Most Boring Game You've Ever Played


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Ok so we've discussed games that are good, games that are bad, and games that make us wonder what the hell the developers were doing for 18 months!

What I want to talk about are those games that are just boring, games where you find yourself asking why your still playing instead of;
1: Turning the damn thing off
2: Chucking the disk out of the window
3: Getting yourself a beer
4: All of the above!

This isn't about bad graphic, poor writing or shoddy gaming engines it's about games that are repetative, dull and generally no fun to play.

I'll go first and to some this maybe controversial but, well that's half the fun!
Just Cause 2 I played this game till I'd completed a good 35% (and for those that have played they'll agree how long that takes) when I realised, I was going round in circles, raiding the same base/village/city over and over. In the end for the sake of my sanity I had to give up!

Your turn!


Not entirely serious, maybe.
Mar 24, 2011

I was most likely too young to grasp it... But honestly, it was just goddamn boring.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Mall Tycoon. Not very interesting at all. You aren't given too many options to designing your mall, which takes away all the fun of a tycoon game!


New member
Jan 22, 2010
I'm going to piss off some people by saying this but... BioShock.

Don't get me wrong, there is some aspects of the game that I love. I love the whole setting, the Art Deco style is beautiful, the story is good, if a bit shaky near the end. I pretty much like everything about the game except for one thing.

The gameplay. It's dull. I haven't played a shooter with such boring, unsatisfying combat as BioShock before in my life. There are no satisfying weapons to use (Save for the shotgun, but even then it's not very good) and almost no variety in enemy design. Plasmids really weren't fun to use either. I could almost get over that, as there isn't a huge amount of combat in the game at first, but after the big reveal, the game decides to up the ante by sending endless waves of splicers after you and it gets really, really boring.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
putowtin said:
I'll go first and to some this maybe controversial but, well that's half the fun!
Just Cause 2 I played this game till I'd completed a good 35% (and for those that have played they'll agree how long that takes) when I realised, I was going round in circles, raiding the same base/village/city over and over. In the end for the sake of my sanity I had to give up!
I wouldn't call it controversial at all, as I'd actually agree with you. I picked up Just Cause 2 for $5 during a Steam sale. I thought it looked interesting, and at first, it was. At first it was a hell of a lot of fun... until I realized that I was doing the same missions over and over and over again.

I can play repetitive games and enjoy them. I really like Diablo 2 and Titan Quest and even the browser-based Kingdom of Loathing... but at least with those games you do the same thing over and over again in order to gear up or develop your character's skill set. In Just Cause 2 it's the same stuff over and over again for very little gain.

So yes. I'd agree with you on that game. But since you've already mentioned it, I'll mention one of my own. Another controversial one.


Any of them. I took a "history of games" class at my university (which at the time was starting up a game design major) for some filler elective credits and an easy A. As part of the class we were required to play a number of the Civ games. Totally not a gameplay style that's interesting to me. Bored the hell out of me.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
YuheJi said:
Mall Tycoon. Not very interesting at all. You aren't given too many options to designing your mall, which takes away all the fun of a tycoon game!
Wow I remember that, it was right up ther on the list with Pizza Tycoon as games where you really didn't do anything but look at inventory lists!

AlternatePFG said:
I'm going to piss off some people by saying this but... BioShock.

Don't get me wrong, there is some aspects of the game that I love. I love the whole setting, the Art Deco style is beautiful, the story is good, if a bit shaky near the end. I pretty much like everything about the game except for one thing.

The gameplay. It's dull. I haven't played a shooter with such boring, unsatisfying combat as BioShock before in my life. There are no satisfying weapons to use (Save for the shotgun, but even then it's not very good) and almost no variety in enemy design. Plasmids really weren't fun to use either. I could almost get over that, as there isn't a huge amount of combat in the game at first, but after the big reveal, the game decides to up the ante by sending endless waves of splicers after you and it gets really, really boring.
With you on that one, wave after wave of bad guys, that get more and more boring to kill!


