Most Boring Opinions in Geek Culture - Part II


New member
May 7, 2009
Smolderin said:
So I've noticed alot of people are a bit heated over some things Movie Bob said. This is just a friendly reminder, but remember these are his OPINIONS. Don't take it personally if you disagree with any of them. Feel free to state your own but I doubt your opinions are going to change his.
It's become clear to me that people don't come to the Internet to debate, they come to the Internet to be agreed with.

Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
I like MovieBob, but I've thought this article was a bad idea since he mentioned possibly writing it on twitter. The article is NOT the "50 most boring opinions in geek culture." They seem more like the 50 most popular opinions in geek culture that I feel like mentioning to show that I'm listening. And to share his opinion on each one. I'd like to point out that in the beginning of the first article, he says he's not going to share his opinion on the arguments, and yet does in at least 60% of them.

Devin Barker

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Aug 10, 2012
NinjaDeathSlap said:
Devin Barker said:
NinjaDeathSlap said:
Devin Barker said:
"Roger Moore was the worst James Bond." Really? not Timothy Dalton... pretty sure the worst was Timothy Dalton
If we're talking about 'Who was in the worst Bond movies', which a lot of people find difficult to distinguish from 'Who was the worst James Bond' then... I don't know. Neither had movies as good as Connery or Craig. Dalton's movies were forgettable, whilst Moore's were silly. I'd be inclined to say that Brosnan had the worst movies (with the exception of Goldeneye), as they were just as silly as Moore's without the charm of also being old fashioned.

In terms of which of the two of them was actually better as James Bond though, I'm sorry, but Dalton absolutely destroys Moore.
Maybe this is a generational thing, i really like the Brosnan movies (i grew up with those ones im only 24) and i cant stand Craig (to actiony) but Dalton was very carried by the supporting cast (loved his villains hated him)
For me, Dalton is my favorites because he's the only one who has actually made Bond into a believable character, rather than just an archetypal school-boy wet dream. Dalton seems to me like the one out of all of them who really put some thought into the role, rather than just "Oh hey I'm James Bond now, I'd better go and be James Bond and do all the things people expect James Bond to do". His exterior is more understated than the others, because he's a spy and it kind of goes against the grain for him to draw attention to himself (this is one area where I really don't like Craig, who in Casino Royale literally announces to the villain exactly who he is because hey, Bond is so awesome he can do that right? Urgh, just no), and yet he can do this without losing any of Bond's charisma. He's a suave as the rest, but without feeling the need to show off all the time, which actually makes Bond even more charismatic. He always has a coldness behind his eyes though which really makes me believe the sheer amount of people 007 has killed in his career. He's actually threatening, in a way which Moore and Brosnan never were. Even the audience can never really tell what Dalton's Bond is thinking, let alone the villains.

wow very well put, all i have is a simple "fair enough sir, fair enough"... but i still like Brosnan... its a childhood thing :p
In a way though, I think Moore does get given a hard time. He's not terrible, and in a way I think he's a victim of his own success. In the end, he was just in too many of the damn things so people got sick of him.

Ryan Hughes

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Jul 10, 2012
12. Mario is a cipher and not a character.

Kinda. Most characters who hail from the very beginning of a given medium tend to be a little light on the nuance. Speaking of something being really old? "Edgy" takedowns of a given medium's big mascot/headliner. Hey, you wanna "stick it" to Mickey Mouse next? Fight the pow-ah!
"Mickey Mouse is dead/
got kicked in the head/
'Cause people got too serious/
planned out what they said/
Couldn't take the fantasy/
tried to accept reality/
Analyze the laughs/
'Cause pleasure comes in halves."
--Subhumans "Mickey Mouse is Dead"

