly after this whole "reboot" we're going to be seeing multiple people all using the same identities. There will be multiple "Spider Man" characters using that name directly and more than one "Captain America". There will probably be ways of differentiating them however. I suspect for example Falcon will probably remain with the "All New Avengers" and only be printed as Cap in that title, where Steve will probably wind up being the focus of the actual "Captain America" title. This is all speculation but I'd guess Walker might continue doing his schtick as a warden, and Burnside would be "Captain America" working directly alongside SHIELD. Of a lot of this deeper stuff is speculation based on what people swear was leaked in comic nerd discussions so there is no real way to tell, but it will be interesting if it's correct, and to be honest it makes a degree of sense since Marvel doesn't seem all psyched up to destroy it's loyal audience, it's probably going to try a strategy whereby it caters to everyone simultaneously.

Remember also we saw a line up a lot like this via the "All New X-men" years ago, of that new PC and ethnically diverse crew Storm was the only really enduring character, others like Sunfire evaporated and only show up once in a while for a specific purpose. "The Super Friends" also had a similar thing on TV with El Dorado, Samurai, Apache Chief, etc... and notice few of those characters ever appeared in print media to my knowledge or are around in any form. Periodic attempts to diversify using the name of a big name super team are to be expected, typically only one or two survive the experiment. I am guessing from this group the most likely one to last is Ms. Marvel simply by process of elimination. With the movie Falcon has become pretty popular in his guise as Falcon and will probably revert, Sam and Miles seem to be pretty universally reviled, Miles a bit less so because he at least has the SJW crowd on his side to an extent.


Terminally Apathetic
Jun 17, 2013
faefrost said:
I know I am sounding like a badly aging nerdboy complaining about change. But that cover really kind of bothers me. It is Iron Man surrounded by a team of unproven ethnically diverse kids wearing the outfits of older better versions of their characters. I'll give Ms. Marvel credit for so far being interesting within the small compact story that they have been telling of her so far. But I don't know how well she will mix with the big leagues. And I've been reading comics for far too many years. These kids are at best side kicks. They have roughly 24 months before nostalgia and falling sales overwhelm editorial and they all meet a harsh fate as the classic characters triumphantly return and things reset to normal.
No, you don't sound like an aging angry nerd, you sound like someone who is complaining without actually reading the comics, much like the people supposedly complaining about that Batgirl cover. Whoever is in that armor is almost definitely not Tony Stark, as Tony Stark is currently being an evil bastard out in San Francisco after having his morality changed during the recent AXIS event, current Tony Stark has zero interest in being part of another Avengers team at the moment.

So yeah, much like Falcon wearing the Captain America suit, Kamala in the Ms. Marvel homage suit, Miles being an alternate universe Spiderman successor, and whoever is wielding Mjolnir at the moment, that is someone else in an older model Iron Man armor, not Iron Man himself.

The closest it could be is an alternate universe Tony Stark, what with the Secret Wars interdimensional stuff coming out, but they are already pulling that with Miles, so I doubt they will pull the same trick twice with the same team.

He also does not wear the red and yellow armor any more, this is what current Tony Stark looks like:

Dead Metal

New member
Feb 7, 2010
Take a good look at Miles, you're looking at a dead man (actually boy). His book is cancelled after terrible sales and now he's in a team, composed of characters who's books sell incredibly well.
This is Marvel's way of trying to give a character a second chance and drive up interest in him, if it fails, he'll be dead in two years.


New member
May 14, 2010
Windknight said:
Kopikatsu said:
On the other hand, Tony is an Atheist despite, again, there being an actual God ON HIS TEAM.

So who knows anymore.
'Gods like an Atheist. it gives them something to aim at.'

'I don't care how many lightning bolts those buggers throw at me, I still ain't believing in them!' - Quotes for a dsicworld atheist.
You left out one of my favourites (Apologies if quote isn't 100% accurate, going off memory here).

