MOBA champions you wish you could play.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
I am really, and I don't mean to be mean or arrogant here, but I am pretty damn astonished at some of the posts here. I am in no way, shape or form anything more than "average" at LoL(which is the only moba I play), but the champions you guys say you have problems with... what? Apart from having a hard time with Twitch(who seems underpowered right now), I can't for the life of me see how you are having trouble with any of the champs you have mentioned.

The Wykydtron said:
I used to be shocking with Riven. I picked her back up yesterday and I actually understood kinda what i was meant to be doing.

I seriously still don't know how to build her properly though, squishy with damage is suicide for obvious reasons, full tank doesn't make use of her AD ratios and I have no idea how to build an offtank properly.

I blame Irelia! Triforce > Wit's End > Whatever the fuck you want since your true damage can carry you.
Riven you rush Blood Thirster. Every game. Every. Single. Game. From there, you build GA. If facing an AP champ, get a Hexdrinker, which you will later make into a Maw(but hold off on that to very late game). Congrats, you are now unkillable. Now, build tankier by way of a Frozen Mallet, perhaps an atmogs, and appropriate armor/mr items. Finish with a Last Whisper or a second BT.

Also, I hope you don't build Wits End on irelia every game. Or, tastes differ, but I find rushing triforce and going straight for a GA afterwards, is pretty damn OP on her.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Lunar Templar said:
o.0 really? I'll have to try that next time

newb question: >.> <.< what dose one do while 'jungling?' the more LoL Versed friends i have have pretty much been keeping me in the lanes and not really explained jungling at all
For one, you take smite, and it's your job to go through your jungle killing the neutral creeps and getting the buffs. And occasionally you go into lanes to gank them, to try and get kills/force opposing players to blow their summoner spells.

A champ like Shyvana is a strong jungler, because she has a really strong and fast clear, as well as having some nasty level 6 ganks. And she can invade the enemy jungle efficiently. But invading isn't something to try until you have the basics of jungling down.

Also if your mid is a mana dependent champ (highly likely) you will give them every blue buff after the first one. It's good manners and helps them a ton in lane, especially if the enemy mid's jungler doesn't do that.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
Lunar Templar said:
newb question: >.> <.< what dose one do while 'jungling?' the more LoL Versed friends i have have pretty much been keeping me in the lanes and not really explained jungling at all
Jungling means well, that you don't lane. The reason for doing this is so you have one more solo lane, that is, one more lane who will get double the normal ammount of xp. You also jungle to have a champ that is always "missing". A jungler could be anywhere on the map, so the enemty team never know where the jungler pops up to help. And thirdly, a jungler makes sure your team gets buffs(the red and the blue) and secures dragons.

A jungler is the multi purpose tool that has to make judgement calls on where he is most needed, which is indeed harder when you are new, than "just" laning.

Blue Jay

New member
May 13, 2012
Lunar Templar said:
Frostbite3789 said:
Lunar Templar said:
truth be told I'm still really new to LoL, but mostly stuck to a lane, the top one as i was told to go to ^^;; it wasn't pretty
She's a Greek Goddess of Power in the jungle. Feel free to add me if you're on the NA server though. My name is the same as here. Been playing since beta.
o.0 really? I'll have to try that next time

newb question: >.> <.< what dose one do while 'jungling?' the more LoL Versed friends i have have pretty much been keeping me in the lanes and not really explained jungling at all
You kill the neutral creep camps and gank top/mid/bot when you can. getting wards often helps too and if you can stretch for it an oracles elixer (even though if you are low level don't worry about getting an oracles).

OT: I would really like to get good at Draven as he is quite underrated, has a style and personality I love and could be sleeper OP.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Wakikifudge said:
Pretty much any AD carry in LOL. I'm just not good enough at getting all of the last hits with a ranged champ.
Yeah, I suck at AD carries for some reason D:

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
ksn0va said:
endtherapture said:
Invoker in Dota 2.

I really want to be good as Invoker but he's just far too complex.
I second this. I tried to play him twice but failed in spectacular fashion. I thought knowing at least 4 spells was good enough but to even be a good Invoker you need to know at least 75% of his spells.
Invoker is my best hero, by far.
I could offer a few tips, but a lot of it just boils down to playing his spell chains like a Piano.

