How about the fact that gaming has become a luxury hobby?
It has become so expensive to play games nowadays. Those who get to play games should consider themselves extremely lucky (myself included).
Let's take my area for example; Seattle, WA.
- The average rent cost is just over $2000/mo
- The alternative is to find a roommate or live with people who doesn't mind you playing games
- The ISP monthly cost averages around $40-60/mo
- The elec. bill averages around $160/mo
- Building a gaming pc seem to cost at least $1400 flat w/ RTX 3070
- Other options are consoles which seem to cost around $500 for XBSX and PS5, and $400 for regular Nintendo Switch
- And these consoles also charges subscription for the online service
And this doesn't even cover the actual game costs, the in-game subscription for MMOs (seriously, that must suck for console players), and in-game purchases you might make. No wonder why f2p games and mobile gaming market has grown to insane amount, although that seems to trick people into spending tons of money in-game.
Granted, almost all hobbies cost you something, but man looking at these numbers really stress me about my future. As a man in his early 30s, I can't afford too much on gaming.
I guess we can always be smart about how much we spend in gaming, but does spending less indicate it's something we don't enjoy as much as before? Doesn't help the fact that fewer exciting titles seems to be released every year