Most Boring Game You've Ever Played


New member
Jun 18, 2008
putowtin said:
Just Cause 2 I played this game till I'd completed a good 35% (and for those that have played they'll agree how long that takes) when I realised, I was going round in circles, raiding the same base/village/city over and over. In the end for the sake of my sanity I had to give up!
I find it to be one of the few games you can set down for months and then pick up again without having to restart to remember what you were doing. But I guess that's what happens when your game is less about disjointed story and more about going around collecting boxes.

For me Assassin's Creed II comes to mind. All I saw it as was just a game with boring unskippable exposition with bizarrely-faced characters before running around clusters of largely copy-pasted buildings.

Demon's Souls was another. Not experiencing the same difficulty as others apparently were, the game just become a dull trod though typical landscapes broken up by hilariously inappropriate ragdolling.

Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect as well. It's hard to explain, but recent Bioware titles all seem to have this...dryness about them. I find a lot of the intrigue and characterization to be bland and expressionless.

Michael Hirst

New member
May 18, 2011
Final Fantasy 13...Walk down corridor, click auto battle, walk some more, listen to Hope whine, keep walking, click auto battle some more, Hate bad Austrailian accents, walk some more, Turn game off, grab beer, play 5 minutes of Serious Sam, have fun.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
Uncharted. I Thought i t had to be good, so I've finished it. Bored out of my mind all the way.

Probably not the most boring game out there, but the combination of high expectations and positive reviews made it more tedious to me.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
Any of the Simcity games. I played a few way back in the mid-to-late nineties and found them to be extremely boring.
For a more recent game though, I'd have to say that Vampire Rain! is at the top of my list of boring/shitty/crime against gaming video games. I would rather watch 2001: A Space Odyssey, Barry Lyndon, A Clock Work Orange, Full Metal Jacket and The Shinning back to back without a single break, no snacks or drinks and no fast forward than play that game again.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
suikoden 4

nothing like a 1 hour boat ride to the nearest town interrupted every 1 minute with a random encounter so easy that it does nothing to progress your character....


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
twistedmic said:
Any of the Simcity games. I played a few way back in the mid-to-late nineties and found them to be extremely boring.
For a more recent game though, I'd have to say that Vampire Rain! is at the top of my list of boring/shitty/crime against gaming video games. I would rather watch 2001: A Space Odyssey, Barry Lyndon, A Clock Work Orange, Full Metal Jacket and The Shinning back to back without a single break, no snacks or drinks and no fast forward than play that game again.
do you not like those films are is it the idea of watching them all without a break that makes it a daunting task?


New member
Jan 17, 2009
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I have beaten basically every other zelda game there is, but i cant bring myself to play that piece of crap for more than an hour. and i have tried. many times.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
Almost everything I played from the Call of Duty franchise (single player). Except Modern Warfare 1, Playing as "Soap" was nice and the different "minigames" (air support and the like) were fun too.

Those shooters just cause massive boredom, back when I was 16 they were fun. Finished DukeNukem3d in every difficulty level. Quake I? Played it for years in single player. But now it's only boring and unrealistic.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
putowtin said:
do you not like those films are is it the idea of watching them all without a break that makes it a daunting task?
It's not so much that I dislike them as it is that they are way too long and slow. Each movie feels like it's two or three times longer than the stated run time. That's what makes it such a daunting task.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Practically everything I've played on the Wii. My gf likes it so I play it with her, but there's only so much Mario Kart and New Super Mario Brothers crap I can take before I need to play something worth my time.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring.

You play as Frodo, doing about 103453 random f'in chores before he ever even attempts to leave the shire....eventually youre suppose to play as other characters but I never made it out of the shire.


New member
Feb 5, 2011
oblivion, starcraft 2, prison tycoon - all of them.
just on a side note about someone giving a review of an mmo with 2hours gametime.......thats.....ballsy to say the least.


New member
Jul 22, 2008
Tuesday Night Fever said:
Ashcrexl said:
so recently, like last weekend, i decided to start playing world of warcraft's free trial to see what all the fuss is about. i was a been apprehensive about getting addicted since it does have that reputation. but how could i? it is one of the most boring, repetitive, poorly paced games ever made. i played 2 hours and got to level 5, so don't say i didn't give it a fair shot. right after a mission where i had to kill 10 of the exact same enemy, using one of two of the exact same attacks (which are accomplished by pushing one button over and over), and then killing a bigger version of that same enemy, my mind broke, and i gave up.

so anyone curious about WoW and havent tried it yet, i can tell you it is TERRIBLE. the world is fairly decent, but everything is just plain dull and generic.
That's probably why Blizzard has been trying so hard to reduce the amount of time you actually spend leveling. Over the past few big updates they've reduced the amount of XP that you need to level, they've increased the amount of XP you get, they've added gear that increases the amount of XP you get, and they've streamlined the old-world zones to level you up much quicker. The amount of time it takes you to go from 1 to max level these days is a fraction of what it used to be.

Ask any of the people addicted to the game what it is that's so fun about the game, and while some might say leveling, the vast majority are probably going to say that it's all about either PvP or the end-game content with heroic dungeons and raids.

Not that I'm trying to defend the game. I haven't logged in for over a month now. Just saying that you're not alone in finding the leveling experience to be exceptionally dull - even among WoW diehards.

Amen to that.
Ive got three max level characters, all of which im bored of, but no matter what, I just cant start a new one because of the godamned levveling process...


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
Space Marine and Darksiders. Holy shit, the badness. THE UTTER, UTTER BADNESS.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
I'm gonna give a very controversial answer and say Minecraft. I can't really see why everyone feels like this game is the second coming of Christ, unless everyone who plays it is studying to get a degree in architecture...


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
Final Fantasy 13.

It's like being forced to watch a shitty Japanese soap opera for 40 hours (that's when I decided that I was done with the game), broken up by periods of linear corridors and terribly uninteractive combat.

I can't help think Squeenix spent more time trying to make it the best looking game at the time, rather than the best game.
You ninja'd me. I came into this thread not knowing exactly what I would say because I usually just get distracted from games by other games, but then I remembered that I spent twelve hours in Final Fantasy XIII and never want to go back again.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Cruise Tycoon. Its options felt limited and it didn't feel at all like I was building an actual cruise as much as I was just wasting time.