Most beautifully fucked up character you've seen


New member
Jan 29, 2010
I just saw Sunset Boulevard last night and would like to add Norma Desmond to the list. Her character is a superstar from silent films. 30 years later, no one cares about silent films and her immense and fragile ego has left her as an old woman, afraid to go out and face a world that no longer cares about her. She lives in a mansion filled with pictures of her when she was young, she spends every night watching old films she starred in, and she essentially refuses to leave the old-fashioned world where everyone loved and respected her.
She talks like she is still the most valuable person on the planet and attempts suicide whenever anyone does anything to remind her that she isn't. She spends almost the entire movie convinced that she is still a superstar living in the age of silent films, and goes to ridiculous lengths to keep up the lie.


New member
Feb 9, 2008
The Wykydtron said:
Wow. No Yuno from Future Diary? The most amazingly fucked up Yandere to end all Yanderes? How uninformed are you guys?

She has so many different degrees of fucked up I can't even go through half of them... Let's say that the main character (a spineless coward for more than half the manga/anime) has to rely solely on this unstable, mentally scarred girl who has been stalking him for god knows how long to simply survive.

By "stalker" I mean the only one thing her Diary does is tell her exactly what Yuki is doing right now in ten minute intervals. Obsessed is a massive understatement

Yuki knows he needs her, she knows he needs her, but he is shit scared of her at the same time. Seriously, Yuno could gut Yuki easily at any time. She loves him though... Way too much.

There's a part where she's happily chopping down countless men with a massive fuck off axe because she's protecting her darling Yuki.
Yeah she's not all

For those who have not seen it - her stalker phone literally says "she's trying to turn him, that ***** must die". And cue the rape face

I'd have to cast a vote for Claire Stanfield from Baccanno - a character who is called "Vino" because he enjoys soaking himself in his victims blood to the point it looks like he's covered in wine. He also used to be an acrobat in the circus so he can do some pretty crazy stuff (hanging from the side of trains by his legs, looking like a demon etc). If he was a normal assassin he would not have been the character he was


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Dexter Morgan. More from the books because he talks to the moon, complains about blood while hacking people up and admits to getting kind of turned on when cutting a rapists face off... He's also technically the good guy and your still technically supposed to root for him. Also the way he can't kill innocents but has no prblem getting other serial killers to do it for him is kinda fucked up.


Wanna have a bad time?
Dec 15, 2010
A Satanic Panda said:
Marcus (Shamrock) from Ace Combat 6. He has a pretty interesting identity crisis when he thinks him and the player make a great team. Excuse me, I make a great team. He can crash into a pylon for all I care.

For real: inb4 GLaDOS. The first Portal game had a perfect balance of making her seem ominous and psychotic.
I loved Larry (Pixy) from Zero more. His crisis comes from his hatred of War and countries fighting for power. He accepts war for what it is, he hates the concept of it, and defects to become the leader of the terrorist group A World With No Boundaries

It also annoyed the fuck out of me cause he was actually a useful partner (Probably the best one in the Ace Combat series). And when he leaves you get stuck with who is probably the crappiest AI Wingman in the Ace Combat Series: PJ. Seriously Fuck PJ. He can't hit a ground target to save his life and his air to air combat skills are pretty shit also. Plus he uses one of the crappy starter Jets in the game. Again. Fuck PJ.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
Nouw said:
Rorschach from Alan Moore's Watchmen. I'm struggling to write why so instead I will implore you to read the graphic novel and watch the film. He's insane, but you may find yourself rooting for him.
Ninja'd me, you bastard :p.

But yeah, Rorschach is a character I find myself identifying with more than a little, not just in the fact that his mind has been twisted by the traumas of his life, but that even in the throes of madness he still seems more "sane" to me than most people, maybe I'm just a bit insane.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
Nobody has said max payne yet? escapees, you surprise me! This guy has been through hell his entire life, he had his wife and baby girl murdered by some junkies because of some conspiracy of a corporation bringing back a drug, he gets addicted to painkillers and alchohol, he has terrible nightmares about the time his wife and child got murdered, he has to deal with a whole crime family of gangsters and then proffesional commandoes attemptimg to kill him and finally men in black elite bodygaurds and thats just the first game! This guy is a wreck but he manages to perservere through sheer power of will, probably one of the most human characters ive seen.