This is actully the most eloquent commentary on the pleasure derived from entertainment that I have ever heard. "Pleasure comes in halves," it sure does, because it seems that the pleasure we feel when being entertained is incomplete unless we try to break it apart, analyze it, and eventually turn on those who do not come to the same conclusuions that we do, because that is the missing half of the pleasure that we feel.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
Smolderin said:
So I've noticed a lot of people are a bit heated over some things Movie Bob said. This is just a friendly reminder, but remember these are his OPINIONS. Don't take it personally if you disagree with any of them.
While true,the tone and presentation are just very provoking(even I'm having a hard time not responding),I'm not really sure if he genuinely believes himself or if he just wants to provoke a discussion.Considering his previous "flops" concerning "boring" geek opinions I believe it's the first one.I do understand that he's human and can make mistakes,but still,his views on certain subjects are just ignorant and that's the last thing you want to present as a notable person on the internet that others listen to.
Also why doesn't Bob look into why these opinions come up and are repeated until they become "boring" to read.Where did they start?Why did they start?What was the problem?<-That can be interesting stuff,seeing and reading heated discussions,rants,essays and people finding reason within it all.And finally forming your own outlook as an informed outsider,that can now properly join the discussion and share his own conclusions,and by conclusions I don't mean: "This is stupid,unnecessary and useless"-because that doesn't bring anything to the table,in that case it's better just not to participate.
Then he can come to a better understanding of the people that express them rather than shrugging them aside like an annoyance.It makes him look egocentric,which isn't a good image.

And since I'm getting worked up:
14 "Easy mode ruins games. - It's a game, not the SATs. Get over yourself. "
While there have been previous statements on that,it was the Dark Souls community that started up its most recent wave I believe.And that truly is a legitimate concern for them,even Jim's vid has a very ignorant outlook on the said issue.As to why it has spread to other places?Because there was always some people that want a genuine challenge,but just don't know where to look...and from there on it has spread and the context of being for only one franchise went to difficulty in games in general(which steps into heavily subjective territories).
I prefer to look at only the source,rather than commenting on something that's becoming redundant quickly saying its redundant and pointless.So let me say my opinion and get over it: Dark Souls(and Demon's Souls) are very,very special cases,because their popularity was spread by word of mouth for their infamous difficulty.However those game's difficulties are core design decisions that make them work,not only that but they also don't give clear directions,which is the true difficulty curve of the Souls games.Dark Souls doesn't give you clear directions and explanations,it just gives you hints,which are under your nose and always in your reach,and lets you figure stuff out on your own,which makes you feel very satisfied of yourself("Oh god,I'm finally getting it now").Now making an "easy mode" for them would essentially break that design,because it would require to tell the player all the mechanics,systems and tricks instead of finding them out on their own.This essentially robs them of the experience of discovery and forging knowledge of their own,which is bad in my opinion.
This,this is what the community fears will happen to Dark Souls 2,and I understand that,despite never playing the game myself.And if anyone thinks that they should make that step and do it so everyone can also play it without a hassle,then the Souls games were not for them to begin with.So in conclusion,it's not about really "easy mode ruins games" rather than: "Changing a fundamental aspect of a franchise which made its previous games successful."

TL;DR Screw you,read my opinon./Bob's tone


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Number 22: THANK YOU!! I'm so sick of people bashing CGI, then turning around and showing some old, out-of-date, piece of crap filled with bad "practical effects" as an example of what "special effects are suppose to be."

Also, there sure are a lot of butthurt whiners replying to this.
"Waaaaahhh!!!! How dare you criticize our, (as in "nerd/geek culture as a whole"), bad habit of beating dead horses! Waaaahhh!!"

If I didn't know any better, then I'd claim that all those posts are all from accounts made by The Man Entitled Child from Kentucky. Luckily, I have a brain and know better than to make baseless accusations against others simply because they have a different opinion.

Oh and those calling Bob a hypocrite: Read part one again! Particularly where he admits to contributing to this "problem" himself. This article is as much as self-criticism as a criticism on "nerd/geek culture."

That's one reason why I respect Bob. He's not scared of pointing out his own flaws. Something too many "nerds/geeks" fail to do.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
My addition to the list would have been, "_____________ is an overrated plagiarist."

