More Left 4 Dead 1 DLC to Come After Crash Course

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
So... is the new campaign, if it is that one of the three, going to be more than two levels? It is nice that we are getting two more levels, but honestly, it really isn't enough to put up with all the idiots in the game for that long...


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Arec Balrin posted on September 11, 2009 @ 8:31pm
In my experience browsing forums and comments, very few are actually calling W_T and AoC 'traitors'. Those that have don't seem to have even read properly what W_T has written since their visit.

So why is there so much talk about 'traitors'?

It might be because of the way the treacherous gaming press have been representing this:

Some Boycotters are still unaware that the gaming press has been very hostile to the Boycott and therefore a lot of their information about the Boycott is biased and inaccurate, hence they've misrepresented a lot about what Walking_Target and Agent Of Chaos have said in order to stoke a few Boycotters into flaming them. Drop any pretense that these were honest people and they can be convinced of the Boycott's merit. Do not give statements and don't feed them.

Which is extremely odd, to say the least.

Anyway, good news is good.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
squid5580 said:
They also said there would be an episode 3. I have no doubt there will be an episode 3 but the question is will I see it in my lifetime. Have they even started on it? I understand that they can't go running around all willy nilly tellin how it will have this weapon and that new infected. I don't see the problem with saying "yes we are currently working on a new DLC campaign map that should be done by the end of the year" and leave it at that. It is vague enough not to paint themselves into a corner while reassuring thier fans that it is being worked on.
Yeah but the thing is the boycotters already were of the mindset that Valve had misled them in regards to support for L4D1. Just saying wouldn't cut it. At least, that's my take on it. I could be completely off base. I mean this is the company that spent 9 years making Team Fortress 2, so if they say "we are still supporting/working on " and 40,000 people don't believe them without some sort of visual evidence, well then I think that they're a bit beyond using just words. Heck the annoucement of L4D2 seemingly made people forget that the L4D1 SDK was almost out of open beta and in a working form.

Again, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe if they had something at least to show for the L4D1 support alongside the L4D2 announcement none of this would've happened, or maybe if they had a long announcement of plans to keep supporting L4D1 after showing off L4D2 it wouldn't have happened, but I don't know for sure.

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
scotth266 said:
Arec Balrin posted on September 11, 2009 @ 8:31pm
In my experience browsing forums and comments, very few are actually calling W_T and AoC 'traitors'. Those that have don't seem to have even read properly what W_T has written since their visit.

So why is there so much talk about 'traitors'?

It might be because of the way the treacherous gaming press have been representing this:

Some Boycotters are still unaware that the gaming press has been very hostile to the Boycott and therefore a lot of their information about the Boycott is biased and inaccurate, hence they've misrepresented a lot about what Walking_Target and Agent Of Chaos have said in order to stoke a few Boycotters into flaming them. Drop any pretense that these were honest people and they can be convinced of the Boycott's merit. Do not give statements and don't feed them.

Which is extremely odd, to say the least.

Anyway, good news is good.
It's nice to know that they're reading!


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Keane Ng said:
scotth266 said:
Arec Balrin posted on September 11, 2009 @ 8:31pm
In my experience browsing forums and comments, very few are actually calling W_T and AoC 'traitors'. Those that have don't seem to have even read properly what W_T has written since their visit.

So why is there so much talk about 'traitors'?

It might be because of the way the treacherous gaming press have been representing this:

Some Boycotters are still unaware that the gaming press has been very hostile to the Boycott and therefore a lot of their information about the Boycott is biased and inaccurate, hence they've misrepresented a lot about what Walking_Target and Agent Of Chaos have said in order to stoke a few Boycotters into flaming them. Drop any pretense that these were honest people and they can be convinced of the Boycott's merit. Do not give statements and don't feed them.

Which is extremely odd, to say the least.

Anyway, good news is good.
It's nice to know that they're reading!
Yeah, I'm just sort of confused. Did they not realize that you guys tend to split up your news posts into two parts: first the news, then the poster's opinion? Or did they think that you guys posted things on a strictly news-only basis, and hence thought y'all were biased?

