More Left 4 Dead 1 DLC to Come After Crash Course


New member
Apr 12, 2008
wrecker77 said:
OMG A SEQUEL!! I need 5 more dlc maps before buying more of what I care enogh about to make a boyocott!

I still dont own one. I am going streight to 2.
That's what most of the people who bought L4D1 wish they could have done.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
I don't think Valve paid them anything, I think it just took a personal invitation to Valve to get it through these guys' thick skulls that they did not intend to drop support for L4D.

Oh, but speaking of DLC, when does it that coming out? It was supposed to be out on Thursday.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
squid5580 said:
The Infamous Scamola said:
I'm not the guy to believe in conspiracy theories, but Valve must've paid that guy a lot to start singing like that.
Ya the price of a plane ticket and a tour of the office. Be kinda hard to bash them after getting special treatment like that.

So can someone please tell me why they couldn't announce this a few months back before the boycott and even before the L4D2 announcement? It seems to me that either games aren't nearly as hard or time consuming to make or they just announced L4D2 to create a controversy.
They did make it quite clear there would be DLC support for L4D, and before the boycott they probably didn't even have a name for the Crash Course campaign and wasn't about to give little tidbits. How would they know a bunch of people were going to be conspiracy freak crybabies?
As for those who say the boycott actually put pressure on Valve to do DLC...stroke your egos all you like. I think what put the pressure on was all the sales, and the fact that DLC helps boost sales. (And maybe Microsoft speaking up a bit, too, with the money they make from the DLC for the 360.)
SomeBritishDude said:
Valve-Next week we will be releasing 23 new campaigns for left 4 dead 1, along with 7 new infected, 172 new weapons and a new game mode where your given money for playing. This DLC will be free and will come with a new car and your very own pet tank.
A pet tank? Awwwww, that is just the chick magnet for me! Whoo's a cute lil tankeywankey? Yes you are! Now here's a treat so you don't go beating on that lady's chihuahua. Though it was awersome the way you cleared the water fountain with that last one. Oh don't give me the eyes!


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Roxilla84 said:
Does anybody else remember a time when you bought a game and that was that, no expansions, no DLC, no patches - a time where you were satisfied if the money you gave the developer and publisher bought you a rewarding and fun experience, and you were happy to give your money to them again for a good sequel, and were ecstatic if it were just a year or so later?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
thumbs up for Futurama reference ^^


New member
Nov 7, 2006
ben---neb said:
Who cares? Valve is just proving that Left 4 Dead 2 boycotters are a bunch of dicks. + 1 to them.
VanityGirl said:
Boycotters, you've just been OWNED.
Yes... giving into the boycotters demands and giving them exactly what they wanted certainly proved they were dicks and completely owned them... riiight...

I'm just glad the boycotters held Valve to their promises, it didn't seem like anything was coming, but now they've not only delivered but they've completely catered to them.

The rampant ignorance and stupidity on these forums astounds me. I hope you enjoyed your little doggy treat your media masters fed you when they told you to irrationally hate the boycotters.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Kwil said:
Taerdin said:
ben---neb said:
Who cares? Valve is just proving that Left 4 Dead 2 boycotters are a bunch of dicks. + 1 to them.
VanityGirl said:
Boycotters, you've just been OWNED.
Yes... giving into the boycotters demands and giving them exactly what they wanted certainly proved they were dicks and completely owned them... riiight...

I'm just glad the boycotters held Valve to their promises, it didn't seem like anything was coming, but now they've not only delivered but they've completely catered to them.

The rampant ignorance and stupidity on these forums astounds me. I hope you enjoyed your little doggy treat your media masters fed you when they told you to irrationally hate the boycotters.
(??) So.. Valve doing what they said since day 1 that they were doing anyway is somehow giving in to the boycotters? By that logic, me commanding the sun to rise in the morning somehow makes me responsible when it does. Fear my awesome powers.
That's some pretty awful logic right there. See people can NOT do the things they said they would do, but the sun ALWAYS rises. I don't see why I should argue with someone who has such a flawed sense of logic, and makes such horrible analogies.

But to quickly answer your question, valve doing what they said they would do is the boycott victory. That's what it was about, if you were a logical individual you might do something like research about things before you state facts about them. I'm pretty sure I called you out on that before though, and your knowledge was severely lacking then too so I'm not too surprised. For those of you not following along at home, this is a simple play by play.