Mostly Quentin Tarantino, but others as well. Quentin Tarantino is only making his versions of movies he's grown up watching, or ones he watched in that video store he worked at. This is no different than George Lucas, Coppolla, or Spielberg, who did big budget versions of Space operas, gangster movies, and monster movies.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Compare Cage's movie roles to someone, anyone, else. You know what the difference is? His movies have a wide range of different characters. A lot of actors don't go outside their comfort zone of preferred roles, Cage does. Does it make him weird? No. Does he come off as weird? Yes, only because there is no associative continuity to his career, and lack of continuity is why people think he is weird.

P.S: Word puzzle; that's what she said.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Bob, you make your living doing nothing but offering your personal opinion on various facets of nerd and pop culture. People enjoy it. I enjoy it. When you did that Heavens To Metroid episode of the Overthinker, I actually really dug your arguments.

U srs? You can be serious are you? you got to tell me at least ONE thing that was good about that video.

hurricanejbb said:
#5 - I find it odd that Bob is calling people out for segmenting gamers and attacking "fratboy bros" when that's ONE OF HIS MAIN SCHTICKS as the over"thinker".

Again I say, Bob Chipman is a worthless fucking hypocrite.
HEY KIDS!! Guess what? The Anti-Thinker is back!!! Resurrected by whatever the fuck force was behind Necrothinker and shit. He is ready to be used as a strawmen for BRO COD LOVERS!!

Isn't that Cute?



New member
Dec 28, 2012
Bhaalspawn said:
hurricanejbb said:
#5 - I find it odd that Bob is calling people out for segmenting gamers and attacking "fratboy bros" when that's ONE OF HIS MAIN SCHTICKS as the over"thinker".

Again I say, Bob Chipman is a worthless fucking hypocrite.
He said in part 1 that he is guilty of several of the things on this list, dumbass.
If the solution to a problem is more of the same problem (as in, preventing Ash from getting punched by John by punching Ash so hard that is head explodes), then you know you are dealing with Movie Bro.

or a certain AI whose name shall not be spoken because, god forbid that we actually argue about the future implications of certain work on the gaming medium


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Bhaalspawn said:
MichaelMaverick said:
I'm willing to put up with a lot of stuff on that list, but #3 is so wrong it literally makes no sense.

And because I just know you had this in mind even though the list dodges the issue: for the last time, easy mode is fine, but if you add it to a game where the core experience is the challenge from the high difficulty, you are actively killing the game, this is objective game-design theory, we've been over this already, let's discuss it no more.
Crazy thought. If someone isn't skilled enough to play the game on normal, wouldn't Easy Mode provide to same manner of challenge, scaled to their level?

Kinda like how the first time someone picks up Guitar Hero, Easy and Medium will kick their ass until they get better?

That's a rhetorical question, because that's pretty much the whole point of difficulty settings, and anyone who like to pretend otherwise is in the extreme minority.
Exhibit B:

Exhibit A was already posted but of course, nobody commented on it........again.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Bhaalspawn said:
On Overthinker, he's actually stopped attacking the dudebro crowd in favor of directing his criticism at the angry portion of gamer community that screams about publishers, greed, easy modes, get worked into a frothing rage the instant they don't get their bottle and generally behave like.... well...

At 20:00. Why fix what isnt broken?

Then again, that is one of the few new videos of the GO on Youtube, i have yet to see the rest (but of course the Screwattack player doesnt work)

Redd the Sock

New member
Apr 14, 2010
JellySlimerMan said:
Bhaalspawn said:
On Overthinker, he's actually stopped attacking the dudebro crowd in favor of directing his criticism at the angry portion of gamer community that screams about publishers, greed, easy modes, get worked into a frothing rage the instant they don't get their bottle and generally behave like.... well...

At 20:00. Why fix what isnt broken?

Then again, that is one of the few new videos of the GO on Youtube, i have yet to see the rest (but of course the Screwattack player doesnt work)
Actually he killed him off again in the next episode. He's doing an homage to (ripping off) DBZ and that was the use of the Freeza / Cell transition right down to himself cosplaying Trunks.

Though I'll agree with the larger rant: at least a few of these list items are things he's egged on and only seems bored once the conversation doesn't totaly shift his way. He has several shows to start more unique conversations, then reads the wiki page on supergirl and lists bad B movies instead. Seems he could be doing a lot better.