That, and knowing what the spell combos are.

Good grief is he so fun to play...

More than any other hero in DotA, Invoker needs to consider team composition, because he just has THAT MANY options.

And if you think current Invoker is complex, the original Invoker was more than ten times worse (and arguably, the most broken hero in DotA's dev history...if not, he is near the top).

Each ORDER of Wex, Quas, Exort created a new spell. Not just the raw combination.
Look upon true power, and be afraid...27 spells.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Frostbite3789 said:
For one, you take smite, and it's your job to go through your jungle killing the neutral creeps and getting the buffs. And occasionally you go into lanes to gank them, to try and get kills/force opposing players to blow their summoner spells.

A champ like Shyvana is a strong jungler, because she has a really strong and fast clear, as well as having some nasty level 6 ganks. And she can invade the enemy jungle efficiently. But invading isn't something to try until you have the basics of jungling down.

Also if your mid is a mana dependent champ (highly likely) you will give them every blue buff after the first one. It's good manners and helps them a ton in lane, especially if the enemy mid's jungler doesn't do that.
Malkavian said:
Jungling means well, that you don't lane. The reason for doing this is so you have one more solo lane, that is, one more lane who will get double the normal ammount of xp. You also jungle to have a champ that is always "missing". A jungler could be anywhere on the map, so the enemty team never know where the jungler pops up to help. And thirdly, a jungler makes sure your team gets buffs(the red and the blue) and secures dragons.

A jungler is the multi purpose tool that has to make judgement calls on where he is most needed, which is indeed harder when you are new, than "just" laning.
Blue Jay said:
You kill the neutral creep camps and gank top/mid/bot when you can. getting wards often helps too and if you can stretch for it an oracles elixer (even though if you are low level don't worry about getting an oracles).
i see, I'll need to give that a go next time i play with my group, thank you for the help :D

Blue Jay

New member
May 13, 2012
Hey no problem, if you were going to try out the jungle I would recommend either waiting till at least level 20 (30 if possible) and getting the right runes to jungle with, this helps out massively.

On the other hand if you are keen to try it now then use a safe/reliable jungler. Someone like Warwick or Nocturne, fiddlesticks could work too. Just my advice from a seasoned jungle main.
Feb 28, 2008
Vladimir in LoL. I've seen people be absolutely devastating as him, giving the enemy no chance to reply. Whenever I play as him I get ripped to pieces because he has such limited utility.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Frostbite3789 said:
Dandark said:
So fellow MOBA players out there, do you have a champion whose character you like but who you can't play? If so then post them here!

I wish I could use Mordekaiser in LoL but so far I just haven't been able to get the feel for him.

I also really like Katarina in LoL but dislike her play style.

EDIT: Changed it from LoL to any MOBA because reasons. Just say what MOBA your characters are from.
I really liked old Katarina. I have all Kat's skins. But new Kat...just meh. It isn't the same. She's so farming centric now and isn't much of an assassin.
They made her bouncing blade a lot less annoying to her enemies though. As a Swain and Veigar player I no longer care about her stupid dagger :p


New member
May 18, 2012
Any melee champ in League. I suck at all of them mainly because I don't like getting close enough to the enemy to get hit. I usually play ranged champs.

Ez and Kennen are the ones I play mostly.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
The Wykydtron said:
I used to be shocking with Riven. I picked her back up yesterday and I actually understood kinda what i was meant to be doing.

I seriously still don't know how to build her properly though, squishy with damage is suicide for obvious reasons, full tank doesn't make use of her AD ratios and I have no idea how to build an offtank properly.

I blame Irelia! Triforce > Wit's End > Whatever the fuck you want since your true damage can carry you.

I like Shyvana jungle. Her ganks are... Sub optimal? No CC until you get Frozen Mallet so they can run away easy unless your lane has some CC to begin with. She's still fun as heck. Counterjungle all zee bitches

Dragon form is the best escape tool in the game!