1. Valve promises amazing updates for L4D! Monsters and maps and weapons oh my! New achievements and movies! YAY! WHAT A GREAT DAY TO BE A VALVE CUSTOMER!
2. Valve doesn't release any content for months.
3. Finally valve rereleases maps we already had, yay? Not quite what you said Valve but at least you're trying!
4. Valve announces a whole new L4D game featuring new monsters maps weapons and achievements? That sounds oddly familiar... oh noes! Did they turn our L4D updates into a new game instead? But you promised us Valve! OH NOES!
5. Boycotters form a group. We love Valve but we want you to hold your promises... please? It really doesn't seem like you're following through considering its been months... and we haven't seen anything near what you said...
6. Valve lets us know they haven't given up on L4D and give us a tour and magical happytimes for all! WE'RE ALL HAPPY AGAIN!

If you can find the part in the story where someone got 'pwned' or someone was proven to be a 'dick' then could you politely point it out? Although, in a bit of irony I guess I kind of just pwned you, and you were being a dick about a group of people who were only looking out for the interests of L4D owners anyways, and weren't actually causing you any harm or inconvenience directly. See where I got the irrational part from? Why would you be so hostile about a group that affects you so little? And may even get you content you want out of the whole deal? Because the gaming media put them in front of you and was like, "LOOK AT THESE WHINERS! SCAPEGOAT TIME!" and you were like "YAY! I LIKE DISSING PEOPLE FOR NO REASON! GO TEAM!"

People astound me.

I also can't stand the hypocrisy of the Anti-boycotter group, and how they constantly whine about how the boycotters are whiners. First of all, being displeased that someone broke their promise is hardly whining. Second of all, when you post up and down the forums about how much distaste you have for this group what is that? Did the group slight you in some way? Do they go out of their way to get in your face? You go out of your way to whine and complain about something that shouldn't even affect your life. On the scale of pathetic-ness thats seems exponentially worse to me. At least they have an excuse.

Kwil said:
Was the product good enough for the boycotters to buy BEFORE they promised the content, or are the boycotters just stupid enough to plunk down money for things they think are incomplete?
The boycotters actually state in their manifesto that: "-Left 4 Dead was, and is, a quality game which deserves the praise of the entire gaming community."

Apparently you couldn't be bothered to do two seconds of research. But when a company promises something and doesn't deliver, it doesn't seem likely they will deliver in the future. That sounds like a pretty good reason to not buy a future product from them doesn't it? Them not keeping their promise? No? Going to throw around words like 'stupid' and 'whiners' some more? Kay...

I'm so done arguing about the boycott. The media had their way with them, and now its just knee jerk reactions and flawed logic all over the place. As much as I despise you and everyone like you for being so completely ignorant and illogical I'm also horribly jealous. I wish I could be that ignorant and just fit in with everyone else... I wish some things could be unseen, unfelt, unthought. I'm forever changed and can never go back...


New member
Jun 30, 2009
I'm happy to see more DLC for Left 4 Dead 1 going to be released. I still haven't boughten it yet and I don't think that I will buy L4D2 So its nice to see valve still adding stuff for L4D1.


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
Well I'm going to have both. :)

DLC for L4D will just keep me hyped for L4D2 until its released, or till I buy it.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
I find the whole argument hilarious. A simple thing as saying that the boycotters got owned, makes me an idiot. lol.

i've never said I hated boycotters, but people saying I hate boycotters, well.. makes me hate people in general.

I'm glad Valve did what they did. Proving that they are STILL a good company and showing people that they aren't rushing things, they've actually put time to this.
^^Above statement in article.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Eoin Livingston said:
Ninja_X said:
We have yet to get our full moneys worth out of L4D 1 and already they are releasing 2?
I have gotten over 200 hours worth of pure, solid fun and your saying that I didn't get my money's worth for L4D1? I am just starting to get bored of L4D1 and there releasing more to keep me entertained so I say...Bring it on and I still don't know how you boycotters can still boycott after this *pfft*
Don't say "you boycotters"

I already said I wasn't boycotting, just pointing out why the boycott is justified maby.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
the size of my love for valve is almost as large as the hard-on they induce every time i think of them.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Internet Kraken said:
Christemo said:
cool, im really interested in the new special infected part, even tho it cant get more awesome than this guy:
Yeah the Jockey is neat. There's some good footage of it in this [] video.
Thanks for that video link Kraken, interesting awesome stuff.

