Mirror's Edge 2 Listing Appears On Amazon.de


New member
Jan 18, 2013
Vivi22 said:
Andy Chalk said:
Vivi22 said:
So what? Is it a slow news day or something?
No, it's an appearance of a widely hoped-for game on a legitimate site in the lead-up to the biggest videogame event in North America, at which Microsoft will be doing everything it can to make a big splash with new game reveals. In my eyes, that's worth some attention.
Yes, because listings for widely hoped-for games never appear on legitimate sites near major gaming news events and turn out to be absolutely nothing.

Look, all I'm saying is this stuff does happen all of the time and is far more often than not absolutely nothing.
Please bless us with your knowledge by providing a list of all of these titles which turned out to not happen. Honestly, I'd like to know since it's apparently so common.

I'm curious as to whether this is a sign that EA are hoping to be more console exclusive or that the listings for other platforms just didn't appear yet. They haven't been having the greatest time lately so it wouldn't shock me that they're putting at least a few of their titles on one box only, especially if the DRM capabilities of the Xbone are as bad as they seem.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
Mirror's Edge 2? I'd love to play that. Xbone exclusive though? No thanks. The Xbone is the console for the masochistic gimp of a gamer: a leash to wrap around your neck. I'm not going to put up with that just to get some more parkour gameplay, especially when I can build my own damn levels and stuff without leashing myself to a corporation that views me as a large dollar sign with hands as feet.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
CriticalMiss said:
Please bless us with your knowledge by providing a list of all of these titles which turned out to not happen. Honestly, I'd like to know since it's apparently so common.
Yes, please excuse me while I go and recall, from memory, every news article like this citing a mysterious listing of a new game which never came to be on the Gamestop, Amazon or other websites and present them for you here as proof that this is a non-story, rather than you dealing with the actual criticisms of the article.

How about, if you'd like to defend this article you actually deal with the fact that this is nothing more than a single listing on the german version of one website which hasn't been picked up by any other site, nor is it something which has been confirmed as being true by the company who owns the franchise. Please, do explain how an article which reports on something which is at best a rumour and at worst an error, without even saying if they've contacted EA for so much as a statement on this, is at all credible journalism.

Otherwise you can feel free to continue making special pleadings for evidence which is at best tangential to the main thrust of my argument, and which you know it would be next to impossible to produce without significant effort which is simply not worth my time when the article makes a perfectly good case for this not being real news all on its own.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
I'm surprised none of you have posted about the whole $130 thing. If this were real and it wasn't some kind of collectors edition would that not be cause for worry. I am expecting a rise in the price of games with the new generation, but if something like that happens (actually if any price rise happens) they can kiss my money goodbye.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Ironside said:
I'm surprised none of you have posted about the whole $130 thing. If this were real and it wasn't some kind of collectors edition would that not be cause for worry. I am expecting a rise in the price of games with the new generation, but if something like that happens (actually if any price rise happens) they can kiss my money goodbye.
I'd be slightly more worried if I had any reason to believe there was any truth to this listing yet.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
If Mirror's Edge 2 is in fact being made, I would hope that it's coming to PC, and with Oculus Rift support. I can think of few games more suited to VR.

P.S. Thanks

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
Every time I hear "xbox one" I think of
Seriously imagine if Sony called the next console the Playstation One, how confusing it would be
I loved the first Mirror's Edge and hope there's a 360 or PC version of it.


New member
May 28, 2012
Xan Krieger said:
Every time I hear "xbox one" I think of
Seriously imagine if Sony called the next console the Playstation One, how confusing it would be
I loved the first Mirror's Edge and hope there's a 360 or PC version of it.
Actually there has been a Playstation One:

Ain't it a beauty? It was just a slimmer, prettier and cheaper version of a PSX. EXACTLY LIKE ITS NAME IMPLIED.

Xbox one... Really? That name is stupid beyond measure...


New member
Mar 19, 2008
I love Mirror's Edge. But if it's a Xbone exclusive I can wave goodbye to it, I refuse to buy a system that so clearly disrespects the consumer.

Also, $130 dollars, ouch! If that's true and its the case for both consoles, I'll just stick to handhelds and PC. I don't care that dev costs are going up, I'm not fronting my money for a companies poor budget management.

If both the following paragraphs sound really self centered, good. I'm the consumer, they should earn my money, and so far Xbone is doing a pretty poor job of it.


New member
Jun 28, 2004
Covarr said:
If Mirror's Edge 2 is in fact being made, I would hope that it's coming to PC, and with Oculus Rift support. I can think of few games more suited to VR.

P.S. Thanks
My thoughts exactly. Was one of the first games that came to mind when I found out about the oculus (That and Dark souls).


New member
Jan 18, 2013
Vivi22 said:
CriticalMiss said:
So in other words, you have no evidence? If you can't recall even one from memory then how do you know that there are so many it's getting your knickers in a twist? It would hardly take 'significant effort' if this is a common occurance.

If you take offense to news sites posting about rumours then why not go and troll all of the other articles that were based on rumours and hearsay. There were plenty of them to go around before the new consoles were launched. And not confirming things isn't exactly uncommon in the games industry. Hell, EA still won't confirm or deny that SimCity doesn't actually need to be online even though there is evidence out there to the contrary. That doesn't devalue those claims.


New member
Jun 16, 2012
I really liked ME1, guess for the same reason everyone loved it.

Although a few problems i see. First off, i haved the strong suspicion that the shooting aspect will be a much bigger part of the game. Call me a pessimist, but you can't deny they love them shooters.

And second, if this is Xbone exclusive someone should get his ass fired. How stupid can you be to miss a fuckton of sales.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
[Tweet t=https://twitter.com/AndyCMills/status/336619179975266304]

Well, looks like I'm getting a Xbone, if this turns out to be true.


Hat Man
Jul 8, 2011
San Diego, CA
pspman45 said:
...Mirror's edge 2 as a kinect Xbox exclusive
Mirror's Edge Kinect? That sounds incredibly dangerous. Like, you might as well just go outside and Parkour dangerous.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
An announcement of Mirrors Edge 2 is a good thing - pity I'm undecided with regards to the X-box One currently.

I'm guessing EAs current partnership with Microsoft makes the possibility of this game (if it exists) being a XB1 exclusive fairly likely. Not that that would make it a good thing...


New member
Jul 18, 2011
So, if the price is $130 for the US, and here in NZ that's the ordinary price for games that are typically US $60..... am I going to have to spend $200 on console games now?

It just keeps getting worse....


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Mr.Tea said:
EA might not be the most PC-friendly company out there, but they do tend to sell all of their shit on Origin. And I'd take Origin a hundred times over a fucking console.
Oh God, I forgot about Origin. Crap.

I bought Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, and it's still one of my favorite racing games. When they announced Most Wanted, I was ready to pre-order it.

Then they announced the PC version was Origin-exclusive.

I still do not own it.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
If that game would be Xbone exclusive it would break my heart :(
I do not want that console and even my most wanted sequel atm can't change my mind about that.


New member
Jan 14, 2013
I'll burn the unholy hell out of EA's office if it turns out to be a "The new watercooler" kinect exclusive.

This game better not waste its potential like the previous, I can only tolerate the crap for so long.