Most beautifully fucked up character you've seen

Jan 27, 2011
crimson sickle2 said:
aegix drakan said:
Half the cast of Psychonauts. Pretty much everyone you meet in that game has some kind of mental disorder. And you need to go INTO their brains. Including a manic-AGRESSIVE woman whose entire life plays out for you on a stage in her own mind, and another guy whose mind is a twisty turvy crazy conspiracy in which he trusts nobody (including HIMSELF).
Agreed, although Raz's turns out to be pretty shallow.
Well, to be fair, Raz is ten years old.

He hasn't had time to develop the insanity of a manatee yet. XD


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Alpha from Dollhouse.

The premise? In a world where people can have their personalities removed and have new artificial made to order ones put in, one 'Doll' in a freak accident has his entire back up library of 48 personalities dumped into his head all at the same time. This causes a massive psychotic breakdown as he aggressively kills more than half the Dollhouse staff, at least one whole security response team and several dolls before fleeing. And naturally he also has a romantic obsession with the main character and is ready to kill or maim anyone who gets between him and his object of desire. For most of the first season he's a total unknown, more of a boogeyman style entity spoken in hushed tones than an actual character but is always in the backs of people's minds and subtely mainpulating the scene of a lot of episodes. The final reveal of his identity still haunts me:
Paul Ballard enlists the help of a paranoid hypocondriac idiot named Stephen Kepler (played by Alan Tudyk) to help him break into the Dollhouse while the Dollhouse staff are busy looking for Alpha in Tuscon. The whole way through the episode Paul Ballard and his bumbling comedic side kick make their way into the Dollhouse while the team investigate further into Alpha's plans in Tuscon. They finally send a forensic inspector in while Paul Ballard gets into a fight with security and the doctor takes the wounded doll Victor over to her office while the Dollhouse staff continue to search as we finally see who Alpha really is. Stephen Kepler casually walks in the room, slashes Victor's face and reveals himself to be the steely cold killer Alpha. It was shocking and sudden and sent genuine chills up my spine.

Alpha was just so fascinating, given that he had over forty people in his head this meant he had their combined intellect which made him a super genius beyond what any human being should be capable of. He was also programmed with default 'ninja' fighting skills and supposedly has the combined skills of a fighter, a computer hacker and a surgeon as well as a sadistic criminal. He is a master planner and manipulator but the thing that made him really fascinating was that, owing to his many personalities, he was very unstable.

As the lead programmer Topher explained, Alpha is not a person he's people this means that his behavior is incredibly erratic as his mind is actually forty eight minds all sharing one space and all constantly at odds and trying free of one another. One minute he's a Southern Criminal on a cross country crime spree then he's a deep voiced angry intellectual type then he's a comedian and then he's just a mad supervillain and the various different personalities 'argue' with each other all constantly fighting for control. He's constantly switching personalities and abilities and while it's clear that who he is at his core (his original personality just so happened to be an *almost* serial killer with a love of face slashing) remains in control and that agenda is something that all of him share, it is clear from time to time that he is not totally in control and forever at odds with himself. That said he still is an incredible oddity of a villain and a truly unique kind of psychopath that makes him really interesting both as a character to watch and an idea to think about.

While he diminished a bit in Season 2 he still remains one of my favorite baddies in television just for that reason alone.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
rudolphna said:
Wow nobody has mentioned light yagami from death note yet? *shocked*

Light? Just Light? What about Misa?

Poor girl... Parents murdered in front of her, dragged off the streets and held hostage for Celestia knows how long, falls in love with a man who couldn't give less of a shit about her... I could go on.

I think she's earned the right to be insane.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
VladG said:
I'd say most of the characters from FarCry 3. Outstanding voice acting, good animation and good writing have shaped some awesome characters: From the perpetually stoned Dr. Earnheardt to the dangerously insane Vaas and all the island characters in between.

I swear, it's worth playing FarCry 3 just for the characters.
This pretty much :D also.. i like Buck.. he is soooo messed up xD love his history lessons though :p
Sep 14, 2009
rudolphna said:
Wow nobody has mentioned light yagami from death note yet? *shocked*

that's immediately who popped into my head when i read the title, while i love the character god dammit if he isn't fucked up.

so just gonna say agree with this, and move along.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
I got one: the Ice King from Adventure Time.

Just hear me out on this one:

As revealed in the episode "Holly Jolly Secrets", the Ice King was once a mild-mannered antiques dealer named Simon Petrikov... until he came into possession of a magic crown. He put it on at the urging of his fiancee, only to do... something that made her leave him. And things only got worse after that, with the coming of the Mushroom War, which destroyed the world, as for Simon, he gradually began to loose more and more of his sanity... until Simon Petrikov was gone, and only the Ice King remained.

And Tom Kenny's performance in that episode does. Not. Help. At all.

And this is a kid's show for Glob's sake!