"Just because they exist is no reason to go around believing in them. It only encourages them"


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
EternallyBored said:
faefrost said:
I know I am sounding like a badly aging nerdboy complaining about change. But that cover really kind of bothers me. It is Iron Man surrounded by a team of unproven ethnically diverse kids wearing the outfits of older better versions of their characters. I'll give Ms. Marvel credit for so far being interesting within the small compact story that they have been telling of her so far. But I don't know how well she will mix with the big leagues. And I've been reading comics for far too many years. These kids are at best side kicks. They have roughly 24 months before nostalgia and falling sales overwhelm editorial and they all meet a harsh fate as the classic characters triumphantly return and things reset to normal.
No, you don't sound like an aging angry nerd, you sound like someone who is complaining without actually reading the comics, much like the people supposedly complaining about that Batgirl cover. Whoever is in that armor is almost definitely not Tony Stark, as Tony Stark is currently being an evil bastard out in San Francisco after having his morality changed during the recent AXIS event, current Tony Stark has zero interest in being part of another Avengers team at the moment.

So yeah, much like Falcon wearing the Captain America suit, Kamala in the Ms. Marvel homage suit, Miles being an alternate universe Spiderman successor, and whoever is wielding Mjolnir at the moment, that is someone else in an older model Iron Man armor, not Iron Man himself.

The closest it could be is an alternate universe Tony Stark, what with the Secret Wars interdimensional stuff coming out, but they are already pulling that with Miles, so I doubt they will pull the same trick twice with the same team.

He also does not wear the red and yellow armor any more, this is what current Tony Stark looks like:
Well, given that it's a universe wide reboot I'd imagine what Tony is up to in the comics right now isn't going to be a factor when this book comes out. What's more the usual MO when it comes to building these kinds of super teams is to have one or two big name characters on the team, even if they are off doing something else a lot of the time, in order to rope people in.

That said, you are correct that it could be anyone in the armor, however I was thinking that the older style armor represents a sort of "back to the basics" for the character, and is intended to make you think it's Tony because if they were pulling a switch they would probably want to make it obvious to complete the PCness of the picture, and of course in doing that they would not have a big name to help hold the book together.

Of course if some of the "leaks" I've heard are true it could be any member of the "Iron Man Family" in the armor at any given time via teleportation.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Dead Metal said:
Take a good look at Miles, you're looking at a dead man (actually boy). His book is cancelled after terrible sales and now he's in a team, composed of characters who's books sell incredibly well.
This is Marvel's way of trying to give a character a second chance and drive up interest in him, if it fails, he'll be dead in two years.
Actually that's not quite what I've been hearing from various "comics people". Miles' book has been selling pretty well due to the speculator market, and getting good critical reviews from the SJWs in geek media simply because he's not white and being presented as the actual "Spider Man". Like a lot of characters on that list he's incredibly unpopular with actual comic book readers, but has enough of a following where simply axing him would probably inspire a bit of outrage, the same with the other ideas on that line up. Marvel is probably hoping that by putting all these "social justice warrior bait" characters into one book with an anchor they can cumulatively hold down a title. I'd imagine if the book goes down, all the characters, except the lynchpin, will be discontinued except perhaps showing up occasionally as supporting cast. If any of them continues to survive in any position of prominence it will probably be Ms. Marvel, simply because Marvel really seems to want the PC / Peace At Any Price points for having a popular super-Muslim floating around, and there are several all told, of which she's arguably the most popular, though this by no means makes her particularly well liked. With the Ms. Marvel title, like Miles, she has been able to do pretty well do to the speculator market. Despite his appearance in a cartoon show and the Disney infinity game, I expect the Sam Alexander Nova is the most likely to die horribly if just one is removed, since people have pretty much wanted Richard Rider back in the role since they removed him. Sam was popular when he first launched, but at the end of the day he's an endless reminder to those who care about Nova how much we want Richard back as the one and only "Nova".

That said if the team book is going to die, I doubt they will give it two years at the moment. I'm guessing this is going to be a trial/short run of sorts, like "Avengers A.I.". I'd imagine 12 issues one a month for a year at which point the fate of the characters will have been decided.

