Modern Warfare 2 : Worst callsigns.

Daffy F

New member
Apr 17, 2009
miracleofsound said:
I think they're all shite, because they don't tell you what any of them mean.

Mine's the Mastodon. Dunno what it means.

And my emblem thingy is a big tidal wave.
A mastodon is a kind of mammoth. Also it's the name of a good metal band. That's why I used to use it in combination with the metal hand (doing the metal symbol). Nowadays I use the rising sun title in front of the Japanese flag and the two dice emblem.
Personally my most hated one to see is the My lil' pwny one. Its so easy to get, and SO many people use it, it annoys me.


New member
Jun 3, 2009
I use "Completely Numb", since I heavily suspect it to be Floyd reference.

I don't see how anyone could dislike the infected sign though! I got 1000 completely undeserved points for not checking a corner and getting knifed by one.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Daffy F said:
miracleofsound said:
I think they're all shite, because they don't tell you what any of them mean.

Mine's the Mastodon. Dunno what it means.

And my emblem thingy is a big tidal wave.
A mastodon is a kind of mammoth. Also it's the name of a good metal band. That's why I used to use it in combination with the metal hand (doing the metal symbol). Nowadays I use the rising sun title in front of the Japanese flag and the two dice emblem.
Personally my most hated one to see is the My lil' pwny one. Its so easy to get, and SO many people use it, it annoys me.
Don't think I've seen the pony one.

Mastodon rule. Saw them live twice this year.

The one that pisses me off is the marajuana one... hur hurrr it's funny cuz it's 'joint' ops hur hurrr

Daffy F

New member
Apr 17, 2009
miracleofsound said:
Daffy F said:
miracleofsound said:
I think they're all shite, because they don't tell you what any of them mean.

Mine's the Mastodon. Dunno what it means.

And my emblem thingy is a big tidal wave.
A mastodon is a kind of mammoth. Also it's the name of a good metal band. That's why I used to use it in combination with the metal hand (doing the metal symbol). Nowadays I use the rising sun title in front of the Japanese flag and the two dice emblem.
Personally my most hated one to see is the My lil' pwny one. Its so easy to get, and SO many people use it, it annoys me.
Don't think I've seen the pony one.

Mastodon rule. Saw them live twice this year.

The one that pisses me off is the marajuana one... hur hurrr it's funny cuz it's 'joint' ops hur hurrr
Haha, yeah :p I guess a lot of people use the Marijuana leaf as their emblem too, I find it quite annoying.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
As has been mentioned a million times the ones with weed and women. The ones for getting all the attachments for the guns are pretty rubbish, I got all the attachments I want something more than what looks like a cricket bat with a few letters on it. I happen to love the 'Third Time's A Charm' for 3rd prestige with the rainbow and a pot o' gold =D


New member
Jul 14, 2009
All the drugs one are kinda boring, and the women ones look really silly IMO.

I use <3 Callsign and the pink Deathheart, but I used to have the All Your Base (but the background is kinda ugly IMO) and Stopping Power emblom.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
It would be nice to get alittle information along with them which said what you did to unlock them, not all of them are that obvious.

The only one i tend to use is 'Shot Down' purely because it's an awesome Nine Black Alps song :3


New member
Sep 2, 2009
You people think callsigns are bad? just look at usernames. There's a guy in Left 4 Dead 2 called Lolicon Addict. Who the fuck admits that stuff?
OT: I use High Calabre since my primary weapons are usually battle rifles (Famas, M16, FAL) with stopping power, and yes the grug one are idiotic.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I don't even know how to get most of them they just appear on my profile. Personally I like the drug ones just because it shows they know an audience that plays their games. My least favorite are the plain FNG, sgt, pvt etc. Boooooooooring. That and anything sniper related because it's mh least favorite play style and kind of player I meet. Too easy to kill. No fun playing with them it's just a slaughter.

My favorite is either "public enemy", "deadline" or "companion crate" and I always use a flower or a heartbeat sensor as my emblem. One that made me laugh was voyeur with a scope emblem.

Grande Rojo

New member
Aug 17, 2009
I don't like all the weed ones because most of the time its just little kids trying to be cool. Also the OMFG and the text ones like that are boring. I'm sticking with my Global Thermonuclear War and my riotsheild emblem

Dok Zombie

New member
Apr 24, 2008
I really don't get the point of the callsigns, you already have a gamertag, so why do we need them? I set mine to the Union Jack purely because I'm British and just left it at that.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
Who the fuck wants to be the sidekick? I wanna be the lead hero. Aww yeah. And the picture in it is a snowmobile, which doesn't make much sense.