New member
Apr 1, 2012
BOOM headshot65 said:
From FullMetal Alchemist, Solf J. Kimblee. Kimblee is a complete and udder PSYCHOPATH! He kills everyone he wants in Ishval because it pleases him, he betrayed and killed his own officers "Because I could"(while uber-ed on a Philosopher's Stone), he gets a kick out of looking his victims in the eyes while he kills them
He's even more of a psychopath when you consider that he has a morality, which is based entirely around the idea of being honest to yourself vs being hypocritical, so you have the scenario where Kimblee who enjoys killing and takes countless innocent lives rates as being on the same end of his morality scale as armestrian doctors who treated wounded Ishvalans because they were as commited to saving lives as he was to taking them. While soldiers who don't remember their kills and soldiers who dislike taking lives he views as hypocritical and equally as 'immoral'.

Also while I was thinking of FMA had to atleast give some mention to Shou Tucker because to go from posing as a loving father to doing that...damn he must have serious problems.


New member
Nov 8, 2012
Well, I've recently finished an indie adventure game called Deponia, and its' main character is a complete tosser and a sociopath. Well, he starts out as clearly naive and dangerously overconfident, but wacky and still somewhat loveable, but then in the second game he uses his girlfreind as a lightning rod and makes cat food out of cute baby dolphins. Those actions had the same effect on me as That One Scene from Spec Ops: the Line - I began to realise that the character's actions, his zany plots and general goofiness become less and less funny the more I think about them. I realised that I grew to despise the character, and by extension myself.

And of course Spider Jerusalem from Transmetropolitan. Someone already mentioned him, but I think this thread needs more Spider.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
Lost In The Void said:
Demongeneral109 said:
fuminori from Saya no Uta(song of Saya) his perception of the world was fucked up by an experimental surgery that leaves the world as a fleshy gory mass and humans as incomprehensible eldrich abominations. he only think keeping him from going over the edge is the only exception to the transformation of the world around him, a little girl named Saya, who still looks, feels, smells ect. like an ordinary human.

Things seems normal(ish) with him until he

kills a man that is attacking saya, who she changed to perceive the world the same way fuminori does. After that he realizes that Saya is an exception to his perception because SHE is the eldrich's abomination. She offers to change his perception back to normal if he wants, but fuminori decides to stay int he warped reality to stay with saya... Now honestly thats kinda disturbed but not to the truly extreme levels he ends up taking it. After making this decision he promptly throws all of his morals out the window, trying to kill his best friend, EATING said friend's lover( human flesh is the only appealing food to him now) and turning his former love interest into a sex slave after she gets transformed into a creature like Saya.

Its amazing how depraved he gets, but when you play it you understand and can even sympathize with his motives, it all really is because of his obsession with Saya... who is just as obsessed with him~
Man I didn't think anyone would mention this one. personally I was going to go for Saya herself due to her various experimentation throughout the piece, but yes Fuminori is just as fucked up as she is about midway into Saya no Uta

Also I fixed your spoiler tags
yeah, I would agree with you about Saya if not what for she is; in light of her basic nature he's only strange for not following her biological imperatives. Fuminori on the other hand... he just goes off the deep end and never comes back.

BTW, what did i do wrong with my tags?


Not entirely serious, maybe.
Mar 24, 2011
First person that comes to mind.

Motherfucking Lil Ze' from City of God.

The way this guy is portrayed in this movie is just frightening. Made worse by the fact that he is based off a real person. His behavior in the movie might be exaggerated compared to the person he is based off of, but holy fuck this guy is a [b]monster[/b], a bloodthirsty sociopathic scumbag with no regard to human life. Even as a goddamn CHILD he was more like a demon. The worst kind of creature without a shred of redeeming qualities. This guy makes Emperor Palpatine look like Abraham Lincoln.

What exactly makes him so monstrous? Well if you haven't seen the movie, this vid sums up this guy quite nicely.


^And that's just scratching the surface. Much of the rest of the movie, he spends killing A LOT of innocent people, sexually abusing women, pushing an insane amount of drugs, and putting guns in the hands of children and forcing them to shoot each other. Just... goddamn.

Great movie though.