Dead Metal

New member
Feb 7, 2010
Therumancer said:
Dead Metal said:
Take a good look at Miles, you're looking at a dead man (actually boy). His book is cancelled after terrible sales and now he's in a team, composed of characters who's books sell incredibly well.
This is Marvel's way of trying to give a character a second chance and drive up interest in him, if it fails, he'll be dead in two years.
Actually that's not quite what I've been hearing from various "comics people". Miles' book has been selling pretty well due to the speculator market, and getting good critical reviews from the SJWs in geek media simply because he's not white and being presented as the actual "Spider Man". Like a lot of characters on that list he's incredibly unpopular with actual comic book readers, but has enough of a following where simply axing him would probably inspire a bit of outrage, the same with the other ideas on that line up. Marvel is probably hoping that by putting all these "social justice warrior bait" characters into one book with an anchor they can cumulatively hold down a title. I'd imagine if the book goes down, all the characters, except the lynchpin, will be discontinued except perhaps showing up occasionally as supporting cast. If any of them continues to survive in any position of prominence it will probably be Ms. Marvel, simply because Marvel really seems to want the PC / Peace At Any Price points for having a popular super-Muslim floating around, and there are several all told, of which she's arguably the most popular, though this by no means makes her particularly well liked. With the Ms. Marvel title, like Miles, she has been able to do pretty well do to the speculator market. Despite his appearance in a cartoon show and the Disney infinity game, I expect the Sam Alexander Nova is the most likely to die horribly if just one is removed, since people have pretty much wanted Richard Rider back in the role since they removed him. Sam was popular when he first launched, but at the end of the day he's an endless reminder to those who care about Nova how much we want Richard back as the one and only "Nova".

That said if the team book is going to die, I doubt they will give it two years at the moment. I'm guessing this is going to be a trial/short run of sorts, like "Avengers A.I.". I'd imagine 12 issues one a month for a year at which point the fate of the characters will have been decided.
Miles isn't doing well at all. The last book with Ultimate Peter sold almost 99,000 issues, the first two books of Miles sold about the same, then sold about 50,000 with issue 3 and has been declining ever since. The last issue I checked (November) didn't even reach 19,000 issues, getting outsold by Scarlet Spiders. The sad thing is, Ultimate SM used to be Marvel's top selling book, but Miles manged to kill that.
And I don't believe that has anything to do with his skin colour, otherwise his first issue wouldn't have sold so many copies. I've read the first 5 tpb of Miles, and the stories just sucked. He had potential but the way is character developed in those 5 trades just made me dislike him. Instead of feeling like a separate character, he just seems like a dumber more whiny and less resilient version of Ultimate Peter. Doesn't help that the stories are spread much thinner than back when Peter was still there.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
Ukomba said:
Is that supposed to be Ms. Marvel in the lower left?!? She looks terrible, like a scrawny old man in a wig.
I've seen her drawn way cuter, but that description absolutely made my day. So true, so damn true.


New member
Nov 27, 2013
I like Miles. I think he makes a great Spider-boy to fight alongside Spider-man, so I really hope a larger audience takes to him.

BUT there is no way I am ever paying $3.99 for a monthly title ever again.

Unless it's Bryan Hitch in which case you know the monthly will be a quarterly in less than a year.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Kopikatsu said:
Ukomba said:
Is that supposed to be Ms. Marvel in the lower left?!? She looks terrible, like a scrawny old man in a wig.
She's Arabic, IIRC. At least Muslim. Although really, being Muslim is kind of stupid in the Marvel-verse considering that there are literal Gods walking around. On the other hand, Tony is an Atheist despite, again, there being an actual God ON HIS TEAM.

