Moments that makes you go, "I don't want to be on this planet anymore"


New member
Sep 4, 2011
ParsonOSX said:
sweetylnumb said:
I was once told i couldn't play league of legends because i am a female and therefore have the brain power of an adult chimp and am only good for reproduction and sandwich making.

I am not exaggerating.

I also kicked their asses, the sexist twits.
Looks like their mothers forgot to smack some sense into those "little boys" and teach them how to respect women. Glad you kicked their asses cause I like seeing justice like that and always prove them wrong. Don't let them ever make you feel small.
What was even worse was that they tried to use "science" to prove their own fucked up opinions. "oh yeah female brains are smaller look it up" and i happen to study biology and know perfectly well that female brains ARE smaller, but its becuase they are more folded and thus actually marginally more efficient (negligible though) so they made double asses of themselves.

Im ever so glad the escapist is populated with decent men with working brains xD


New member
Jun 15, 2013
sweetylnumb said:
ParsonOSX said:
sweetylnumb said:
I was once told i couldn't play league of legends because i am a female and therefore have the brain power of an adult chimp and am only good for reproduction and sandwich making.

I am not exaggerating.

I also kicked their asses, the sexist twits.
Looks like their mothers forgot to smack some sense into those "little boys" and teach them how to respect women. Glad you kicked their asses cause I like seeing justice like that and always prove them wrong. Don't let them ever make you feel small.
What was even worse was that they tried to use "science" to prove their own fucked up opinions. "oh yeah female brains are smaller look it up" and i happen to study biology and know perfectly well that female brains ARE smaller, but its becuase they are more folded and thus actually marginally more efficient (negligible though) so they made double asses of themselves.

Im ever so glad the escapist is populated with decent men with working brains xD

And they got outsmarted too by applying their law of what ever science they know. I really bet it was a bunch of kids that cry to mommy every time they lose a game. We all have working brains here which is great really :D


New member
Dec 24, 2008
weirdsoup said:
I've never seen something and thought "I don't want to be on this planet anymore". I have, however, seen people and things that make me think "I don't want YOU on this planet anymore" which I think is a far better solution.
Yeah, that's what I think, especially about this woman...

Hurting someone, and smashing up a window, just because she didn't get her chicken mcnuggets in the early hours of the morning. Yep, sign of a complete and utter psychopath there.

Oh, and that woman who recently gave that letter to that autistic kids mother saying that he doesn't deserve to live, that was just absolutely sick. If it's anyone who needs to stop breathing our air, it's her.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
My boyfriend gets these lumps on his sides that fill up with blood and puss. He insists that I pop these things, and as much as I love him (quite a lot), I hate doing that, and I really wish that he'd go to a doctor about these things (the most recent one was about the size of a cherry tomato).

So yeah. Whenever he asks me to do something about them and refuses to see a doctor, I really rather not live on the planet.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I was at a fancy-dress party not too long ago, and I was talking to a friend of the guy whose party it was. She had a lightning-bolt design on her face, heading through the eye.

I said, "Hey! You're David Bowie!"

And she replied, "I'm Lady Gaga. Who's David Bowie?"

Unfortunately, I know for sure she wasn't joking.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:

Mostly because I'm not a self obsessed misanthrope looking for a reason to hate people?

Here are my tips for avoiding that feeling.

1: Never go on Facebook
2: Avoid tabloid journalism
3: Never go on Facebook
4: Look at pictures of puppies
5: Never go on Facebook

To expand on this, the world is what you make of it, what you choose to see. If you choose to only see bad things then by all means don't live on this planet anymore. Its not hate speech to say so, the rest of us who choose to put out positive energy and attempt to make our worldspace better do not need the negativity that spews forth from people who only see and exude negative energy. Especially people who don't bother to take the time out to find something redeemable about either humanity or the planet itself.
We're all selfish beings, no matter how altruistic we attempt to be. That doesn't mean selfishness is bad. I feel better helping anyone I can and if one of the people I help screw me over thats a life lesson. Same with seeing morons in the news that do stupid or horrible things. By allowing other's stupidity or negativity to affect your life in a negative way you're only feeding the negative side.
My grandfather had two sayings in life that go hand in hand (aside from his other words of wisdom):
1. Knowledge is something you learn. Wisdom is knowledge you have to earn, through experiences both negative and positive.
2. There are two types of screw-ups: Mistakes and fuck ups. A mistake you can learn and grow from. A fuck up is a mistake you refuse to learn from and repeat over and over. (The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results). Its ok to screw up, but fucking up is a waste of your time and energy. Don't be a fuck up.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Luca72 said:
I'm with Daystar on this. You can focus on the negatives all you want, but the joke's kind of on you if you do that. Why would you be disappointed in this universe if you have no alternative to compare it to?
You know, I just got bad medical news today and almost everyone I tried to talk to about it talked over me/didn't want to hear it, leaving me to have a slow, silent meltdown. Stranded, too, since I can't walk much of anywhere without excruciating pain.

Yeah, I guess the joke is on people who can't see the bright side.

I bet you're going to reply and tell me how optimistic I should be. Well, get it over with.