Either way, it's really odd that they would think you guys were attempting to smear the boycott... especially since I recall seeing one or two staff members actually defending various points of the boycott.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
VanityGirl said:
Boycotters, you've just been OWNED.
What the fuck is wrong with all these people ragging on the boycotters?
If there had been no boycott, there would have been less pressure on Valve to follow through with their statements, or to let people know they haven't forgotten about it. You all seem to hate consumers with a seething rage. Does no one understand basic economics? Supplier sells good. Consumers buy it. If the supplier does something that the consumers dislike, they have two choices. Listen to the consumers or ignore them and become EA. Now, from what you all are saying, no game company should EVER listen to people's complaints.
I went slightly OT, but back to what I was saying, what happens when you get ripped off all of the time because any people who actually try and state their beliefs get bashed constantly.
How many of these anti-boycotters ***** constantly about how little Zelda and Mario games change, or how mediocre Halo is. Well? YOU FUCKING BOYCOTT A PRODUCT TO STATE YOUR OPINION. You are all essentially saying: "No! You must buy this game and you will like it!"
You seem to all be less mature than these supposed rabid boycotters.
It is good that people stood up when they thought they were getting screwed, it is even better that Valve clarified the issue so everyone is a winner.
Except of course you morons who act as if you won some imaginary competition.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
Does anybody else remember a time when you bought a game and that was that, no expansions, no DLC, no patches - a time where you were satisfied if the money you gave the developer and publisher bought you a rewarding and fun experience, and you were happy to give your money to them again for a good sequel, and were ecstatic if it were just a year or so later?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.


New member
May 10, 2009
Halfbreed13 said:
VanityGirl said:
Boycotters, you've just been OWNED.
What the fuck is wrong with all these people ragging on the boycotters?
If there had been no boycott, there would have been less pressure on Valve to follow through with their statements, or to let people know they haven't forgotten about it. You all seem to hate consumers with a seething rage. Does no one understand basic economics? Supplier sells good. Consumers buy it. If the supplier does something that the consumers dislike, they have two choices. Listen to the consumers or ignore them and become EA. Now, from what you all are saying, no game company should EVER listen to people's complaints.
I went slightly OT, but back to what I was saying, what happens when you get ripped off all of the time because any people who actually try and state their beliefs get bashed constantly.
How many of these anti-boycotters ***** constantly about how little Zelda and Mario games change, or how mediocre Halo is. Well? YOU FUCKING BOYCOTT A PRODUCT TO STATE YOUR OPINION. You are all essentially saying: "No! You must buy this game and you will like it!"
You seem to all be less mature than these supposed rabid boycotters.
It is good that people stood up when they thought they were getting screwed, it is even better that Valve clarified the issue so everyone is a winner.
Except of course you morons who act as if you won some imaginary competition.
I think most people(Myself included), dislike them because they continue to hold to it even with proof of a new campaign and word of more DLC from their own leaders. It just points to them mostly being attention-seekers, not really caring about Valve supporting L4D 1 or not.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Im a member of the boycott, first and foremost.

However, I am boycotting this for a different reason that most are. Yes, fine bring out a new L4D only a year after the first. Yes, charge full price for it. I dont care.

