Treblaine said:
How. How does the flag ALWAYS returning to the SAME point after being touched increase thinking? It's simple, the flag always returns to the same point, no need to think about moving forward defences. It's unsatisfying as any progress you make can instantly be undone by a spray of bullets. No depth, no strategy. There is depth and strategy in a dropped flag persisting for some time as any close by teammates can still get to it. That VALUES teamwork.
When one bullet and a touch can so quickly return the flag that FAVOURS loan wolves as the only chance is to go unnoticed. I've played this mode enough on UT2004 till I convinced the admin to put a timer on returning dropped flags.
If you run by yourself unless your really fucking lucky you will get killed off and the flag will be returned. This means you will need to work as a team to ensure you are able to carry the flag the whole way. If you dont stick as a group you will loose. It also means if the person carrying the flag dies another can grab it quickly and keep going. If your own your own then you just wasted your time.
Again, how is FOV not the issue? It is harder to be aware of you surroundings when you see 40% as much of your surroundings within the frame?!?! Your flat refusal is not contributing the the discussion it is forbidden under forum rules and nothing but foisting your opinions on people with no explanation.
Because I dont see it as an issue. Its the same FOV that every other FPS I have ever seen has.
The mode of thinking is far simpler in COD with hardly any teamwork interaction or dependence, as I have demonstrated and your claims to the contrary you have not demonstrated. It is a PROBLEM that nothing like the strategies of TF2 can be applied to CoD. I have detailed how utterly broken Domination mode is, how after the score lead goes beyond 135:67 then the game reaches an unwinnable state, that's poor game design. It is eminently comparable to TF2 your denialism and simplistic refutation that they are different games ignores the discussion value and as fas as I can tell breaks the forum rules.
COD requires just as much teamwork and thinking as a game like TF2 its just that it requires a different way of thinking. As I said you seem to think you can apply the strategy you use in one game to another when they are just far to different.
If a game is 135:67 in domination its that way for a reason and normally that reason is because of the disparity between the skills of each team. It is still possible to win and I have done it before its just harder. When one team is better then the other or is using teamwork and the other isnt the game between scores increases. So its obvious that its going to be a one sided victory if one side is much better. Game modes like domination reward skill and teamwork and punish those who dont even more then any other.
You have to look at the reason behind why the score goes beyond 135:67. Instead you are just saying that its broken that a team that has been sucking and doing fuck all the first half of the game cant all of a suddenly win by continuing to suck and do nothing.
So tell me why is it comparable to TF2 then when everything you have said is that they are just so different. Try making an actual comment instead of just derp derp its not TF2 so its bad and doesnt require thinking because that is all you have said so far.
I'd be more than happy to hear a logical refutation of may explanation, but you simply dogmatically claiming to the contrary adds nothing
I have presented logical arguments but you just ignore them.