Modern Warfare 3 gameplay - Anything new?


New member
Jan 22, 2010
I enjoy the series well enough, they are fun in a stupid action flick kind of way and multiplayer holds my interest for awhile, but I'm not putting down another 60$ on another potentially broken PC port. (I'm going 0 for 2 on this series right now)


New member
Apr 8, 2010
I enjoyed the Cod campaign, for me it was the best bit of the game. Levels like all "ghillied up" and "death from above" (C130 gun ship i think?) made me smile. The co-op was fun too and made it infinitely more fun over the standard multiplayer and zombies, well that was just plain cool. Turning round to find a hand lumbering in your face made me jump more than once :D

The trouble is, when you make a game based almost completely on real life it is very difficult to stray from that. If they gave you invisibility cloaks, cars that could fly etc people wouldn't by it.
The core of gamers that play this like it for its realism. Of course it is still a game which is why you can get shot more than once without it ending horrifically for you but still. This game will do well, if you don't like it, thats fine but don't troll about it.
My advice would be to just rent it if you want to do the campaign. Then give it back, thats what i plan to do.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Hammeroj said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Did you seriously type that out, look at it and go "yeah, I want the world to see that"? Seriously?

Okay then.
I'm an honest guy, what can I say.
That's not what I meant. You can think whatever you want, but when you type out stuff like your previous post and expect it to sound smart, your honesty is about the last thing that I notice.

"I respect people's taste when they're worth respecting". That's something I would expect to hear on the Colbert Report.


Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
Hammeroj said:
Every action we take - ever - is supported by one form of greed or another. Don't take me for Captain Naive. When I say greed, I mean excessive greed, and you know exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to, in this case, Activision.
Yes, because I was surely talking about every person when I made my greed comment, not commercial entities. Or perhaps I explicity stated that, let's see...
meganmeave said:
Normally I'd be curious to see what commercial endeavor you'd consider not being supported by greed.
Ah yes, there is it. I'm not sure if you purposefully ignored this description, but whatever, your motivations aren't all that interesting to me.

All gaming companies are doing it for the money. They don't do this shit out of the goodness of their hearts. That's not how it works. If you are under the impression that some other gaming company is altruistic in some way, you are fooling yourself. Activision is no more greedy than Valve, EA or any other huge gaming conglomerate. If these companies saw an opportunity to make money, they'd take it. So no, I do not know exactly what you are talking about when you talk about Activision, mainly because I do not hold any false illusions as to what these companies are all about. They are all the same to me.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Hammeroj said:
MiracleOfSound said:
Hammeroj said:
I respect people's taste when they're worth respecting.
I like Oxymorons too.
Sorry, my feeble mind isn't enough to crack this. Which part of that was an oxymoron?
The part where you made a contradictory statement.

Hammeroj said:
They get by on people who don't know better and don't care to know better, amplifying that problem.
Or maybe... just maybe... they get by on people who enjoy playing their games. People don't just buy COD and forget about it. People play it for months and even years, and that includes many well informed, multi-genre gamers.


New member
May 21, 2009
I like Call of Duty the way it is, kkthx.

I didn't like Battlefield Bad Company, it was sluggish, the multiplayer was poorly balanced, and the singleplayer was trying so hard to be Modern Warfare it wasn't even funny, especially with how many ways they screwed it up.

And you know what? Battlefield 3 is going to be much of the same. But I'm still getting it. And Modern Warfare 3. Because I believe that even if one of the two turn out superior to the other, that's not enough reason to ***** about the other because of the minute differences in multiplayer style.

I've seen Battlefield 3's demos, please don't try to convince me that the graphics are somehow divinely inspired and make it "totally better", in practice they'll look just like every other military shooter's graphics. Lots of bongshading or whatever you call it and caricatured faces and guns with shiny bits on the side.

Da Orky Man said:
Am I the only one who would love to play an FPS where you play as the Russians striving to fend off an American invasion? I mean, it's just as likely, and America can't just have a hissy fit cause the MW games are popular in Russia as well.
You could even put a survival element into it as well, given the Russian weather.
I'm behind that. Better yet, set the game in Africa where you're a destitute, starved child from some tribe fighting off the incursions of colonialist oppressors with nothing but a grime-covered AK-47 and a machete. Now THAT would be survival horror.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
I liked MW2 in certain areas. Apart from that I am dissapointed that they HAVE YET TO CHANGE THE RELOAD ANIMATION OF THE M4. I've seen that same animation for 4 games now. Come on, change it.

Aside from that, I find Modern warfare a decent game, I just want certain aspects of the gameplay to not be abused. By the way, you are not beating COD4, ever. For a call of duty game.