AT God

New member
Dec 24, 2008
Daniel Lamb from Manhunt 2 was a greatly messed up character. He himself wasn't too messed up but the device they used to mess him up made him a greatly disturbed everyman that was a wild card. The part of the game where you hear the audio of him slaying his family was a great representation of a mad man, similar to the "bash your brains in" from The Shining.

Also, the main character in Saints Row 2. They calmed him/her down in SR3 but in Saints Row 2 he/she was a delightfully mad person.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
I'll go with Seth from Red Dead Redemption.
Its hard to find professional exhumers these days.

Substitute Troll

New member
Aug 29, 2010
Oh so many...

Darth Sion (KotOR 2)
Minsk (Baldur's Gate)
Vaas (Far Cry 3)
Glarthir (Oblivion)
EVERYONE (Shivering Isles)

If I had to pick one, it would be Sion, but Vaas is pretty amazing.

Richard Keohane

New member
Dec 11, 2010
BurnedOutMyEyes said:
Planescape: Torment's party members (and main character) count as this I feel, though they're not so much crazy bonkers (except for Ignus and I'd say Vhailor) as they are broken, tormented individuals who are nevertheless not angsty emo whiners for a moment. And I believe they are all amazing.
YES. The game was about people with problems, and nothing was so cathartic as a good character as to help them fix them. Even thought it was just plain text and motionless pixilated art it was so moving. You could understand each character's emotions so naturally: the shame of the guilt-stricken damned, the inability to trust people of the street orphan, the heavy burden of an obligation which must be undertaken but brings no satisfaction, struggle of the outsider to find her place in the world, and the psychopath who just wants to watch the world burn.

And now that I think about it, nothing except the aforementioned was so cathartic as playing a chaotic character in that game.



New member
Jun 16, 2010
The Wykydtron said:
Wow. No Yuno from Future Diary? The most amazingly fucked up Yandere to end all Yanderes? How uninformed are you guys?

She has so many different degrees of fucked up I can't even go through half of them... Let's say that the main character (a spineless coward for more than half the manga/anime) has to rely solely on this unstable, mentally scarred girl who has been stalking him for god knows how long to simply survive.

By "stalker" I mean the only one thing her Diary does is tell her exactly what Yuki is doing right now in ten minute intervals. Obsessed is a massive understatement

Yuki knows he needs her, she knows he needs her, but he is shit scared of her at the same time. Seriously, Yuno could gut Yuki easily at any time. She loves him though... Way too much.

There's a part where she's happily chopping down countless men with a massive fuck off axe because she's protecting her darling Yuki.
i knew id get beat here.....she is soo bat shit insane i mean when he opened that door i litterally jumped when i saw her, and that last twist........./shiver


New member
Aug 13, 2009
The Wykydtron said:
NightowlM said:
The Wykydtron said:
Wow. No Yuno from Future Diary? The most amazingly fucked up Yandere to end all Yanderes? How uninformed are you guys?

She has so many different degrees of fucked up I can't even go through half of them... Let's say that the main character (a spineless coward for more than half the manga/anime) has to rely solely on this unstable, mentally scarred girl who has been stalking him for god knows how long to simply survive.

By "stalker" I mean the only one thing her Diary does is tell her exactly what Yuki is doing right now in ten minute intervals. Obsessed is a massive understatement

Yuki knows he needs her, she knows he needs her, but he is shit scared of her at the same time. Seriously, Yuno could gut Yuki easily at any time. She loves him though... Way too much.

There's a part where she's happily chopping down countless men with a massive fuck off axe because she's protecting her darling Yuki.
Um. This is a little pet peeve of mine. But why are you expecting people to mention obscure manga series or know what "Yandere" means off the top of their head? I mean if this were an anime/manga themed site it would be one thing, but here?
I'm not really "expecting" anything. I just thought that somebody would have posted the most fucked up character of all time in the thread about fucked up characters before me. There are plenty of anime fans on this site, well relatively speaking.

I use Yandere because she is the poster girl for the entire trope. I'm not even kidding. Here, have some evidence

I assume people can deduce what a Yandere is by reading between the lines of my post. They could just skip over it if they really didn't care.

And is Future Diary considered obscure now? I have honestly no idea. The anime adaptation was highly anticipated by so many people as soon as it was announced. I guess it all depends on your perspective. I've been watching countless anime since I was 14/15 so i'm used to it.

If I really wanted to go obscure on you I would post some Needless. Literally nobody else on this site brings that anime up except me. Any other anime would have at least one guy going "oh yeah, i've seen that, it's pretty good!" Nope, never.

Oh and I was in a rush when I wrote this post so maybe I would have linked a Yandere explaination if I had the time before.
Excuse you! I've mentioned Needless at least twice! Granted both times I was talking about how the outro caught me off guard....good lord I wasn't expecting that over the end credits o_O.


Really captcha?