So who knows anymore.
you do know that Thor and Asgardians aren't really gods right?
They call themselves as such because of their immense god like powers and to us humans they may seem like gods because of said power and control over a specific element as well as their life span being in the hundred thousands of years


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
CrazyBlaze said:
Ukomba said:
Is that supposed to be Ms. Marvel in the lower left?!? She looks terrible, like a scrawny old man in a wig.
It's probably just because they are drawing her using her powers. I suppose its easier when she doesn't have to share the cover space like that to show her stretching and stuff.
So is that the extent of her powers? A female version of Mr. Fantastic's scretch-fu? I was under the impression that the original Ms. Marvel had a power set similar to Superman, flight, strength, energy blasts, etc. But so far, all I've heard that the new Ms. Marvel can do is....stretch. Is that really it? That seems kind of lame, and very much a nerfing.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Ukomba said:
Is that supposed to be Ms. Marvel in the lower left?!? She looks terrible, like a scrawny old man in a wig.
That's what I came here to ask. I would think a sufferer of some sort of drug abuse and bulimia/anorexia.


New member
Sep 14, 2009
Happyninja42 said:
CrazyBlaze said:
Ukomba said:
Is that supposed to be Ms. Marvel in the lower left?!? She looks terrible, like a scrawny old man in a wig.
It's probably just because they are drawing her using her powers. I suppose its easier when she doesn't have to share the cover space like that to show her stretching and stuff.
So is that the extent of her powers? A female version of Mr. Fantastic's scretch-fu? I was under the impression that the original Ms. Marvel had a power set similar to Superman, flight, strength, energy blasts, etc. But so far, all I've heard that the new Ms. Marvel can do is....stretch. Is that really it? That seems kind of lame, and very much a nerfing.
More is less it is stretching, or embigenning as I remember the character wryly saying as a way to describe her power. That said, she can also make herself smaller too, not quite Ant-man size but close. She also seems to have the ability to completely change her outward appearance as she has, at least accidently, made herself/her costume look like the current Captain Marvels (blonde hair and all).

Seriously though, her book is actually really good and I would suggest giving it a read. It is an very well done take on the teenage superhero. Even the thing that most people in this thread seem to glob on to (her being a Muslim) is not really, at least in my mind, heavily played on in the comic. Her brother is religious, in that his entire life seems to revolve around it, but her parents and Muslim friend(s) all have their own personalities outside of it. Even the Imam seen in one of the comics was just a community leader/teacher used to check on Kamala's life and give her advice.

Anyway, back to the actual topic of the article. I must admit I am nervous about it. I like the Ms. Marvel comic and what it currently is as a teenage superhero, balancing teenage life, school family with being a superhero in Jersey and SLOWLY being introduced to this much larger world. I just fear that this comic is hurrying that process up too fast. I want more of that slow introduction (like her running into and 'fangirling' over Wolverine or have LockJaw as a side kick). Basically, her joining an Avengers team is happening too fast in my opinion.


Senior Member
Mar 6, 2011
Kopikatsu said:
She's Arabic, IIRC. At least Muslim. Although really, being Muslim is kind of stupid in the Marvel-verse considering that there are literal Gods walking around. On the other hand, Tony is an Atheist despite, again, there being an actual God ON HIS TEAM.
I'm reminded of Anarky, the heavily V For Vendetta-influenced atheist character introduced in the Batman books by DC in the 90s to be edgy (because atheism is edgy!)

In his very first team-up book, they paired him with Etrigan, a literal demon from literal Hell.

I suspect that most comic book atheists, who live in a universe with verifiable supernatural beings, are probably more like John Constantine that real-world atheists. They're of course aware that Gods exist - they just don't believe any of them are worthy of reverence.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
rgrekejin said:
Kopikatsu said:
She's Arabic, IIRC. At least Muslim. Although really, being Muslim is kind of stupid in the Marvel-verse considering that there are literal Gods walking around. On the other hand, Tony is an Atheist despite, again, there being an actual God ON HIS TEAM.
I'm reminded of Anarky, the heavily V For Vendetta-influenced atheist character introduced in Batman by DC in the 90s to be edgy (because atheism is edgy!)