I think the only reason this franchise gets a bad rap is because it is popular.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
I will not be buying this. You want to know why? Every game since call of duty 2 I have NOT found very fun at all. I mostly play campaign because the multiplayer is so much unfun it is torture.

I don't hate Call of Duty because it is the edgy thing to do. I hate it because the basic gameplay structure is not fun to me. I don't like twitch shooters.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Hammeroj said:
I explained my position. If you have no problem with people gobbling up shallow entertainment and, in turn, devaluing the industry further and further, right on. I do.
Good. Well, finally, after your incredibly rich explanation, I can respond by saying that it's a position of total subjectivity. If I were to put it less elegantly, I'd say that you're talking out of your ass.

Good luck on saving the industry, by the way. Be sure to tell me how it works out for you.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Kahunaburger said:
Did you ever play Halo 2? Remember the multiplayer mode where you don't have shields and only use human guns? CoD is basically that with commando lunges, unbalanced killstreaks, and a spawn system that actively hates the players.
That was called SWAT. I still question Bungie's decision to allow that shitty play list in Reach right now.....

Despite me getting both MW3 and Battlefield 3, I prefer Halo over just about all my FPS's, anyone going to hate on that? Hm?

I might enjoy RAGE or even Gears 3 better (despite is being a TPS). Battlefield has always had a special place in my heart but CoD? Its different.

This is probobly going to be my last foray into this franchise. (Unless there is more Nazi Zombies somewhere)

I still will have some fun moments in the multiplayer.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
I won't be purchasing MW3. I own MW2 and Black Ops, really don't see the point in owning a third COD game. They are essentially the same games with different maps, guns, and a few differing gameplay rules. Nothing worth paying £40+ for.

MW2 was my first COD game, and one of the most addictive FPS games I've played. I still play it to this day, completing challenges and whatnot. Black Ops seems to lack this addictive-ness; It was easier to level up, the challenges go "unrewarded" compared to MW2, and the only thing to aim for after maxing out your rank is to achieve all Golden Guns, which is a walk in the park compared to unlocking Fall camo on MW2.


Likes Turtles
Nov 16, 2008
F4LL3N said:
I love how some people automatically hate a game that's not even out yet just because it's popular.

The Call of Duty series is pretty much superior in every form to every other FPS, and infact any other genre game. Anyone who can't see that needs to open their eyes.

I remember when MW2 first came out I twittered #fourtwozeo telling him they ruined the Call of Duty franchise. I was a silly boy back then. Now I'm just riding the wave of success and loving it.
Word of advice, take phrases like "The Call of Duty series is pretty much superior in every form to every other FPS" that are both objective and inherently wrong, and replace them with phrases like "Call of Duty is a fun and fast FPS shooter with many merits, people complaining about the game even though it's not even out should check their judgement"

The way you worded your opinion means you're automatically impossible to take seriously to anybody on the forums.

And on topic, I'm done with FPS shooters of this generation. I haven't had real fun playing a AAA title for years now.
Dec 14, 2009
When it comes to multiplayer FPSes, I want something fast paced, and something that just feels very polished.

Call of Duty is my franchise of choice in this regard.

No, it isn't deep, no it isn't complex, no it doesn't innovate very often.

And I don't care. I enjoy a wide enough variety of games to get my elitist, 'stop lessening the industry', itch scratched elsewhere.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Hammeroj said:
JourneyThroughHell said:
Good. Well, finally, after your incredibly rich explanation, I can respond by saying that it's a position of total subjectivity. If I were to put it less elegantly, I'd say that you're talking out of your ass.

Good luck on saving the industry, by the way. Be sure to tell me how it works out for you.
...And yet the word shallow does not describe anything subjective. But whatever.
And yet I could easily argue that you're misusing it, especially since you haven't provided any elaboration.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
purehatred89 said:
MW2 was my first COD game, and one of the most addictive FPS games I've played. I still play it to this day, completing challenges and whatnot. Black Ops seems to lack this addictive-ness; It was easier to level up, the challenges go "unrewarded" compared to MW2, and the only thing to aim for after maxing out your rank is to achieve all Golden Guns, which is a walk in the park compared to unlocking Fall camo on MW2.
Actually, thats one of the things that I hated the most about MW2. What I felt made Black Ops more fun was the fact I could buy the attachments and camos, and not have to spend God knows how long trying to unlock a camo by scoreing headshots or get extended mags by getting FMJ kills. I didnt have to get a set number of kills to unlock the ACOG or extended mags, I could just buy them and be on my way.

I also liked how the Perks were upgraded to pro by completing three different reqiurements than just using the perk.