New member
Jan 29, 2010
greyscarf said:
sageoftruth said:
I just saw Sunset Boulevard last night and would like to add Norma Desmond to the list. Her character is a superstar from silent films. 30 years later, no one cares about silent films and her immense and fragile ego has left her as an old woman, afraid to go out and face a world that no longer cares about her. She lives in a mansion filled with pictures of her when she was young, she spends every night watching old films she starred in, and she essentially refuses to leave the old-fashioned world where everyone loved and respected her.
She talks like she is still the most valuable person on the planet and attempts suicide whenever anyone does anything to remind her that she isn't. She spends almost the entire movie convinced that she is still a superstar living in the age of silent films, and goes to ridiculous lengths to keep up the lie.
Agreed! That's my number one favorite movie & you are spot-on about her character. I got a chance to see SB on the silver screen not long ago & when she has her final breakdown, I was in tears. That last sequence is so beautiful & scary!
Yeah. She was messed up. I wonder if the ending counts as a happy one for her, now that she's completely crossed over into her imaginary world and won't have to face reality ever again. It would have been much better if she learned to accept reality, but in a sense, it's kind of like when Maximus went to see his family after he died in Gladiator.

Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
Demongeneral109 said:
Lost In The Void said:
Demongeneral109 said:
fuminori from Saya no Uta(song of Saya) his perception of the world was fucked up by an experimental surgery that leaves the world as a fleshy gory mass and humans as incomprehensible eldrich abominations. he only think keeping him from going over the edge is the only exception to the transformation of the world around him, a little girl named Saya, who still looks, feels, smells ect. like an ordinary human.

Things seems normal(ish) with him until he

kills a man that is attacking saya, who she changed to perceive the world the same way fuminori does. After that he realizes that Saya is an exception to his perception because SHE is the eldrich's abomination. She offers to change his perception back to normal if he wants, but fuminori decides to stay int he warped reality to stay with saya... Now honestly thats kinda disturbed but not to the truly extreme levels he ends up taking it. After making this decision he promptly throws all of his morals out the window, trying to kill his best friend, EATING said friend's lover( human flesh is the only appealing food to him now) and turning his former love interest into a sex slave after she gets transformed into a creature like Saya.

Its amazing how depraved he gets, but when you play it you understand and can even sympathize with his motives, it all really is because of his obsession with Saya... who is just as obsessed with him~
Man I didn't think anyone would mention this one. personally I was going to go for Saya herself due to her various experimentation throughout the piece, but yes Fuminori is just as fucked up as she is about midway into Saya no Uta

Also I fixed your spoiler tags
yeah, I would agree with you about Saya if not what for she is; in light of her basic nature he's only strange for not following her biological imperatives. Fuminori on the other hand... he just goes off the deep end and never comes back.

BTW, what did i do wrong with my tags?
That is very true, its interesting that even in the form Fuminori sees her in, she still manages to drive him mad, in a way of speaking.

For your tags, you left a space in the brackets of the top one I believe, once I eliminated that, spoiler tags were fixed


New member
Apr 4, 2009
Vaas Montenegro, awesomely well written character that should have been the main focus of fucking Far Cry 3
But of course you don't see him anymore halfway through the game which is a fucking shame because Vaas is the only character I really liked in that game.

God damn it...


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Some examples that other people have pointed out:
Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver
Kabuto Yakushi from Naruto
New example that everybody seems to like: Vaas from Far Cry 3

And the best of them all: Rodion Raskolnikov from "Crime and Punishment"
The guy kills an old lady to steal her money, the rest of the novel is a plunge into the dark depths of the human mind.


New member
Sep 12, 2012
Witty Name Here said:
I wouldn't call Lelouche a Sociopath, after all he cares enough about his (dickish) brother Clovis to be disgusted after murdering him, and he's been shown to love his friends very much.

Anyways, theirs Alexander Anderson, the crazy Catholic priest that spouts badass lines and kills vampires with machetes.

I would go to church if that crazy bastard was preacher. Everyone in that show except big A is alright in my book.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Coraline and ParaNorman both teased at the concept of a deeply disturbed antagonist in a kid's movie, so I'll give kudos to them first.

Then there's the anime stuff which should come as no surprise: Higurashi, Elfen Lied, Hellsing Ultimate, Deathnote, Future Diary, some Ghost in the Shell... but they're all just fucked up for the sake of shock value in my opinion. The inclusion of disturbing imagery and themes don't really add or detract from the story in any way, just set the mood and appeal to morbid minds.

From video game land, Spec Ops: The Line for making you sit there and think about what just happened.

Delicious Anathema

New member
Aug 25, 2009
Pyro from Team Fortress 2.

Meet the Pyro was not what I expected, because I didn't expect anything in particular barring awesomeness, but it totally captured how I saw Pyro as well as TF2 itself: a bunch of children playing before nanny (the announcer) calls them out for refreshments.

What makes Pyro so disturbingly awesome is the fact that he's not even conscious of it.


I forgot what this was before...
Jul 10, 2009
I second guts from berserk since his f-uped back-story really got me to appreciate how good back story makes a story.