In his very first team-up book, they paired him with Etrigan, a literal demon from literal Hell.

I suspect that most comic book atheists, who live in a universe with verifiable supernatural beings, are probably more like John Constantine that real-world atheists. They're of course aware that Gods exist - they just don't believe any of them are worthy of reverence.
Well, technically Constantine isn't an atheist, as the definition of that word means "You don't believe in the existence of gods/supernatural beings" The fact that he doesn't worship them just means he would be....I guess anti-theist would be the more accurate term in that scenario? Or maybe non-religious. *shrugs*

Of course, the escape phrase they always use in fiction to get around this religious fuzziness is "Well ok sure, they are powerful beings, but that doesn't mean that GOD isn't still around, above them on the hierarchy"

Happyninja42 said:
CrazyBlaze said:
Ukomba said:
More is less it is stretching, or embigenning as I remember the character wryly saying as a way to describe her power. That said, she can also make herself smaller too, not quite Ant-man size but close. She also seems to have the ability to completely change her outward appearance as she has, at least accidently, made herself/her costume look like the current Captain Marvels (blonde hair and all).

Seriously though, her book is actually really good and I would suggest giving it a read. It is an very well done take on the teenage superhero. Even the thing that most people in this thread seem to glob on to (her being a Muslim) is not really, at least in my mind, heavily played on in the comic. Her brother is religious, in that his entire life seems to revolve around it, but her parents and Muslim friend(s) all have their own personalities outside of it. Even the Imam seen in one of the comics was just a community leader/teacher used to check on Kamala's life and give her advice.

Anyway, back to the actual topic of the article. I must admit I am nervous about it. I like the Ms. Marvel comic and what it currently is as a teenage superhero, balancing teenage life, school family with being a superhero in Jersey and SLOWLY being introduced to this much larger world. I just fear that this comic is hurrying that process up too fast. I want more of that slow introduction (like her running into and 'fangirling' over Wolverine or have LockJaw as a side kick). Basically, her joining an Avengers team is happening too fast in my opinion.
Interesting, though I doubt I'll pick up the title. I haven't read comics in decades, and only recently picked up the female Thor series. Not enjoying it terribly much, so I doubt I'll stick with it.

OT: Hope the new Avengers thing works well, as the idea is cool in my opinion. I have no qualms with them being different, but as I've stated before in other threads, I'm a sucker for Legacy stories. So the idea of a team of people carrying on the mantle of other heroes, in a "next generation/passing the torch" kind of theme is always something I enjoy. So rock on, hope the stories are good.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Happyninja42 said:
CrazyBlaze said:
Ukomba said:
Is that supposed to be Ms. Marvel in the lower left?!? She looks terrible, like a scrawny old man in a wig.
It's probably just because they are drawing her using her powers. I suppose its easier when she doesn't have to share the cover space like that to show her stretching and stuff.
So is that the extent of her powers? A female version of Mr. Fantastic's scretch-fu? I was under the impression that the original Ms. Marvel had a power set similar to Superman, flight, strength, energy blasts, etc. But so far, all I've heard that the new Ms. Marvel can do is....stretch. Is that really it? That seems kind of lame, and very much a nerfing.
She's a young teenage girl from New Jersey who fell backwards into some terigen triggered powers. It's a little different than Mr. Fantastic. She can basically morph her body. Stretch shrink, grow, change her appearance, etc. More Norph or Apocalypse than Mr. Fantastic.

But she does have a huge problem looming. She is oneof those characters that was created for by, and within the confines of a very certain art style. And it is wonderful in her book. The whole stretching and morphing thing works well and is appealing in a very cartoony fun book. But chances are her look and abilities will not translate well into differing art styles such as the more traditional realistic figures typically used in an Avengers book. With that styling her powers and look start to border on grotesque or at a minimum very difficult for the artist to effectively pull off. As you can see from the cover and the questions asked of her hear in this thread. The weird in flux proportions that her powers give her can be rather off putting in the wrong art style.