[sub]wait what?[/sub]

Oh and Akali. It's so simple to be good with her since you get a full 8 seconds of thinking time in her Twilight Shroud. Her ultimate being her teleport fucks me up though, same with Diana. Any other button for teleport is fine (Irelia's Q and Katarina's E) but R does not come natural at all :/

Orianna doesn't have enough range with her ball so I can't do much with her sadly.

Oh I can't play any AD Carry. THE FARM IS SO STRESSFUL!

I love Miss Fortune as well. Have you seen her guns? Pretty awesome right?

EDIT: Also bloody Nocturne. Let's just say that with a global ult comes global cock ups...
Riven is a suicide champ tbh, you need to flash burst down the ad carry, anything else is a bonus, I build a brutalizer on her then get BT, afterwards I go for a GA and if their ap heavy a maw. If ad heavy then an omen or frozen mallet. boots is game dependant, then i wrap it up with a second bt and selling my brutalizer for a LW

EDIT: for my champ i wish i could play, I would say garen... its lame but i just can't adjust to his play style


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Atmos Duality said:
ksn0va said:
endtherapture said:
Invoker in Dota 2.

I really want to be good as Invoker but he's just far too complex.
I second this. I tried to play him twice but failed in spectacular fashion. I thought knowing at least 4 spells was good enough but to even be a good Invoker you need to know at least 75% of his spells.
Invoker is my best hero, by far.
I could offer a few tips, but a lot of it just boils down to playing his spell chains like a Piano.

That, and knowing what the spell combos are.

Good grief is he so fun to play...

More than any other hero in DotA, Invoker needs to consider team composition, because he just has THAT MANY options.

And if you think current Invoker is complex, the original Invoker was more than ten times worse (and arguably, the most broken hero in DotA's dev history...if not, he is near the top).

Each ORDER of Wex, Quas, Exort created a new spell. Not just the raw combination.
Look upon true power, and be afraid...27 spells.
Haha, I actually never met a single Invoker good with the old one (thank god for that) and the new one is pretty good but does feel balanced.

Anyhow, me being the pretentious douchebag I am I usually learn to play to mastery every hero called 'hard' for instance Invoker, Rubick, the new LoL hero, etc...

But I suck with some that would seem really simple, for some reason I can't, for the life of me, get decent with Mercurial. Seriously, the guy is awesome, he was one of my main team picks back in the day (way, waaay back, 4-5 years) and I used to be really good with him, ever since I started DotA 2 I've played him 4 times and have had 4 loses, he is the hero I have the worst win vs lose ratio with (with second place being 2 win vs 3 lost) so I have no idea why, but I want to get better with him again!

One of my favorite DotA 2 heroes is Disruptor, he's just stupidly fun to play and is so easy to abuse (TP to defense? How about you go back to your fountain?) I didn't get to play him much in WC3 but I really like him now.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
I used to think that about Invoker too, mainly because everyone told me what you just posted, but I've found that advice to be severly lacking.
That's because you can't really boil Invoker down to bullet point advice.
You really need to face a wide variety of opponents, and (ideally) try to get a buddy you trust and can work with to experiment with because this guy is a combo MACHINE.
Invoker is just so nuanced, and has numerous effective builds.

I have hundreds of games of Invoker, second only to my Shadow Shaman and at my very best I considered myself to be a completely MEDIOCRE Invoker.

So varied. So fun, but so difficult.

EDIT: Also the old Invoker was fucking insane. Can you believe the guy who thought him up went on to make LoL? Quite a contrast.
Easily the most overpowered hero in DotA Allstars' history (original DotA...Snake Aes. Imagine if Lina's spells could hit towers).

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Ok, now that she's out. Syndra. So much Syndra all over the place.

You are the squishiest, weakest, most easily killed thing in the game. I doubt i've ever felt as squishy as this ever before and I main AP mids.

She's fun as hell, pulling blue for your jungler is suddenly my new favourite thing in the game, take W first, pick it up then walk away towards mid with it. It spasms out hilariously when it tries to reset.

"Hi, my name is Syndra, and I jungle with jungle creeps"

I've half figured her combo out, you have to spam the Spheres whenever they're off CD and mash your other skills at them. Essentially anyway. Never forget to summon moar spheres!