Mirror's Edge Catalyst Closed Beta.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Dear God. I'm having too much fun. Send help immediately.

Seriously though, this is easily the most fun I've had with a game in years.

I was always a fan of the original Mirror's Edge, regarding it as something of a diamond in the rough. The new game feels like it was made after DICE scanned my brain for feedback and ideas on how to improve, well... just about everything.

First off, it's open world. Now, I personally don't like open worlds and I'm getting sick of seeing them. They tend to be just big boring commutes between the ostensibly interesting parts of a game. Plus developers love filling them with meaningless, samey collectibles and busywork and calling it "content".

But in a game where efficiently getting from Point A to Point B is most of the fun it actually makes sense. I'm genuinely having fun with collectibles. It's ridiculous. The linear levels of the original game always felt too constrictive to me, not giving the mechanics enough room to breath. An open world solves that immediately.

The combat has seen a number of changes and improvements, my favourite being what the game calls "traversal attacks". Essentially they allow you to hit enemies with light attacks while you're on the move without slowing down. The actual attack can range from shouldering someone aside to goomba-stomping them from above. I find it immensely satisfying to spring over a railing and boot a hapless guard in the jaw mid-jump then continue on my way with nary a backwards glance.

I think the movement strikes a nice balance between accessibility and skill. You can bumble through without being much good at the game and or you can learn to be satisfyingly graceful and efficient.

The visual aesthetics and music remain much the same as the first game, which is fine by me.

Now that my gushing is done, I do have some quibbles:

- No custom keybinding. The default setup isn't terrible, but it's not quite how I'd prefer it. I'm assuming this is just a beta thing. Especially since playing with M+K otherwise feels good and has clearly got some attention. If a feature as basic as keybinding doesn't make it into the full game I'll be very puzzled.

- The pathfinder wisp guide thingy is a bit much. I like having waypoints in games, but this feels a bit too much like being yanked around by the nose. Fortunately it can be turned off or changed to the "classic" version that just highlights vaults and whatnot in red.

- I'm still not quite sold on the toe-to-toe combat. It's great when you're slapping dudes across the chops as you sprint past, but once you stop to trade blows it gets a bit ungainly, especially when three or more enemies are involved. Although being able to knock enemies into one another is awfully fun. It rewards precision and planning and gives a nice kinetic quality to the fights. I love the first person combat animations as well.

- Lastly, DICE's brain scanner seems to have glitched when in comes to vents and pipes. That is to say, they're still bloody in there. I'm really not sure why one would make a free-running game that occasionally brings everything to a screeching halt so the player can crawl along a conveniently spacious vent.

- The portion of the story included in the beta is unimpressive. My expectations in this area were low and those expectations were met. DICE just don't seem to have much in the way of storytelling talent on hand. Plus I guess there's only so much you can do with a premise like Save-The-Day-With-Parkour. The setting seems to have cranked up the corporate dystopia angle a fair bit. It's almost cyberpunk now, albeit unusually clean and shiny cyberpunk. That's not really a criticism though, just an observation.


Phew. This post ran longer than intended. I'm a bit enthused, can you tell?

I know some other people on this forum got into the beta. I'm interested to hear their thoughts. If anyone else has questions I'd be happy to try and provide answers.

Personally, I'm just grateful that this game has been allowed to exist and overjoyed at how it's turned out.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
Yeah, I'm in and I've been really enjoying it too. You've nailed pretty much everything I'd say too, except I'm playing on console so don't have the K+M complaints.



Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
So I take it that's two 'You should totally buy this' votes?

I've been pretty interested in this game, to be honest. The first one had such a neat concept and just failed to deliver. Sounds like this one may do justice to free running.

And I'm jealous as hell. I didn't even realize there was a Beta.

On that note... the hell? How come every Alpha/Beta I get into has an NDA, and every single one I don't get into doesn't?


New member
Sep 6, 2009
What are your systems specifications? I am interested as to how accurate the supposed recommended requirements are.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
AccursedTheory said:
And I'm jealous as hell. I didn't even realize there was a Beta.

On that note... the hell? How come every Alpha/Beta I get into has an NDA, and every single one I don't get into doesn't?
You could try begging, got mine from a buddy who signed up. If you signed up a while back, you get one code for yourself, and another to give to a friend.

OT: I agree with pretty much everything. Game is gorgeous, smooth, and addictive.

I also have my own little criticisms:

- The delivery missions are INSANE. There is maybe a 3 second margin for error, and reloading the checkpoint takes too long.

- I'm not so sure about the control system. I keep catching myself jumping using "x" on the DS4. I mean, I do think the jump button should be one of the shoulder buttons, but maybe not L1.

- Pipes are fucking horrible. Is there some upgrade or move that makes them not a pain in the ass? Why do they even exist?

- Combat is... okay. As OP said, traversal and combo moves are awesome. Wall run, jump, land on some fool's head like an emo female Mario. But when you don't have those options, there's not much more than kicking enemies off roofs or into windows and spamming the attack buttons. Maybe when guns come into play, it'll be more exciting, or when you unlock the vertical wall run jump.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
AccursedTheory said:
So I take it that's two 'You should totally buy this' votes?
Ehhhhh. Not quite. Definitely some caveats.

To anyone who liked the first Mirror's Edge and wants to see it done "properly" then, yeah, absolutely. That's exactly what Catalyst seems to be.

However, I know a lot of people don't like first person platforming. They have trouble judging jumps or something, the clumsy fools. Similar deal for first person combat. I don't think this game would be the one to change anyone's mind in that regard.

For people with doubts on that front I'd say at least wait for a price drop. Or alternatively pick up the first game for 10 bucks and use it as a sample, since the movement mechanics have remained very similar.