On topic: suck it, boycotters. That'll learn ya to declare things you don't even know yet.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
And now the boycotters essentially have no argument. Even if there were no updates, L4D costs around $30 on Steam, and L4D2 probably will cost a similar price. Most expansion packs cost $40 these days.


Some kind of Monster
Feb 21, 2009
Am i the only that is actually excited about this? I mean seriously people! Stop with all your conspiracies and stuff.. Valve is not trying to prove anything here. ´Jeez...


Some kind of Monster
Feb 21, 2009
VanityGirl said:
Halfbreed13 said:
VanityGirl said:
Boycotters, you've just been OWNED.
What the fuck is wrong with all these people ragging on the boycotters?
If there had been no boycott, there would have been less pressure on Valve to follow through with their statements, or to let people know they haven't forgotten about it. You all seem to hate consumers with a seething rage. Does no one understand basic economics? Supplier sells good. Consumers buy it. If the supplier does something that the consumers dislike, they have two choices. Listen to the consumers or ignore them and become EA. Now, from what you all are saying, no game company should EVER listen to people's complaints.
I went slightly OT, but back to what I was saying, what happens when you get ripped off all of the time because any people who actually try and state their beliefs get bashed constantly.
How many of these anti-boycotters ***** constantly about how little Zelda and Mario games change, or how mediocre Halo is. Well? YOU FUCKING BOYCOTT A PRODUCT TO STATE YOUR OPINION. You are all essentially saying: "No! You must buy this game and you will like it!"
You seem to all be less mature than these supposed rabid boycotters.
It is good that people stood up when they thought they were getting screwed, it is even better that Valve clarified the issue so everyone is a winner.
Except of course you morons who act as if you won some imaginary competition.

/useless rant.

I will not be mean to you and your blatant disregard for even READING anything having to do with Valve, the boycott or the DLC.
If you've been keeping up with the news, Valve had already promised DLC for L4D1, regardless of whether there had ACTUALLY been a boycott, which techinically, you can't call it a boycott until L4D2's release, since a boycott would mean they would not buy or play the game. Anywho, Valve is a wonderful company who does keep their promises. In all honesty, I kind of thought the boycott was pointless, once Valve set a date, I doubted they would have stopped the release because 44,000 people out of the 2.5+ million people that bought it. In all honesty, that's a drop in the bucket. (And you know that some boycotters will buy L4D2 anyways._

If you're thinking of economics, it's all about demand, if people demand for a new Left 4 Dead, which the number of sales of the first showed they did, then Valve would have pumped out a sequel. Most of my friends that bought L4D weren't concerned with free DLC, they were happy they had a fun, quirky game to play. Most of my friends bought Left 4 Dead as their first Valve game, so they knew NOTHING bout Valve and free DLC. I think it's petty to complain about things like that.
Oh, and before I forget, the release of L4D2 will drive down the price of L4D1, meaning it's sales may increase. It's actually a SMART ECONOMIC move by Valve.

Also, when did I spew hate? I just said they got owned, with they did. All their complaining just to get FLOWN TO VALVE to be shown that "Hey guys, we actually are supporting our game and look at the new shiny game, it's a COMPLETE SEQUEL". That's not hate, it's an actual fact. Even Walking_Target had to admit that, one of the BOYCOTT LEADERS.
Also, don't bring maturity into this. I was joking about boycotters (saying they got owned), up until your ridiculous rant, I did respect them and listened to their arguements. It's people like you who try to prove a point and lash out that make boycotters look bad. You're trying to defend them (it seems) by attacking.

And people will always complain about games, I think the fact that Valve listens is what makes them a great company. But, to be fair, there's a VERY LARGE difference between boycotting and complaining. A complaint should be in a constructive helpful manner, a way for the Developers to say "hm, that's a great idea, we should do that". In some cases, the boycotters reasons for boycotting did have constructive complaints, but some of the other reasons were outlandish.
Also, I never said boycotters were stupid, immature or anything, but that seems to be what you think I said. I'm not stupid enough to say that boycotting would never work, because in history, it's been proven. But in this case, there's not enough support behind the boycotters for it to actually matter.

Thanks for reading and I hope I didn't hurt your feelings, but think before you try to disrespect someone. And try to understand the difference between sarcasm and realism. :)
I like you.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
AceDiamond said:
Jeez who would have thought that just doing what they said they were going to do would break the back of a ill-informed boycott movement?

Either that or the guy was just happy his 4 month plan to complain loudly enough like a 2-year-old so he could get a free trip to Valve had finally succeeded.
I think that was his plan all along.