The reason I am a part of the group is simple. I will not buy another Valve game until HL:Ep3 comes out, Its been long enough and still we have seen nothing of it.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Halfbreed13 said:
VanityGirl said:
Boycotters, you've just been OWNED.
What the fuck is wrong with all these people ragging on the boycotters?
If there had been no boycott, there would have been less pressure on Valve to follow through with their statements, or to let people know they haven't forgotten about it. You all seem to hate consumers with a seething rage. Does no one understand basic economics? Supplier sells good. Consumers buy it. If the supplier does something that the consumers dislike, they have two choices. Listen to the consumers or ignore them and become EA. Now, from what you all are saying, no game company should EVER listen to people's complaints.
I went slightly OT, but back to what I was saying, what happens when you get ripped off all of the time because any people who actually try and state their beliefs get bashed constantly.
How many of these anti-boycotters ***** constantly about how little Zelda and Mario games change, or how mediocre Halo is. Well? YOU FUCKING BOYCOTT A PRODUCT TO STATE YOUR OPINION. You are all essentially saying: "No! You must buy this game and you will like it!"
You seem to all be less mature than these supposed rabid boycotters.
It is good that people stood up when they thought they were getting screwed, it is even better that Valve clarified the issue so everyone is a winner.
Except of course you morons who act as if you won some imaginary competition.
Agreed. Whilst not a boycott member my self i can understand why. Valve has always been a one to say that they will do extra content, like they had done already, but in a years time the 2nd one comes out??
In my opinion you should continue the boycott, cause hey you've put some more content into L4D1

And for that reason i like yous boycotter's :p


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
I'll bet Gabe Newell is sitting in his office at Valve HQ laughing his head off that not only has he turned two leading boycotters completely on their heads, but now he's got them advertising new DLC, for free, for him too. Valve are such sneaky twats that you just have to love them even more for it. If I can ever get L4D working on my PC (like maybe getting a new video card, perhaps), then I'll be getting all this DLC anyway. Valve are just made of win, and this sort of sneaky stuff proves it. Well done to Valve, I say :)


New member
Aug 9, 2009
I'm not a member of the boycott, but I think its justified.

Its too soon for a sequel I think.

We have yet to get our full moneys worth out of L4D 1 and already they are releasing 2?

At best this will end up splitting the L4D game community in half. Even if they continue to support L4D 1, the new game will still have to be taken care of won't it?

At worst this will alienate everyone who bought L4D 1.

The Kangaroo

New member
Feb 24, 2009
Ninja_X said:
We have yet to get our full moneys worth out of L4D 1 and already they are releasing 2?
I have gotten over 200 hours worth of pure, solid fun and your saying that I didn't get my money's worth for L4D1? I am just starting to get bored of L4D1 and there releasing more to keep me entertained so I say...Bring it on and I still don't know how you boycotters can still boycott after this *pfft*


Flaming Voodoo Cannonball!
May 13, 2009
Valve sure knows how to advertise. Not only did they convert some of the harshest critics of their new game, into a positive news story. They also have those same critics advertising their new DLC, and L4D DLC can only influence sales of L4D2 positively, in my opinion.
Valve, stop being awesome! Don't you realize how many people want to hate you?


New member
Apr 27, 2008
Fortesque said:
Im a member of the boycott, first and foremost.

However, I am boycotting this for a different reason that most are. Yes, fine bring out a new L4D only a year after the first. Yes, charge full price for it. I dont care.

The reason I am a part of the group is simple. I will not buy another Valve game until HL:Ep3 comes out, Its been long enough and still we have seen nothing of it.
That's because it's the development teams who choose which game they make next. When they finished with L4D, there were so many things that they wished they could have put in before that they decided to make the sequal next. The reason Valve's games are so good is that they enjoy making them. If you shoved them in a room with a computer and told them to make something they didn't want to, I think the results would be horrible.
Personally, I'm happy to wait until they're ready to make the best finale they can, rather than forcing it.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Halfbreed13 said:
VanityGirl said:
Boycotters, you've just been OWNED.
What the fuck is wrong with all these people ragging on the boycotters?
If there had been no boycott, there would have been less pressure on Valve to follow through with their statements, or to let people know they haven't forgotten about it. You all seem to hate consumers with a seething rage. Does no one understand basic economics? Supplier sells good. Consumers buy it. If the supplier does something that the consumers dislike, they have two choices. Listen to the consumers or ignore them and become EA. Now, from what you all are saying, no game company should EVER listen to people's complaints.
I went slightly OT, but back to what I was saying, what happens when you get ripped off all of the time because any people who actually try and state their beliefs get bashed constantly.
How many of these anti-boycotters ***** constantly about how little Zelda and Mario games change, or how mediocre Halo is. Well? YOU FUCKING BOYCOTT A PRODUCT TO STATE YOUR OPINION. You are all essentially saying: "No! You must buy this game and you will like it!"
You seem to all be less mature than these supposed rabid boycotters.
It is good that people stood up when they thought they were getting screwed, it is even better that Valve clarified the issue so everyone is a winner.
Except of course you morons who act as if you won some imaginary competition.