Bob_McMillan said:
- Combat is... okay. As OP said, traversal and combo moves are awesome. Wall run, jump, land on some fool's head like an emo female Mario. But when you don't have those options, there's not much more than kicking enemies off roofs or into windows and spamming the attack buttons. Maybe when guns come into play, it'll be more exciting, or when you unlock the vertical wall run jump.
I'm kind of coming around to it.

It's rather hit and miss. (Hurr hurr, puns!)

Sometimes I charge in and lay waste to all in my path with a precise flurry of perfectly executed attacks that leave me feeling like a self-propelled humanoid projectile.

Other times I end up flailing about like an aggressive, drunken muppet.

The Purple Grape

New member
Jun 5, 2015
I'm enjoying it, its Mirror'S Edge with the refinement the original needed as it was clunky in places. Favorite thing are the dead drops where you have to knock out all the K-Sec guys without stopping.

Its nice that Faith has some personality in this one since character and world building is what the original sorely lacked. Whether the world building is better I will see in the final game but Faith seem better for the moment. Its not going to change the world but its more than the original although that's a low bar to set.

And why wasn't Birdman Michael Keaton?
Shame on you Dice.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
-Ezio- said:
Bob_McMillan said:
Maybe when guns come into play,
you dont get guns in this one. only the enemies do.
That's what I meant. My strategy so far has been to climb onto high ledges and jump on enemies. When gun wielding enemies come into play, I will have to adjust my play style.


New member
May 2, 2011
I'm looking forward to it - not in the beta, but happy to hear it's looking promising. Loved the original, is still one of the first games I install on a new rig.

But fuck, Origin? Bastards.


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
I wants it

I signed up for the beta but never got the e-mail. Ah well. Glad the game is turning out alright.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
The PC version is...temperamental. As in crazy stuttering after a while on all preset graphical options temperamental.
Buildings also stop rendering in as well, making it pretty much impossible to play, unless you wait about 10 minutes.
It eats RAM like mad.
The v-sync option doesn't seem to work in actual gameplay, but works too well in cutscenes.
The billboard and character models can be incredibly ugly.

However, it is fantastic to play and feels really fluid.
The open world looks fantastic and the game in general looks good.
Faith actually has a personality and the voice acting in general seems to be well done.
The open world promises so much fun and shit to do.
Side missions are fun and enjoyable.

Overall, I like it, but not enough to overlook the big flaws. I really do hope EA iron these out as if they do, they've got a purchase from me. But as it stands, while I enjoy the game when it's functional, the stuttering is a big issue for me.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Sassafrass said:
Faith actually has a personality and the voice acting in general seems to be well done.

Side missions are fun and enjoyable.
Really? I never played the first game, so Faith kinda seems like an emo *****.

As for the side missions, I dunno. The dead drops are fun, but the "world building" delivery side missions you get from random people on the rooftops are both boring and kind of annoying, especially with the incredibly flat delivery of some of the voice actors.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
008Zulu said:
What are your systems specifications? I am interested as to how accurate the supposed recommended requirements are.
Hey there. Sorry for the late reply. I wanted to play around with the graphical settings before saying anything.

Oh, and take anything I do say with a grain of salt. I'm really not much of a tech guy.

CPU: 4x Intel i5-4690 3.50 GHz
GPU: GTX 970
OS: Windows 7

Setting the graphics to auto detect caused the game to put everything on medium. However I just cranked all the settings to maximum and surprisingly it still ran fine on my decent-but-nothing-special PC. I don't have a way to monitor actual FPS (Origin doesn't have a FPS counter like Steam) but it felt smooth to me.

There's the occasional stutter when you turn around which I'm pretty sure is caused by the motion blur.

Also, sometimes object models don't load in properly. A few times I've found crazy blurry models. A couple of times they didn't load in at all and I suddenly found myself running into objects that hadn't been there a second ago. I don't know if these are relevant to graphical performance or just run-of-the-mill bugs.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
Zhukov said:
Also, sometimes object models don't load in properly. A few times I've found crazy blurry models. A couple of times they didn't load in at all and I suddenly found myself running into objects that hadn't been there a second ago. I don't know if these are relevant to graphical performance or just run-of-the-mill bugs.
Yeah, I had those issues as well and it only got steadily worse as I went on, to the point the map didn't load in at all. There was thankfully a fix for it here [https://forums.mirrorsedge.com/discussion/comment/39/#Comment_39] and it seems to have done the trick. Admittedly yes, it does sacrifice FPS (Was getting 75+ but now it goes between 55 to 60 which is perfectly fine) but it does seem forcing v-sync on does fix a bunch of the issues I had.

It's not a very well optimised beta but I guess this is why they're having it.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Zhukov said:
Dear God. I'm having too much fun. Send help immediately.
I'll send something alright. Who did you sacrifice to get in the beta and did they suffer? See, what I'll send is the squad of avenging rabid squirrels. OK, it's actually just rabid squirrels.

...OK, I'm actually very happy to hear that the game seems to shape up alright. I was hoping it did, and it sounds like it is what I wanted it to be. Hey, at this right it might just be the first game I ever get on Origin. :D

In somewhat related news - if anybody who isn't in the beta and hasn't played the first game, then I've got two copies of Mirror's Edge 1 to gift. They are up for grabs for the first two people who want them. You may not have sacrificed anybody (or you may have, but failed to appease EA) but you'll be able to get an idea what the game is about.

EDIT: Forgot to mention - the copies are on Steam, if that matters.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Alright, then. I'm planning to get a PS4 already, so I might as well put this on the list; I played the original on PC with M+K, but I've heard that the PC port may not be that well optimised, and besides, I doubt I'll ever install Origin even for something as good as this. Still, I'm glad to hear they didn't screw it up, as a big fan of the original.