New member
May 27, 2009
so recently, like last weekend, i decided to start playing world of warcraft's free trial to see what all the fuss is about. i was a been apprehensive about getting addicted since it does have that reputation. but how could i? it is one of the most boring, repetitive, poorly paced games ever made. i played 2 hours and got to level 5, so don't say i didn't give it a fair shot. right after a mission where i had to kill 10 of the exact same enemy, using one of two of the exact same attacks (which are accomplished by pushing one button over and over), and then killing a bigger version of that same enemy, my mind broke, and i gave up.

so anyone curious about WoW and havent tried it yet, i can tell you it is TERRIBLE. the world is fairly decent, but everything is just plain dull and generic.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
All of Arc System's fighters.
They're great games. But they're extremely boring to me and I have no interest playing them.
The problem comes along in that the only friend I have that likes fighters basically spends all his time sucking them off while complaining about every other fighter out there for not being them.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
To everyone hating on Just Cause 2: download the superman flight mod. Made the game five times as fun. Sometimes I find myself just booting up the game and flying around for hours on end, it's so soothing.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
Dragon Age 2 was very dull for me, it wasn't all bad but I'd lose interest a lot and stop playing. I remember playing Origins for over 12 hours in one sitting, but DA2 was just not as appealing.
Dec 14, 2009
Final Fantasy 13.

It's like being forced to watch a shitty Japanese soap opera for 40 hours (that's when I decided that I was done with the game), broken up by periods of linear corridors and terribly uninteractive combat.

I can't help think Squeenix spent more time trying to make it the best looking game at the time, rather than the best game.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Twilight Princess. It had some decent points, but I guess when I played it I wasn't in the mood for Zelda, because I never finished it.
I had a similar problem with Okami, which is a shame because I really did want to enjoy it. Although innovative, the brushstrokes with the Wii-mote (really any game that's only addition is motion control in general) just didn't do it for me.
I think I was just burnt out on the genre when I played the two, too.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Ashcrexl said:
so recently, like last weekend, i decided to start playing world of warcraft's free trial to see what all the fuss is about. i was a been apprehensive about getting addicted since it does have that reputation. but how could i? it is one of the most boring, repetitive, poorly paced games ever made. i played 2 hours and got to level 5, so don't say i didn't give it a fair shot. right after a mission where i had to kill 10 of the exact same enemy, using one of two of the exact same attacks (which are accomplished by pushing one button over and over), and then killing a bigger version of that same enemy, my mind broke, and i gave up.

so anyone curious about WoW and havent tried it yet, i can tell you it is TERRIBLE. the world is fairly decent, but everything is just plain dull and generic.
That's probably why Blizzard has been trying so hard to reduce the amount of time you actually spend leveling. Over the past few big updates they've reduced the amount of XP that you need to level, they've increased the amount of XP you get, they've added gear that increases the amount of XP you get, and they've streamlined the old-world zones to level you up much quicker. The amount of time it takes you to go from 1 to max level these days is a fraction of what it used to be.

Ask any of the people addicted to the game what it is that's so fun about the game, and while some might say leveling, the vast majority are probably going to say that it's all about either PvP or the end-game content with heroic dungeons and raids.

Not that I'm trying to defend the game. I haven't logged in for over a month now. Just saying that you're not alone in finding the leveling experience to be exceptionally dull - even among WoW diehards.

Aiden Raine

New member
Oct 3, 2011
pretty much any diabolo-esque hacky-slashy-button-mashy-type rpg. might as well buy a controller with rapid-fire switch, tape down attack button and go do something more interesting. like throwing the game off a cliff.


Sep 22, 2009
Gears of War and Crackdown are both vying for the title. Both games feel an awful lot like, "WELP! I hope you liked that tutorial! Because you're going to be doing the same thing over and over again for the rest of the game!"

Red Faction: Guerrilla could also be on this list, but at least that game actually pissed me off, and had a hint of a plot to motivate me longer than GoW and Crackdown did.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
Ashcrexl said:
so recently, like last weekend, i decided to start playing world of warcraft's free trial to see what all the fuss is about. i was a been apprehensive about getting addicted since it does have that reputation. but how could i? it is one of the most boring, repetitive, poorly paced games ever made. i played 2 hours and got to level 5, so don't say i didn't give it a fair shot. right after a mission where i had to kill 10 of the exact same enemy, using one of two of the exact same attacks (which are accomplished by pushing one button over and over), and then killing a bigger version of that same enemy, my mind broke, and i gave up.

so anyone curious about WoW and havent tried it yet, i can tell you it is TERRIBLE. the world is fairly decent, but everything is just plain dull and generic.
It took you 2 hours to get to level 5? Wow..