/useless rant.

I will not be mean to you and your blatant disregard for even READING anything having to do with Valve, the boycott or the DLC.
If you've been keeping up with the news, Valve had already promised DLC for L4D1, regardless of whether there had ACTUALLY been a boycott, which techinically, you can't call it a boycott until L4D2's release, since a boycott would mean they would not buy or play the game. Anywho, Valve is a wonderful company who does keep their promises. In all honesty, I kind of thought the boycott was pointless, once Valve set a date, I doubted they would have stopped the release because 44,000 people out of the 2.5+ million people that bought it. In all honesty, that's a drop in the bucket. (And you know that some boycotters will buy L4D2 anyways._

If you're thinking of economics, it's all about demand, if people demand for a new Left 4 Dead, which the number of sales of the first showed they did, then Valve would have pumped out a sequel. Most of my friends that bought L4D weren't concerned with free DLC, they were happy they had a fun, quirky game to play. Most of my friends bought Left 4 Dead as their first Valve game, so they knew NOTHING bout Valve and free DLC. I think it's petty to complain about things like that.
Oh, and before I forget, the release of L4D2 will drive down the price of L4D1, meaning it's sales may increase. It's actually a SMART ECONOMIC move by Valve.

Also, when did I spew hate? I just said they got owned, with they did. All their complaining just to get FLOWN TO VALVE to be shown that "Hey guys, we actually are supporting our game and look at the new shiny game, it's a COMPLETE SEQUEL". That's not hate, it's an actual fact. Even Walking_Target had to admit that, one of the BOYCOTT LEADERS.
Also, don't bring maturity into this. I was joking about boycotters (saying they got owned), up until your ridiculous rant, I did respect them and listened to their arguements. It's people like you who try to prove a point and lash out that make boycotters look bad. You're trying to defend them (it seems) by attacking.

And people will always complain about games, I think the fact that Valve listens is what makes them a great company. But, to be fair, there's a VERY LARGE difference between boycotting and complaining. A complaint should be in a constructive helpful manner, a way for the Developers to say "hm, that's a great idea, we should do that". In some cases, the boycotters reasons for boycotting did have constructive complaints, but some of the other reasons were outlandish.
Also, I never said boycotters were stupid, immature or anything, but that seems to be what you think I said. I'm not stupid enough to say that boycotting would never work, because in history, it's been proven. But in this case, there's not enough support behind the boycotters for it to actually matter.

Thanks for reading and I hope I didn't hurt your feelings, but think before you try to disrespect someone. And try to understand the difference between sarcasm and realism. :)


New member
Apr 21, 2009
VanityGirl said:
1./useless rant.

I will not be mean to you and your blatant disregard for even READING anything having to do with Valve, the boycott or the DLC.
If you've been keeping up with the news, Valve had already promised DLC for L4D1, regardless of whether there had ACTUALLY been a boycott, which techinically, you can't call it a boycott until L4D2's release, since a boycott would mean they would not buy or play the game. Anywho, Valve is a wonderful company who does keep their promises. 2. In all honesty, I kind of thought the boycott was pointless, once Valve set a date, I doubted they would have stopped the release because 44,000 people out of the 2.5+ million people that bought it. In all honesty, that's a drop in the bucket. (And you know that some boycotters will buy L4D2 anyways._

3. you're thinking of economics, it's all about demand, if people demand for a new Left 4 Dead, which the number of sales of the first showed they did, then Valve would have pumped out a sequel. Most of my friends that bought L4D weren't concerned with free DLC, they were happy they had a fun, quirky game to play. Most of my friends bought Left 4 Dead as their first Valve game, so they knew NOTHING bout Valve and free DLC. I think it's petty to complain about things like that.
Oh, and before I forget, the release of L4D2 will drive down the price of L4D1, meaning it's sales may increase. It's actually a SMART ECONOMIC move by Valve.