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
When I heard they're making a 50 Shades of Grey movie. I mean really? Y'all are better off watching porn, because there's no way in hell all the shit that's in the book is going to make it on screen.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Silvanus said:
I was at a fancy-dress party not too long ago, and I was talking to a friend of the guy whose party it was. She had a lightning-bolt design on her face, heading through the eye.

I said, "Hey! You're David Bowie!"

And she replied, "I'm Lady Gaga. Who's David Bowie?"

Unfortunately, I know for sure she wasn't joking.
Well you have to consider how old the person is you're talking to. I was born in the late 80's and the only way I know of David Bowie is from Labyrinth and of course Venture Bros.

Also Lady Gaga rips off some 80s pop icon every year to re-imagine herself..


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
AnarchistFish said:
Whenever someone says that.

Such an arrogant, idiotic misanthropic saying.
Nah, not really. It's the kid version of a real misanthropic saying.

OT: I used to think that a lot until I looked into it. You know the moon got a terrible health care system and really slow internet? I decided that this planet fits me just fine and decided that things got a lot better when I increased my efforts in ignoring news about celebrities.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Guantanamo Bay. Rapes in Kongo. Things like that.

Human misery is one thing, people would be surprised how well a lot of individuals can live decently in indecent settings. But things like that, that flat out ruin people, that tear them apart completely with no chance of return, that makes me either want to a) go out and do something about it, or b) crawl into a ball and die. Or c) personally castrate every one of those assholes. So far I'm pretty good at sticking to a).

But then all it takes to give me some hope again is my fat adorable cat or my bf or my family, or just seeing a total stranger helping out another stranger for no other reason than being nice, and I feel like there's something worth existing for.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
This right here...


New member
Apr 24, 2012
DeviantART does that to me a lot. You know you scroll through a lot of genuinely awesome drawings and paintings and photos and then there's a picture of the ninja turtles doing it or Sonic and Shadow the hedgehog(s) getting it on and it just makes me feel sad...
Oh and TV shows like Jersey shore and that kind of "reality" show.
And sometimes I just want a change of scenery, I hear the horse head nebula is lovely this time of year...
Also when videogames are blamed for stupid shit, but that doesn't make me want to leave this planet, it just makes me want to push those responsible down a big flight of stairs...


. . . . . . . .
Aug 3, 2013
I'd have to say it's every day I read through the forums and see what kind of posts are getting the most hits.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I'll leave the moment I've finished making my microscopic nanobots.

They're tiny robots I designed to eat up nasty irritants.

Mr F.

New member
Jul 11, 2012
People cheering that those with power have decided to desert the people of Syria to a psychopath who is slaughtering his own people. That made me want to give up on this planet. Hell, It pretty much has made me give up on this planet.

Go go peace and democracy, for those who can afford it. Who cares about Syria. Who cares about people getting gassed, executions, civilian zones getting shelled to shit. Who cares about all of that. Lets all be so cynical about the war being for more than just protecting civilian lives to the point where we CHEER that civilians will be slaughtered.

There was a Libyan on my course last year (Actually, the year before last. Time flies.) she knew why the west was intervening. She knew it was about oil.

But guess what?

She did not give a single fuck. Her family was saved from the slaughter that would occur in Benghazi. Her cousins and one of her Uncles were able to fight their way West with the help of the no fly zone. Peoples lives were saved.

Yes, it was pretty shitty when Gadafi got torn limb from limb. Yes, It is pretty shitty that the whole thing was about oil and nobody really gave a single fuck about the people who were getting slaughtered. But lives were saved. People who without our help would have been blown to pieces, torn apart, were saved.

But, well, lets all cheer parliament onwards with its two dimensional approach to a multi-faceted war! Let us all stand back and cheer that we will do nothing. Lets get together and condemn France and the USA for taking a stand.

Here is a tip guys:

In International Relations, the opposite of whatever stance Russia and China is taking is usually the right stance to be taking.


Zachary Amaranth said:

You know, I just got bad medical news today and almost everyone I tried to talk to about it talked over me/didn't want to hear it, leaving me to have a slow, silent meltdown. Stranded, too, since I can't walk much of anywhere without excruciating pain.

Yeah, I guess the joke is on people who can't see the bright side.

I bet you're going to reply and tell me how optimistic I should be. Well, get it over with.
But you're awesome?

No seriously, that's really shitty news. We have had very little contact but you are still one of my favourite escapists. Seriously, that's grim. I really hope it is the kind of bad medical news that is transient and not the type of bad news that hangs around. If you ever want an impartial ear, people like me exist. Got experience with grim stuff, can always talk.

Here is an internet hug from a total stranger who you will probably never meet. And wouldn't recognise if you did.


Its not loading on my computer due to the internet being shit. But if it loads, that page will give you infinite hugs. From strangers. Who just want people to be happier. Like me.

I was feeling really fucking depressed and someone linked me to that to cheer me up.

A one in a million chance occurred and my ex-fiance turns out to be one of the people who gave a free hug on said website. I have not seen her in... about 4 years now, it was one hell of a messy breakup. Needless to say, that made a very bad night jump off the misery cliff and into a bottle of incredibly strong beer.

I hope to a degree I have restored your faith in humans. You will never meet me bro, but I am here for you.