Most Boring Game You've Ever Played


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
blizzaradragon said:
I'm gonna give a very controversial answer and say Minecraft. I can't really see why everyone feels like this game is the second coming of Christ, unless everyone who plays it is studying to get a degree in architecture...

another one I've got to agree with!


New member
Sep 14, 2011
Oblivion. Probably the only game this generation that I've bought and not completed. Wait, that and Need for Speed Pro Street. Oblivion just seemed to have no point. No point at all. And I've ground out some dull games. FEAR, Silent Hill Homecoming, FF13. Hell, even Demon's Souls, which is just a massive massive grind, but Oblivion, no. Just no.


New member
Jul 10, 2010

Every day the same dream. God it was boring. Not to mention depressing. You think you're tired of shooting people? Try the same thing without the shooting, just dressing up in a suit and driving to work and only mixing it up in 5 pre-determined and artsy and not fun ways before getting a nice suicide ending that isn't even that satisfying or mind blowing.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
Borderlands. It takes too long to get started and is barren of anything interesting. Combat was not that great and the quests were boring.


New member
Jan 9, 2011
Ashcrexl said:
so recently, like last weekend, i decided to start playing world of warcraft's free trial to see what all the fuss is about. i was a been apprehensive about getting addicted since it does have that reputation. but how could i? it is one of the most boring, repetitive, poorly paced games ever made. i played 2 hours and got to level 5, so don't say i didn't give it a fair shot. right after a mission where i had to kill 10 of the exact same enemy, using one of two of the exact same attacks (which are accomplished by pushing one button over and over), and then killing a bigger version of that same enemy, my mind broke, and i gave up.

so anyone curious about WoW and havent tried it yet, i can tell you it is TERRIBLE. the world is fairly decent, but everything is just plain dull and generic.
agreed. i honestly don't understand the huge following behind it.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
TypeSD said:
Darksiders. Holy shit, the badness. THE UTTER, UTTER BADNESS.
Aw I liked Darksiders

Anywho, FF 13, it was like watching someone walk down a narrow hallway, a very pretty hallway, but still a hallway


New member
Mar 3, 2010
Final Fantasy VIII. Nothing. Happens. EVER. EVER. I could tolerate XIII, but not VIII. I literally can't find a single plot point in VIII that I can safely say isn't fucking stupid.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
The_Waspman said:
Oblivion. Probably the only game this generation that I've bought and not completed. Wait, that and Need for Speed Pro Street. Oblivion just seemed to have no point. No point at all. And I've ground out some dull games. FEAR, Silent Hill Homecoming, FF13. Hell, even Demon's Souls, which is just a massive massive grind, but Oblivion, no. Just no.
Gawd. I actually forgot to mention Oblivion, otherwise that totally would have been what I posted instead of Civilization. You know a game bored you when you outright forgot having ever played it.

According to Steam I sunk 87 hours into Oblivion. I gave it a very legitimate attempt, I didn't just play for an hour and give up, I pushed onward. I never actually beat the game (did a lot of exploring and side questing in addition to the main quests), and probably never will.

The game is just so... bland. I go from one city to the next, and it feels like I never actually left the first city. Even though the game has a bunch of different races, each race only has maybe two or three NPC character models and only two voice actors (one male and one female)... so it's like each city is occupied by all the same people as the last city you were in. The vast majority of them aren't even worth talking to, and even less worth smooth-talking into liking you as there's rarely ever anything that you get back for doing it. Ugh.


New member
Sep 30, 2011
Oblivion for me.

For some reason, I just can't bring myself to have fun with this game. It felt like a second job.

Made it about halfway through it though.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Master of Orion III.

Just... just no. One of but two games that I have ever purposefully and willingly destroyed, the event taking place roughly a year after purchase. At that point, I was beyond the hope that a magical patch would spring forth and fix that horrid piece of trash.

The second game, you may ask? Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

The pattern seems to hold that if I loved the game(s) that came before it and if I am sufficiently disappointed with the following game, it will end up soaked in lighter fluid to exorcise the demons from the plastic.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Wow, theres a lot of Just Cause 2 hate going on, Its one of my favourite games ever!

OP: The only game I found truly boring was Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I think its because my friend built it up for me and in the end it was just a bit 'meh'. It didn't pull me in with an action packed beginning like Mass Effect 2 or an interesting beggining like Red Dead.
I even carried on with Twilight Princess, thinking it might just be starting out a little slow but start getting better, like the Fallout games or Borderlands. But no, it stayed shit.


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Dec 8, 2009
Dune 2 is the first I remember. It's something that's lasted through the years of RTS games. Sitting there bored to tears through resource gathering and minor skirmishes only to have, basically, a mistake a made in the first 10 minutes do me in an hour later. Sorry, not fun.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Kane and Lynch 2
I got it free and the backstory was rather interesting but the gameplay itself...UGH
I really felt bored while I still wanted to know more of the story.
Most boring hours ever!
Still a rather interesting backstory