4. o, when did I spew hate? I just said they got owned, with they did. All their complaining just to get FLOWN TO VALVE to be shown that "Hey guys, we actually are supporting our game and look at the new shiny game, it's a COMPLETE SEQUEL". That's not hate, it's an actual fact. Even Walking_Target had to admit that, one of the BOYCOTT LEADERS.
5. Also, don't bring maturity into this. I was joking about boycotters (saying they got owned), up until your ridiculous rant, I did respect them and listened to their arguements. It's people like you who try to prove a point and lash out that make boycotters look bad. You're trying to defend them (it seems) by attacking.

*Failed attempt to backpedal at the end of a rant?* :)
1.Well that's a nice note. My rant is useless, and your starts off with the assumption that I am ignorant on this issue. The opposite is true. I have been following L4D and related news since it was announced. I know they promised DLC before L4D2 was announced. However, nothing had been seen aside from making the last two campaigns into verusus and a shitty mode that wasn't even done well. Did I mention this DLC took quite the long amount of time considering what was in it? Don't even get me started on the SDK.
2.So let me get this straight, if less than the majority has an opinion, they should shut up, because there is no point. Well then, I suppose that all minorities should just fuck off then, cause their small percentage of the human population is just a drop in the bucket IMO.
3. Smart economic move or not, it is about the policy that people are upset about. Ths is the logic that leads publishers like EA to oversaturate the market with half assed sequels and remakes. When this happens, people who are just drops in the bucket say what they dissagree with, and the rapid majority goes crazy. Logically, these people should just not care, not attack the boycotters more than the people who the boycotters disagree with (Valve). In fact, Valve has done the politically and economically smart thing by inviting the leaders. This makes the leaders happy by letting them know that their concerns are being addressed. THis makes Valve happy because it is a great PR move and ensures they don't lose sales. And then you people act as if you just won some imaginary war.
4. Haha, do you even realise what you are saying? "I am not hating on these people who GOT OWNED BTW but honestly those WHINING DROPS IN THE BUCKET are just being over sensitive because I meant no offense." ALso, having your concerns addressed is not getting owned. It is the opposite actually. It shows that Valve cares enough to take the time and communicate with people who may be upset about the information that they have recieved.
5. Oh, I am sorry if your saying DEY GOT OWNED THAR seemed to be an attack after the multiple posts saying the same thing essentially.

Also, sarcasm doesn't work in typing, so sorry if you didn't realise this ^.^


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
Internet Kraken said:
Christemo said:
cool, im really interested in the new special infected part, even tho it cant get more awesome than this guy:
Yeah the Jockey is neat. There's some good footage of it in this [] video.

On topic, I don't see why people continued to think that Valve was not going to support L4D after they announced Crash Course. But I am surprised to hear that they might get new special infected.

squid5580 said:
They also said there would be an episode 3. I have no doubt there will be an episode 3 but the question is will I see it in my lifetime. Have they even started on it?
Well in the Episode 2 developer commentary, it is said that the fight with the hunter chopper in which you hurl the mines at it was originally intended for Episode 3, but was finished early so they decided to put it in Episode 2 instead. So they have at least been working on some parts of it for a good amount of time.
The reasoning behind them not thinking L4D will be supported is a simple one. L4D DLC = free L4D2 = $$$$. I know alot of you think Valve loves you and cares about you and blah blah blah. There is some of us who are a bit more cynical when it comes to putting our faith in trust into a company. Sure Valve's track record is really good when it comes to this kind of thing. It is like having a pet tame wolf. Sure it has never attacked anyone yet. It doesn't mean it can't turn on you in a heartbeat because at the end of the day that is its nature.