Harley Q

New member
Oct 11, 2009
I love Harley Quinn. as I'm sure you've guessed. The first time the Joker tried to kill her, she just smiled while his hands gripped her neck. I like the fact that she was already messed up before the joker (ahem) got his hands on her. Also in the new 52 suicide squad, she cuts off the face of dead joker and puts it on deadshot, this amuses me.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
NightowlM said:
The Wykydtron said:
Wow. No Yuno from Future Diary? The most amazingly fucked up Yandere to end all Yanderes? How uninformed are you guys?

She has so many different degrees of fucked up I can't even go through half of them... Let's say that the main character (a spineless coward for more than half the manga/anime) has to rely solely on this unstable, mentally scarred girl who has been stalking him for god knows how long to simply survive.

By "stalker" I mean the only one thing her Diary does is tell her exactly what Yuki is doing right now in ten minute intervals. Obsessed is a massive understatement

Yuki knows he needs her, she knows he needs her, but he is shit scared of her at the same time. Seriously, Yuno could gut Yuki easily at any time. She loves him though... Way too much.

There's a part where she's happily chopping down countless men with a massive fuck off axe because she's protecting her darling Yuki.
Um. This is a little pet peeve of mine. But why are you expecting people to mention obscure manga series or know what "Yandere" means off the top of their head? I mean if this were an anime/manga themed site it would be one thing, but here?
I'm not really "expecting" anything. I just thought that somebody would have posted the most fucked up character of all time in the thread about fucked up characters before me. There are plenty of anime fans on this site, well relatively speaking.

I use Yandere because she is the poster girl for the entire trope. I'm not even kidding. Here, have some evidence

I assume people can deduce what a Yandere is by reading between the lines of my post. They could just skip over it if they really didn't care.

And is Future Diary considered obscure now? I have honestly no idea. The anime adaptation was highly anticipated by so many people as soon as it was announced. I guess it all depends on your perspective. I've been watching countless anime since I was 14/15 so i'm used to it.

If I really wanted to go obscure on you I would post some Needless. Literally nobody else on this site brings that anime up except me. Any other anime would have at least one guy going "oh yeah, i've seen that, it's pretty good!" Nope, never.

Oh and I was in a rush when I wrote this post so maybe I would have linked a Yandere explaination if I had the time before.

Stoic raptor

New member
Jul 19, 2009
The Mayor from Prentisstown in The Knife of Never Letting Go (a book that is easily one of my most favorite books and is recommended to everyone). He seems likes a cunning psychotic individual, but he is actually insane, in the truest sense of the word.

Also, most, if not all, the characters in Higurashi no naku koro ni. Very frighting and crazy, although to be fair, it can be argued that they are not really insane.


New member
Jan 17, 2008
iwinatlife said:
Durzo Blint From The Night angel Trilogy badass who went from Honorable Knight all the way down the alignment scale to unscrupulous master Wetboy (super-magic-assassin)
Yeah Durzo is pretty fucked up alright,
two of the best fucked up characters I've read recently are from the same series,
Glokta the tortured torturer and The Bloody Nine the Berserker/Barbarian from the First Law books by Joe Abercrombie,
each in his own way is totally fucked and continues to get fucked by life,but they are amazingly strong despite their individual weaknesses.


New member
Nov 9, 2011
The Wykydtron said:
Wow. No Yuno from Future Diary? The most amazingly fucked up Yandere to end all Yanderes? How uninformed are you guys?

She has so many different degrees of fucked up I can't even go through half of them... Let's say that the main character (a spineless coward for more than half the manga/anime) has to rely solely on this unstable, mentally scarred girl who has been stalking him for god knows how long to simply survive.

By "stalker" I mean the only one thing her Diary does is tell her exactly what Yuki is doing right now in ten minute intervals. Obsessed is a massive understatement

Yuki knows he needs her, she knows he needs her, but he is shit scared of her at the same time. Seriously, Yuno could gut Yuki easily at any time. She loves him though... Way too much.

There's a part where she's happily chopping down countless men with a massive fuck off axe because she's protecting her darling Yuki.
THIS ^_^

Yuno was insane, but to be fair the whole series was kind of messed up : P

I loved it


New member
Sep 24, 2012
sageoftruth said:
I just saw Sunset Boulevard last night and would like to add Norma Desmond to the list. Her character is a superstar from silent films. 30 years later, no one cares about silent films and her immense and fragile ego has left her as an old woman, afraid to go out and face a world that no longer cares about her. She lives in a mansion filled with pictures of her when she was young, she spends every night watching old films she starred in, and she essentially refuses to leave the old-fashioned world where everyone loved and respected her.
She talks like she is still the most valuable person on the planet and attempts suicide whenever anyone does anything to remind her that she isn't. She spends almost the entire movie convinced that she is still a superstar living in the age of silent films, and goes to ridiculous lengths to keep up the lie.
Agreed! That's my number one favorite movie & you are spot-on about her character. I got a chance to see SB on the silver screen not long ago & when she has her final breakdown, I was in tears. That last sequence is so beautiful & scary!

OT: Frank (Dolly) Dillon from Jim Thompson's A Hell of a Woman. Dillon is the Raskolnikov in Thompson's reimagining of Crime & Punishment in an industrial American town. He can have good intentions but is poor, desperate for the good life that eludes him & finds that murder is easier than the alternative. The last chapter is written with alternating lines of text for each of the realities he perceives in his schizo state & each ending is terrifying. But there's no way you can put the book down; Dillon is too damn interesting.


New member
Jul 9, 2011
irishmanwithagun said:
MSfire012 said:
Shinji Ikari and Asuka Langley Soryu from Neon Genesis Evangelion. First of all they're two kids with serious mental issues, and I mean serious.

Shinji simply can't believe in himself, is afraid of relating with other people, has almost no courage in himself so every time he has to do something important or dangerous he becomes afraid of the bad things that can happen and when something bad does happen he always runs away from his responsibility and puts the blame on others. On top of all that, Shinji simply doesn't know his reason to live, he doesn't know what his purpose is or what he wants to do.

Asuka is just insane, she is extremely egocentric and proud of herself, so all the time she's trying to prove to the others how better she is than everyone, she always mocks other people, gets angry about almost anything, is always complaining, putting blame on others when something goes wrong and when someone IS better than her she gets insane, giving away all logic and reason to try to show that she is better than said person. But the most disturbing thing about her is that she can't accept her own feelings, possibly because of her pride. She denies the love she's developing for a character and acts very aggressive towards him, while also saying she has a crush for another guy, that's far "better" than the one she actually loves.

Another thing that's cool is that these two aren't fucked up simply because they are, they have pasts that justify their personalities.

Shinji's mother died when he was very young and his father, Gendo, couldn't take care of him by himself. He had no contact with his father and when he had, his father was always very harsh and cold about him.

Asuka's parents committed suicide and she lived for the rest of her life in a military base training to be an Evangelion pilot.
A) Shinji never blames anyone else for his issues. He spends the entire series blaming HIMSELF for things that aren't his fault and drives himself into self-loathing over things he has no control over. This is because he views himself as worthless due to the "death" of his mother and being abandoned by his father (which was ironically caused by Gendo feeling that he would only bring pain to Shinji by being close to him). This reinforces his inability to get close to others and makes him the AVPD wreck that he is at the start of the anime. More tragic is what happens to him during The End of Evangelion but because I've got no fucking clue how to spoiler shit I'll just let that lie.

B) Asuka is NOT insane and her mother, Kyoko, commited suicide after being ONLY partially absorbed into Unit 02. THis meant that when she she was left insane and replaced her daughter with a doll (going so far as to start calling it "Asuka"). As for Asuka's father (who is never named), he hooked up with the head nurse looking after Kyoko before she had killed herself. He then married her afterwards.

What's so fascinating about the two characters isn't so much that there's reasons for their personal dysfunctions (no, that's just decent character writing) but that the characters are so different despite the fact that they're so different despite the fact that their personal tragedies are si very similar.
I see...well, it's been a while since I watched Evangelion, so I didn't quite remember Asuka's past, thanks for clearing that up. But I still think Asuka is insane. And yes, what happens with Shinji in End of Evangelion is possibly of the most tragic things I've ever seen. Finally, yes, Shinji and Asuka are almost polar opposites yet have extremely similar traumas and tragedies, I just forgot to bring that up.